Smoke-free into the New Year: Tips so you can finally do it!

Do you want to quit smoking but still need a lot of extra motivation? We'll tell you how good it is for your health and what tips you can use to finally become smoke-free.

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Every year at the beginning of the year, many people try to get rid of unpleasant and sometimes harmful vices and habits. Quitting smoking or vaping is at the top of many people's list. For many, the beginning of the year is the right time to make lifestyle changes.

In addition to the desire to lose a few kilos, to endure “Dry January” and avoid alcohol, or to endure “Veganuary” and avoid meat, quitting smoking is a recurring challenge for some smokers year after year.

Reason Number 1:Smoking is bad for your health

About 127,000 people die every yearGermany from the consequences of tobacco consumption. Smoking causes a third of all cancers (Lung cancer, mouth cancer, lip cancer, throat cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, pancreatic cancer,esophageal canceror uterine cancer) and other serious illnesses such asCOPDorarteriosclerosisout of.

The other harmful health effects are no less dangerous: Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke as well as the risk of developing an enlarged artery (aneurysm) or inflammation of the arteries (arteritis) in the lower limbs.

In our article onYou will find out some other reasons why it is worth quitting smoking. In addition to the health of yourself and others, we will also explain something about tobacco consumption, which is a money-waster.

Tobacco withdrawal: a difficult time

The desire to smoke only stops after several months. Even years later, a single cigarette is enough to reawaken the latent need and revive the addiction.

There are three dimensions of addiction, all of which must be taken into account if one wants to definitely quit smoking:

1. Environmental or behavioral factors:The need to smoke can be triggered by certain situations such as stress, people and places.

2. Psychological factors:The cigarette is a means of getting a little pleasure, coping with stress or anxiety, concentrating or stimulating...

This effect is caused by the nicotine contained in the cigarette: a substance that triggers euphoria and relaxation, stimulates intellectually, has an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant effect and eliminates the feeling of hunger. Anyone who quits smoking also knows that they may gain weight if they do so, and that is a crucial inhibiting factor!

3. Physical factors:Here too, nicotine is responsible for physiological dependence.

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Quit smoking with apps

Most smokers find it difficult to finally stop reaching for the smoke. You can get support directly on your smartphone with apps. One of the most popular app models in this country is the program “Non-smoking heroes„.

Many health insurance companies cover at least some of the costs. Preparations for quitting smoking are specifically prepared using video coaching and lots of informative materials. Following the program there is a period of relapse prevention.

Most app providers not only collect statistics about smoking behavior, but also track, among other things, the financial effect that giving up cigarettes has on your wallet.

The 'Smoke Free' app is ideal for a personalized stop-smoking plan with a goal. If you want a little more motivation and also collect points like in a game, then the 'Kwit' app is probably best.

And if you're looking for motivated comrades-in-arms, you can contact the 'Quit Now!' community. exchange ideas with other fellow sufferers. These apps are available for Android and iOS, some with free entry-level versions.

Quit smoking: The body gets fit again

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Even if it's difficult, it's worth quitting smoking because you'll quickly be rewarded with an improvement in your overall physical condition:

  • After 20 minutes, blood pressure and heart rhythm return to normal.
  • After 8 hours, the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood was halved.
  • After 24 hours, the lungs begin to secrete the mucus and smoke deposits.
  • After 48 hours, the sense of taste and bad breath improve.
  • After 72 hours, breathing becomes easier.
  • After a few weeks, the cough and feeling of fatigue disappear. You get more air again.
  • After 1 year, the risk of a heart attack is only half as great.
  • After 5 years, the risk of developing lung cancer has fallen by almost half.
  • After more than 10 years you can reach the same life expectancy as a non-smoker.

Quit smoking: The most popular tools for quitting smoking

If you want to stop smoking, you need one thing above all: a strong will! Every second smoker quits cigarettes without any help. Nevertheless, there are now numerous ways to make this difficult step a little easier:

1. The nicotine replacement preparations or NRT (nicotine replacement therapy):
These medications are available from pharmacies without a prescription and are aimed at alleviating the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Nicotine replacement products are available in different forms: patches, chewing gum, lozenges or nicotine sprays.

2. Antidepressants:
If necessary, the doctor can prescribe psychotropic medication for particularly addicted smokers.

3. Behavioral therapy:
Cognitive behavioral therapy, for example, is intended to change thinking. The goal is to change your own behavior and your ingrained thought patterns. The group offer funded by the BZgA, for example, also works with this methodSmoke-free program. This is the ideal help to avoid relapsing during the coffee break if someone is smoking at the next table... You also learn to cope with stress without a cigarette.

So far, only these three methods have proven successful in quitting smoking. However, there are also other aids whose effectiveness is not yet certain: acupuncture, homeopathy, hypnosis, mesotherapy, auriculotherapy, phytotherapy or relaxation therapy.

You can find a huge number of other offers in various classified ads on the Internet. Be careful, there are also many charlatans! In order to protect yourself from this, it is important to inform yourself. Many health insurance companies offer information about smoking cessation programs, and you can also ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Alternatives to cigarettes

There are various alternatives to cigarettes that may be less harmful. One of the most innovative developments in this area are tobacco heaters. The best-known providers include IQOS and Ploom, both of which, according to the manufacturers, contain up to 95% fewer harmful substances than a conventional cigarette.

Nicotine patches, chewing gum or inhalers are popular smoke-free alternatives to make it easier for smokers to quit.

So-called vapes, a form of e-cigarette, are now also available without nicotine. However, it is important to note that these products can also pose health risks and it is best to avoid smoking altogether.

Quit smoking: Further information options

The best way to stop smoking is to seek advice from your family doctor or a counseling center. The counseling centers are familiar with the problem and therefore have the necessary expertise to get smokers on the right path depending on their level of dependence, personality, motivation, age, state of health and financial situation. In addition, some health insurance companies encourage their members' efforts to quit, for example through bonus programs.

You can find more information on the website of the Federal Center for Health Education:www.rauchfrei-info.deor at theHotline 0 800 8 31 31 31.

Sources and further information:

Important NOTE:The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace a diagnosis from a doctor. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints, you should contact your doctor.