Table of contents
- Who will receive an invitation to mammography?
- Why don't many women go to mammography screening?
- Does a mammography hurt a lot?
- How does mammography screening work?
- What can be discovered via mammography?
- Advantages and disadvantages of mammography
- There are these early detection investigations
- Link tips
Who will receive an invitation to mammography?
At some point she lies in the mailbox. The invitation to mammography. As a rule, this happens around a woman's 50th birthday. Incidentally, the information about who is entitled to take part in the screening or who has turned 50 come from the local residents' registration register.
In the letter you will find an appointment proposal near him and the information that participation is of course voluntary.
I admit: If this letter is in front of you, you are irritated and briefly think about whether it is attacking that someone made an appointment for me in a specific screening center and why does not run through the treating gynecologist.
Nevertheless: Anyone who knows a number of people who have a number of breast cancer will appreciate this appointment service, as I would call it.
The fact is:Every year, more than 70,000 women develop breast cancer.OneStatistics of the Robert Koch InstituteIt says that in 2019 there were 71,375 for women in Germany and 760 new diseases for breast cancer among men. This means that this type of cancer remains by far the most common cancer in women.
The program of mammography screening is intended to complement the annual cancer screening with the gynecologist. Women between 50 and 75 are allowed to take part in this program - do not have to do it.According to theHeidelberg Universitytake around 50 percent of the women invited every year.
The age limit in the legal detection program for mammography screening was increased from 69 years to 75 years in 2024.
Why don't many women go to mammography screening?
The rather low number of participants has several reasons. On the one hand, the screening program runs regardless of the treating gynecologist. However, many women prefer to carry out mammography in their known environment.
Another reason: Some women are privately insured or have already carried out a mammography away from the official screening. In addition to forgotten and non-matching appointments, it is also the concern of side effects due to the radiation exposure to the X-ray, the concern for pain and-a common reason-reports of many false-positive findings during the examination.
This is also confirmed by the deputy state chair of the professional association of gynecologist, Dörte Meisel, opposite theTime: “On the one hand, women were afraid and are unsettled. Many false-positive findings are repeatedly reported. "
Despite all these reasons:There are changes in the chest that are neither turmacle nor visible in ultrasound.Here the mammography can close a gap. If you are unsure, you should ask your treating doctor whether mammography is important in your case or whether the previous provision is sufficient.
Grab breast: This is how it works
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Does a mammography hurt a lot?
Of course you hear again and again that the breast is squeezed heavily in mammography, which is supposed to be painful. There is even a scale on the Internet on which women show the pain. Experience and forum contributions and other beautiful things you can do with Dr. Google usually finds. I also searched for the first information for myself. Do I have to be afraid or not?
Now, one day after the screening, I have to say: I could have used my time better than to look at scales about pain intensities. Because: everything is really half as wild.
Of course, the sensation of pain is different for everyone. But it's really not bad. The entire examination usually only takes 10 minutes. The breasts are squeezed only for a few seconds. The feeling: yes, it's tight and presses badly, but really not wild.
Here is a little process of what exactly comes to you when you are invited to mammography:
How does mammography screening work?
You should consider that in advance
If you are invited to the appointment, bring the invitation and the completed questionnaire that you have sent by post. This is about possible previous illnesses. Then think about the health insurance card. Tighten normally and go.
Important (this is also in the invitation): In the morning no body lotion / cream use for the upper body and also no deodorant. The reason: Both could be blurred or blurred, since plexiglass panes work here. There would be a whitish deodorant on the glass of suboptimal.
Piercings and other jewelry should also be stored for the examination.
Also read:
This is how the examination runs
As a rule, only women are sitting in the waiting room. There is a strange connection that cannot be described at all. All women smiled at me slightly when they got out of the examination room and said goodbye. Such a smile, that says: It was very simple. No fear.
When you are on, you will be assigned a small room in which you completely undress the upper body and then get through the second door in the room into the examination room. All personal items remain well secured in the changing room.
If you are reluctant to show yourself naked, you can certainly lie down a cloth over your shoulders. But shame is rather unnecessary here because you are in the room for two.
A medical specialist then instructs you how you have to face the approximately breast -high apparatus so that the X -rays can be taken.
How often is the breast X -rayed?
For this, each breast is recorded individually, each twice. A recording is made, in which the breast is pressed together in the horizontal, so that the rays penetrate the breast tissue from top to bottom (technical term: craniocaudal) and once from an oblique position (technical term: mediolateral oblique).
