Relieve heartburn naturally: 8 effective home remedies you need to know

It burns like fire and is quite unpleasant: heartburn has become a real common problem. But medication is often not necessary because there are effective home remedies that help against heartburn.

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Eating too quickly or too fatty, not being able to tolerate something, stress at work, a hearty holiday meal or a glass of red wine too much - many people experience acid belching and an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus. More than a third of Germans regularly suffer from heartburn. But how does heartburn actually occur and what can you do about it?

How does heartburn occur?

When acidic gastric juice flows back into the esophagus, it is called heartburn. Normally, a sphincter ensures that everything stays where it belongs. If the sphincter does not properly seal the junction between the stomach and the esophagus, acidic gastric juice can enter the esophagus and cause the unpleasant burning sensation.

The causes of heartburn are as varied as the home remedies and medications that help against it. An incorrect diet is often to blame for the unpleasant burning sensation. Food that is too fatty or spicy, too much coffee, carbonated drinks or sweets can trigger heartburn.

Heartburn is also quite common during pregnancy - hormones cause the sphincter muscle to temporarily relax. The causes are usually harmless, so heartburn can be easily combated with home remedies.

How does heartburn occur?Credit:Adobe Stock

Heartburn as a symptom:Anyone who constantly suffers from this should consult a doctor as a precaution. Because chronic heartburn is the most important symptomgastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). Infections or certain medications can also trigger reflux. Stress can also lead to heartburn.

The best home remedies for heartburn

Medication or rather home remedies? Anyone who regularly suffers from heartburn has probably already tried a few things. The easiest way is to take tablets from the pharmacy that you chew and swallow quickly after eating. But there are also many home remedies that help with heartburn, which are just as easy to have on hand and which are completely natural.

#1 Home remedy for heartburn: Potato juice binds acid

Potato juice? Exactly, that's the juice from potatoes. It's available at the pharmacy or health food store for anyone who doesn't want to press their own potatoes. Potato juice is a very good home remedy for heartburn because the juice binds the acid and prevents heartburn.

SeaProf. Dr. med. Sigrun Chrubasikfrom the Freiburg University Hospital is to take 100 milliliters of the potato drink in the morning and evening. If the symptoms do not go away after a month despite taking the medication, you should consult your family doctor.

>> Order potato juice directly from DocMorris*.

#2 Home remedies for heartburn: Almonds bind excess stomach acid

Almonds or hazelnuts are good to nibble on between meals. They contain plenty of valuable minerals and fatty acids. And: They also help with heartburn because they bind excess stomach acid.

Nuts are said to help bind excess stomach acid.Credit:iStock

#3 Home remedies for heartburn: Flax seeds relieve the pain

Flaxseeds are a small miracle cure for a wide range of ailments. Sprinkled over muesli, it gets the intestines moving and helps with constipation.
Boiled in water and strained, you have a slightly slimy, gel-like liquid that can be taken throughout the day, about two tablespoons after a meal. The linseed gel has a soothing effect and supports the mucous membrane.

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#4 Home remedies for heartburn: Healing clay binds stomach acid

Healing clay is available as a powder or in capsules. It has proven itself as a home remedy for gastrointestinal complaints because the minerals it contains bind excess stomach acid and have an anti-inflammatory effect. If you suffer from heartburn more often, you can take a healing clay treatment - either as capsules or powder.

#5 Home remedies for heartburn: Chamomile tea calms the stomach

Chamomile has a calming effect and is therefore a common home remedy for gastrointestinal complaints. As a tea it is also effective against heartburn. In addition to chamomile tea will helpor herbal teas with caraway.

Herbal tea calms the stomach.Credit:iStock

#6 Home remedies for heartburn: Oatmeal works

A breakfast withis perfect for anyone who often struggles with heartburn. The grains bind the stomach acid and help against the burning sensation. In acute cases, simply chew one or two tablespoons of dry oatmeal thoroughly.

#7 Home remedies for heartburn: Milk helps against the burning sensation

Milk and dairy products are also said to relieve the burning sensation and combat heartburn. Simply drink a glass of low-fat milk or enjoy a low-fat yogurt in small spoons.

#8 Home remedies for heartburn: Imperial baking soda neutralizes the acid

Many people know baking soda from the bakery. The salt can also help with heartburn because it binds excess stomach acid.

Find an individual strategy

You can find out which methods work best for you by trying them out individually. The effects of home remedies for heartburn are just as varied as the causes - while oatmeal works best for some people, potato juice works best for others. And remember, even home remedies reach their limits at some point. If you are bothered by heartburn and are in pain, then consult your doctor.

Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care

Important NOTE:This article is for informational purposes only and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or acute symptoms, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice at the pharmacy. The medical on-call service can be reached via the nationwide number 116117.