Relationship with child: We are parents and are ashamed not to admit that ...

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In advance in the video: How can we become more relaxed as parents?

Tips so that mom and dad become happier.

As a mom and dad, you can get lost in the relationship. What we don't have to be ashamed of. We tell you why this is normal.

Suddenly he is there: the moment when you hold the positive pregnancy test in your hand. On the one hand, joy, on the other hand worry and fears. As a couple, everything changes in such a situation.

The changes can put a lot of strain on a relationship. Not only pregnancy is a huge challenge for both. Life with child is even bigger. But even if you love each other and master the challenge, there are moments when you doubt and love falls by the wayside. But you don't have to be ashamed of such moments. Because they are completely normal and you are not alone.

We are parents and are ashamed not to admit that ...

... we argue who had more free time. Even if it was only a few minutes.

As a couple, somehow you are always in competition. Even if that is not our intention and we don't want that at all. But we unconsciously compare ourselves. Who took care of the child more, who was allowed to spend more time without a child or who often changed the diapers?

That is completely normal. And if these comparisons end in a dispute, you don't have to be ashamed of it.

… Our “Date Nights” mostly consist of sitting next to each other on the sofa after accompanying sleep and staring on the cell phone.

You are not alone with that. As a couple you want to spend time together. But in the whole of everyday stress and chaos you are sometimes just happy when the kids are in bed and you have to take care of nothing anymore and have your peace. Often the togetherness remains on the track. And the evening is spent with videos on Tikk or Instagram.

... we just argue because of little things because we are exhausted and don't feel seen.

Standing up early, long awake times during the night or hours of sleep - parents can be exhausting. You are tired and exhausted. At the same time, we may not feel seen by our partner. In such situations, a little discrepancy can become a huge argument. It doesn't even have to be a real problem. The situation simply overwhelms us and we freak out.

... we often lose ourselves in the hustle and bustle and in chaos, but luckily we find each other again and again.

Suddenly you are mom and dad. Suddenly you are more than a couple of lovers. It can happen that you get lost as a couple in all the hustle and bustle and chaos. Too little time for two, discrepancies in upbringing, disputes about banalities - all of this can lead to you divided. It is important that you do not lose love for one another. Because it makes it possible for you to find each other again in such situations.

… The “ROMAMATE phase” really exists and we feel like colleagues and not as a partner.

The "ROMAMATE phase" describes a phase in the relationship in which one defines less as a lovers, but more than colleagues. You "work" together and you don't "love" together. This is normal, because sometimes there is hardly any time for the partnership between everyday life. You are clamped in appointments, take care of the upbringing of the children and try to maintain your social contacts. It is no reason to be ashamed that love can fall by the wayside.

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