It is necessary to press the breast together so that the rays can penetrate the breast better and the radiation dose can be kept as low as possible. That can hurt, but it really only takes a few seconds.
Tip: having an eye on the cycle reduces pain
Tip: If you always have to do with tensions and pain in the breasts around your period, you should ideally put the appointment in such a way that you do not fall exactly in the part of the cycle where you have the symptoms.
As a rule, however, the slight pain is easy for the perceived 10-15 seconds that are necessary for each recording.
Reading tip:
What does squeezed mean now?
Why the whole squirrel? Well, so that the X -ray image succeeds, an area has to be made from a fairly round object, the chest. Therefore, you put your chest in the way of a storage in front of one that is set exactly at breast height.
Then a kind of plexiglass pane is pressed onto the chest from above and then carefully screwed down and then found. If it is too firm, you can give loud here at any time.
Then the medical specialist goes behind the protective wall in order not to get any rays, says "please do not breathe" and triggers the X -ray. The whole procedure then has a total of four times.
Then you can get dressed again and the X -rays are evaluated by two specialists. Then you will be informed about the result by phone or post within two weeks.
What if there are abnormalities?
If the finding is unclear, furtherX -rays and an ultrasound examinationbe made. Even if that does not bring clarification, a tissue sample ("biopsy") can provide clarity. Here you differentiate oneStamp biopsy and a vacuum biopsy. Both studies are not really pleasant, but you get a local anesthetic.
You will receive the finding from the tissue samples a few days later, usually by call.
What to do if the finding of the biopsy is striking?
If you receive a finding that makes further therapies or surgical intervention necessary, you will recommend breast cancer centers near you, where you can make an appointment to discuss everything else. But your own gynecologist or general practitioner can also be a first point of contact.
The diagnosis "that there is something" is usually very stressful for the women in question. Here you should search directly, information and help. Certified breast cancer centers can be found here on the side of theGerman Society for Senology.
Tip: Dr. In this case, Google should not be tried or at least the pages you visit always check exactly for their seriousness. Otherwise you may drive yourself unnecessarily.
Also read:
What can be discovered via mammography?
The X -ray of the breast can provide information about the following changes in the breast:
- Knot in the chest
- Thickening
- Breast fabric disorders
- Lime deposits
Also read:
Advantages and disadvantages of mammography
Disadvantages:Every additional radiation exposure from the X -ray is of course a disadvantage. The burden is loudExpertHowever, less than with a transatlantic flight.
In addition, there is often a "over therapy" among the women concerned. According to theGerman Cancer SocietyIn individual cases there can be so -called "false positive" findings. This means that the suspicion of a malignant tumor is expressed, which unsettles women and who then turns out to be wrong in clarification by biopsy.
Advantages:According to a study by researchers of theUniversity of Münstercan be recognized earlier by screening in a particularly aggressive breast cancer. The age group between 50 and 69 in particular can benefit from this.
There are changes or tumors in the chest that are not visible in ultrasound and which are also not to be felt in the tactile examination. Mammography and the examination in the MRI with contrast medium are helpful for this.
Discuss with your gynecologist or your gynecologist how high your risk is to develop breast cancer and which procedures are suitable for you.
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There are these early detection investigations
1. At the gynecologist or gynecologist
There is an early detection program for breast cancer that offers women aged 30 and over an annual tactile examination with a doctor.
2. In the mammography center
In addition, women between the ages of 50 and 69 as part of the mammography screening program have the opportunity to go to mammography every two years, i.e. an X-ray examination of the breast.
3. Grab even
The most important provision, but women can do for themselves, is your own breast palpation - and regularly. If there are abnormalities, it is best to have the gynecologist ((s) clarify the next time you visit.
4. Breast ultrasound
As a rule, this service is not paid by the health insurance companies. But it makes sense especially for women with dense breast tissue. Gynecologists often recommend making mammography every second year and breast ultrasound every first year. The costs are around 25 to 60 euros per investigation and are borne by the patient.
5. MRT
In certain suspected cases, an MRI with contrast medium is also used. In this way, tissue changes can be recognized using the contrast medium by means of enrichment.
-> The exact recommendations can also be found here at theGerman Breast Groupomitted.
Link tips
All information about mammography screening can also be found here on these pages:
- Federal Ministry of Health
- On the website of theMammography cooperation community
- Pinkribbon Germany
- Health
- Are you looking for the responsible screening unit that is responsible for your place of residence?Here you will find them quickly and free of charge.
Important NOTE:This article is only for information. This does not replace a diagnosis at the doctor or advice from the pharmacist. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or pharmacist