This happens when you drink lemon water every day

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That is why lemon water is so healthy

Is lemon water really such a miracle cure? The water can have these positive effects on the body.

Lemon water should be extremely healthy. No wonder that many swear by drinking it every day. We'll tell you what happens when you drink water with lemon every day.

Sauer makes fun - and healthy! Lemons are considered natural home remedies for colds, contain a lot of vitamin C and thus support the immune system. But the daily drinking of lemon water can have even more positive effects.

Recipe for daily lemon water

Wash a lemon hot and halve it. Press the juice of one half into a glass of water (approx. 300 ml), the drink is ready. Here are a few tips for daily lemon water:

  • It's best to drink lemon water in the morning after getting up on an empty stomach.
  • Use lukewarm water. So your body does not have to use additional energy to warm up the cold water for the body.
  • Wait to brush your teeth at least half an hour after drinking. Otherwise the acid in the lemons can attack the enamel.

You can also prepare the lemon water and put several lemons in a carafe with water. The lemon water should not be in the fridge for more than two days. Let the drink warm at room temperature before drinking.

So, and now we get what actually happens when you drink lemon water every day.

1. Your immune system is strengthened

With its vitamin C (up to 50 mg vitamin C per 100 grams lemon), calcium and magnesium, lemon water is a real booster for the immune system. In addition, vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron in the body, which also strengthens the immune system.

But daily lemon water in the morning is not just a good idea. If you have a cold, the water will help combat bacteria in the throat. The yellow fruit has antibacterial and anti -inflammatory properties.

Reading tip:

2. Your digestion is stimulated

You suffer from sluggish digestion? Then lemon water could help you get you going. Drunk on a sober stomach, warm lemon water stimulates the bowel activity.

3. You have more energy

If you drink a glass of lukewarm water every morning, you will wake up faster and feel fitter. The b-vitamins of the lemon stimulate the metabolism. Magnesium and potassium, also contained in lemons, needs our body for optimal function of nerves, muscles and brain changes.

Apart from that, the scent of fresh lemons in the morning can revitalize the mind and ensure an energy kick. A real alternative to coffee!

4. Your skin improves

The antioxidant effect of lemon water can also have a positive effect on your skin. The vitamin C contained stimulates the formation of collages, which means that the skin can look tighter and more flipped. Quasi anti-aging from the inside! In addition, lemon water has inflammation and can therefore help combat pimples and blemishes.

Shopping-Tipp:Support your beautiful skin with a high-quality vitamin C serum,Like this from Amazon*.

5. You have a fresher breath

Lemons have an antibacterial effect. Drinking lemon water can therefore help your breath become fresher. When drinking your mouth is freed from odor -forming bacteria. However, you should be careful when your throat or skin is irritated in your oral cavity. Then the lemon acid can also attack them.

6. You drink more

A practical side effect: lemon water tastes much more exciting than nosed water, which is why we drink more of it as if by ourselves. And a lot to drink is important for health. TheFederal Center for NutritionRecommends adults to drink an average of 1.5 liters a day - and even significantly more in strong heat, dryness or when we do sports.

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Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.