Helicopter parents: 9 clear signs that you give your child too little freedom

Helicopter parents don't have a good reputation. They are perceived as over-parents who clear their child out of every little obstacle, have declined decisions and have already planned their life in detail.

They are considered a prime example of parents who mean it, but shoot far beyond the target. What you want is to make it as easy as possible for your offspring. They protect him wherever possible, keep him from mistakes.

Reading tip:

The problem that many see in the educational method: "The children are becoming dependent, unaccounted and immensely sophisticated," said Josef Kraus, President of the German Teachers' Association and author of the book 'Helikopter parents' (there is here at Amazon)*.

Also read:

Helicopter children have too easy

He warns against making it too easy for children. In his opinion, children are much more resistant than generally assumed. And he emphasizes that, according to difficult experiences, they often develop new strengths.

And at this point you can ask yourself: "Am I very relaxed when it comes to the upbringing of my children or may I already belong to the helicopter parents category?"

If a large part of the following points should apply to you, you should perhaps think about whether you can not treat your offspring a few more freedom.

Also read:

1. You iron out every error

Your child has taken the window of the neighbors while playing: Instead of sending it across with an apology, you take on it. Just like all other misfolding and mistakes that pass your child.

2. You organize his life

The day of your child is planned in detail. Just play, bum around or play online - your offspring has no time for that! After school and homework, with which you naturally helped, you drive it everywhere by car.

So your offspring visit sports, music or additional English courses with your help, even though it is old enough to drive to his appointments himself. You are on hand with the smallest obstacle. As a helicopter parent, you do everything you can to make your child no mistakes or make false decisions.

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3. You monitor all academic achievements

Homework without you? Unthinkable! You control your child's tasks and help wherever possible. Many helicopter parents then check again very well whether no mistake really crept in. In general, you always have the academic achievements of your offspring. The contact with teachers is very regular, regardless of how good the child is at school.

4. You always have an eye on your child

Your offspring plays with friends outside? That makes you very nervous. You look at your lips every 15 minutes with a flimsy reason whether everything is ok. Which is okay if the child is not older than seven. But if it is older, it should be extremely annoyed.

5. You want to know everything exactly

You know exactly which children your offspring play with. I know the parents, checked the football coach exactly and might put your son into another team because the coach of the first team was not likeable enough. Extremely over-cautious helicopter parents even have an app with which they can target the location of their children at any time.

6. The career of your child is certain

Doesn't matter that your child has just come to kindergarten. His future is clearly certain for you. First the best primary school in the village, then the high school recommended by all and later a business degree or law of law. It depends on where it is better to get a job. Helicopter parents have a very close eye on this.

7. You check each toy exactly

Buy toys because it's nice? Not with you! If your child has a new heart's desire, you first check in forums and 'Stiftung Warentest' editions as to whether this toy is pedagogically valuable. You also always give friends precise instructions which toys you can give your child.

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8. You have something for every eventuality

Chic handbags are pretty - but only something for other women. As a helicopter mom, you have half a travel bag with you, with everything you could need on the way. Paving, bandage, healthy snacks, what to drink, the English vocabulary booklet if there is time to learn ...

9. Your life would be completely without a child without a child

Even if helicopter parents are both working, their lives are still 100 percent of the offspring. Own hobbies, interests - do not exist.

Important NOTE:This article is of course full of clichés. Only because you meet one or the other point does not mean that you are wrong with your child. After all, every child is different and reacts in its own way. It is therefore important that you go into your child and find out which way is the best for you.