Disconnecting with panic attacks: that helps very acutely

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Heart racing, dizziness and sweats - in combination, these symptoms are anything but beautiful. But many people suffer from the classic signs of a panic attack every day. Most of the time she comes out of nowhere and leaves a uncomfortable feeling. But where do panic attacks come from and what can you do to get rid of them again? We have collected the best tips for you.

"Panic attacks are a major burden for those affected," says psychologist Professor Dr. Edgar Geissner. Among other things, because it comes out of the blue and you live with the constant fear that it can be ready again at any time.

The panic usually occurs in everyday situations. In the supermarket or when you sit in a full bus. After a few minutes, the fear usually subsides. The causes of the panic attack are diverse. "Permanent burdens or traumatic experiences are typical causes of anxiety disorders," said the psychologist.

Typical symptoms of a panic attack

Panic attacks come out of nowhere and usually get pretty violent. Typical symptoms of a panic attack are:

  • Pounding strong palpitations
  • dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Fear of death
  • Tremble
  • Shortness of breath
  • The feeling of fainting
  • Stool and urge to urinate
  • Loss of control

After ten to 30 minutes, the symptoms decrease, said Professor Edgar Geissner.

Prevent the panic attacks

If you regularly suffer from panic attacks, you will not be around the cause of the cause and, if necessary, therapy for treating the anxiety disorder. But there are a few tricks with which panic attacks occur less frequently.

  • Reduce stress
  • sleep sufficiently
  • Regular meals
  • Avoid coffee, black & green tea
  • Avoid sugar -rich foods
  • do sports regularly

Quick help with a panic attack

Here are a few help that will help you in the acute situation. However, if you suffer from a panic attack more often, you should seek talking to a psychologist.

Breathe out

With a panic attack, it is often breathed faster and flatter, which promotes fear. If the panic comes over, the first step is to sit upright and breathe deeply and regularly. You take a deep breath, breathe out through your nose and out through your mouth.

Relaxation of the muscles

With an emerging panic attack, the entire body is suddenly tense. And this tension can only worsen the panic and their symptoms. At the first signs of an attack, attention should be paid to relaxation of the individual parts of the body.

The neck can be stretched by turning the head to the left and right and pulling to the shoulder. If a little space is available, you can stretch and stretch the entire body.

Progressive muscle relaxation also helps many affected people: a muscle section is tense for a few seconds and then loosened again. The mindful training means that you perceive your body more consciously and try to find inner peace. There is on YouTubehereNumerous videos.

Reading tip:


Nothing helps as well against a panic attack as distraction. Instead of fear, you should try to focus on something beautiful. The next vacation, an appointment with friends, something to eat that you can do latercan.


Panic attacks often come at a very unfavorable time. For example, if you are at work in a meeting or are involved in an important conversation, so -called "stress rings" can help relieve fear and tension. Small balls are often attached to the rings that can be pushed back and forth. In any case, you can have the situation under control for a brief moment.

The rings are available in many different variants and can be selected as desired. There is a lot of selection of colors and designs on Amazon (Order directly here*).

Allow fear

Even if you concentrate your thoughts on something beautiful, fear should still be allowed. After all, she is there and is not for which you would have to be ashamed. It is helpful when you learn to accept and accept them.

Make aware that fear disappears quickly

An important feature of a panic attack is the relatively short period of time it lasts. In most cases it takes between ten and 30 minutes. You should think about that and calm down through the idea that everything is good again.

How can friends, family & Co. help?

The situation truly recognize

Even if many people are affected by an anxiety disorder and panic attacks, many outsiders do not know how to best help those affected in the situation.

It is important to understand that a panic attack can be expressed individually in every person. But there are often real fears of death, rapid heartbeat and feelings of fainting. To play down these alarming symptoms and try to explain the situation for surreal is the completely wrong way to help the person concerned.

Understanding & gently showing affection

It is better if you take a calm and exhale in order to be able to grasp clear thoughts again. Asks the person what they need now and how you can help. Offers a bottle of water or a snack.

For most people, the first thought is to hug or comfort the data subject. But especially in moments of a panic attack you should hold back and be careful. Everyone reacts differently. Gentle affection through stroking and calming words are better help.

That is why the following also applies here:Ask questions and consensus is the be -all and end -all!So you are always on the right side and may best help to alleviate and soothe the panic attacks.

Long -term help with panic attacks

If you regularly suffer from panic attacks, you should talk to a specialist about your problem. A psychologist can find out the cause of the panic attacks in a therapy and help you to regain control over your body.

So you will find a therapist near you:

Under the following links you can find a therapist near you:

Important NOTE:The information in this article only serves the information and does not replace a diagnosis with a doctor. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should see your doctor.