12 exercises, 7 minutes: Your full-body workout is that easy

Fast and effective: What can the 7-minute super training High Intensity Interval Training – HIIT for short – invented by scientists do?

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A good workout doesn't have to last forever - just a few minutes can be enough if the intensity is right. Compact workouts are particularly ideal for people who have little time or only want to integrate short sessions into their everyday life. With the right choice of exercises and enough effort, you can keep fit and get in shape without spending hours training.

The 7-minute workout, a form of high intensity interval training, has now become a classic. 12 exercises that target all muscle groups are performed in quick succession. Otherwise you need: your own body weight, a chair, a free wall and ideally a stopwatch (here at Amazon*). The workout is ideal to do anywhere - whether at home, on vacation or in the office.

The program was developed by the two sports scientists Brett Klika and Chris Jordan from the Human Performance Institute. The goal: maximum success with minimal effort.

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This is what the 7-minute workout feels like

Your heart rate increases noticeably, you start to sweat a lot and towards the end you reach your limits a little and perhaps can no longer do the same number of repetitions that you had planned. Don't worry, it will get better over time and you'll achieve more in each 30 seconds. If you are wondering how high the intensity should be, imagine your strength as a scale that ranges from light to strong or from 1 to 10. For the 7-minute workout you choose a higher level, 8 is ideal.

Each exercise, whether squat or support, is performed for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest for transition. The specified order should be adhered to.

Tipp:Fitness doesn't just mean doing sports, but also eating healthy. Whether for losing weight, building muscle or for a healthy diet:Create your individual nutrition plan here*.

The workout can be easily combined:

The 12 exercises of the 7-minute workout

7 Minute Workouts – Exercise 1 & 2

Exercise 1: Hampelmann, Exercise 2: WandsitzCredit:iStock

Exercise 1:Hampelman

Exercise 2:Wandsitz

7 Minute Workouts – Exercises 3 & 4

Exercise 3: Push-ups, Exercise 4: CrunchesCredit:iStock

Exercise 3:Push-ups

Exercise 4:Crunches

7 Minute Workouts – Exercises 5 & 6

Exercise 5: Step-up, Exercise 6: SquatsCredit:iStock

Exercise 5:Step-up

Exercise 6:Squats

7 Minute Workouts – Exercises 7 & 8

Exercise 7: Triceps Dips, Exercise 8: PlankCredit:iStock

Exercise 7:Triceps-Dips

Exercise 8:Forearm support (plank)

7 Minute Workouts – Exercises 9 & 10

Exercise 9: Knees up, Exercise 10: LungesCredit:iStock

Exercise 9:Knees up

Exercise 10:Lunges (lunches)

7 Minute Workouts – Exercises 11 & 12

Exercise 11: Push-up with rotation, Exercise 12: Side forearm supportCredit:iStock

Exercise 11:Push-up with rotation

Exercise 12:Side forearm support

7-minute workout: All exercises at a glance

By the way, Chris Jordan describes the 7-minute workout as quite “unpleasant” – sounds logical, you only have 7 minutes to work yourself out. But that can certainly be overcome, it's only a few minutes.

7-minute workout: All exercises at a glanceCredit:iStock

The training usually lasts 7 minutes. For better success, the developers recommend repeating the training two to three times.

Digital support

It's practical if you can set a timer that shows you when it's time for the next exercise. There are also apps for your smartphone that show you how to train. Some of these are available free of charge in the respective app store.

Smartwatches are ideal, for example from Fitbit, Fossil or Polar; these record your heart rate and steps. They are also the perfect training partner because some smartwatches also have saved workouts that you can train.You can buy a Polar fitness watch at SportScheck.*

Shop fitness look: shirts, shoes, watches and pants for your workout!

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Who is the 7-minute workout for?

Basically, any healthy person can do the 7-minute workout. Athletes can use it to spice up their training and maintain the level when time is short.
The best:The desired afterburn effect begins with this training. This means that the body is stimulated by the short interval training so that the metabolism and oxygen content are increased for a few hours and the body burns more calories than in the normal state.

The following applies to beginners and those who don't like sports: Give yourself time to get used to it, in which you don't immediately reach your limits, because then the risk of injury is relatively high and there is a risk of cardiovascular problems. If you are unsure whether your health permits training, you should consult your doctor beforehand.

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.