Tips from the professional: What helps if the child doesn't eat vegetables?

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Why children often deny vegetables and what can help

Vegetable children, that sounds like a paradox in the ears of many parents. Because the youngest are happy to spurn everything that could be healthy. But why? And how do you make your child eat more vegetables?

Many children spurn vegetables. But why? And how do you make your child eat more vegetables?

Loving children, that sounds paradoxical in the ears of many parents. Because the youngest are happy to spurn everything that could be healthy. Also at my home. It is sorted and picked until a mountain from carrots, zucchini and co rushes up at the end of the meal on the box.

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And of course I tried to 'explain' my children that vegetables are healthy and that we should all eat it. Of course they didn't care, because if it didn't taste good, it just doesn't taste good. But why is that? Why do so many children like no or only a few vegetables and how can you change that?

There is probably no generally valid answer. Because every child is different, even internal. So while one likes to eat spinach, the other peas, carrots and the like don't even look at. However, there are a few ways to introduce the child to the hated vegetables.

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Why don't children like vegetables?

Do you already have from theheard that fear of the new? In fact, there is also something with food, called food neophobia. And that's exactly what scientists see as a completely normal phase in child development.

In fact, it occurs at 50 - 75 percent of all children, often between the ages of two and six years. This fear of trying new foods protects children from eating dangerous things. But it also means that they refuse new foods. The 'new' vegetables are very often.

In addition, many vegetables contain bitter substances that babies and toddlers simply do not like. Children are born with many more taste buds. They therefore taste more intensely. Many of these taste buds are lost over time. Therefore, a child can hate broccoli and love less than two months later.

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Many people actually taste many vegetables later in life, at the beginning of 20. The best example is probably Brussels sprouts.

5 tips from someone who needs to know.

Someone who knows how to make children eat their vegetables is Miguel Maestre, a well -known chef in his adopted home of Sydney and also the father of two children. In oneInterviewWith the Australian 'Daily Mail', he revealed how to make the little nagging eaters into small vegetable gourmets.

1. Eat together

Miguel was born in Spain and grew up there. TheAlways had a special status. Sitting together at the table and eating together are particularly important for the big chef and his family. Table manners and the right food with a knife and fork are also part of it.

2. Cook together

Miguel says that if you can help with the preparation of the food or even with the choice of food, says Miguel. "If you bake bread, let her do the dough." Even dealing with sharp knives should not be shy away. "This gives children self -confidence and they learn how to deal with it."

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3. Bring the vegetables closer to them

Visit a farm, plant something in the garden or on the balcony together. The election Australian says: "Bring you something about seasonal vegetables like winter vegetables and you will handle the topic of healthy food much more openly."

4. New tastes

Miguel is convinced that children can often be presented with something unknown and new. The children should help mix different tastes. "It is important for children to get to know food from all over the world," said the cook.

5. Stay persistent

The cook is convinced that you should definitely resist the urge to cook especially for the children. "Cut the vegetables into salads or couscous. And if that doesn't help, try something else until you eat it, ”says the cook.

Healthy eating is equally important for children and adults. And because this is the case, I will try to cook more together with and no longer just for the children. Let's see if my little vegetable hater doesn't get a vegetable gourmet!

Do you have other tips? Please let us know on Instagram or on Facebook!

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