Selfish, arrogant and ego-related. We connect these properties to narcissists. For these people, the world is only about themselves. They want to be the focus and leave others and their needs no space. In relationships, too, narcissists ruthlessly behave and are manipulative. Not only the partnership suffers, but above all the partner.
But we can not only encounter narcissists in relationships, they also stand out at work. You can find out from us how you recognize a narcissist or a narcissist in professional life and how to deal with these people.
Narcissists in the job: that means narcissus muss
The term "narcissism" goes back to the narrative of Narcissus from Greek mythology. The legend is about a young beautiful man who fell in love with his own reflection. In the desperate attempt to take its reflection on the water surface, narcissus tragically drowns.
And that's exactly what narcissist is about. They are extremely self -in love, which not only suffers others, but also themselves. Because narcissism is a serious personality disorder.
People with a narcissistic personality disorder behave enormously and overestimate themselves. By admiring your own skills and presenting yourself as something better, do others small. Contrary to their outward behavior, those affected suffer from a very low self -esteem that they try to compensate.
Reading tip:
We can meet narcissists anywhere. However, it becomes particularly difficult if we are confronted with these people in a professional context. This can be the colleague who constantly speaks of himself and always pushes himself to the fore or the boss, who treats the other condescending and feels superior.
Attention: There is a difference between narcissism and a healthy self -confidence. Not everyone who likes to hear himself is a narcissist or a narcissist. However, there are clear features where you can see a person with a narcissistic personality disorder.
Narcissists in the job: You recognize a narcissist from that
In the job you can recognize narcissists, among other things, by the fact that you overestimate your own achievements. This can already be seen in the application. They are convinced that nobody is better for the job than they do. In the application, they use terms that focus on their high intelligence, their ambition and their quick grasp. This arouses high expectations for HR staff. After all, these cannot fulfill narcissists. Because they overestimate their own skills.
Narcissists behave arrogant and selfish to colleagues. You are firmly convinced that you can best do all the tasks yourself. You cannot deal with criticism. They feel they are attacked immediately and react indignantly. If you make mistakes, you have all responsibility.
Precisely because narcissists talk about themselves in the highest tones, sooner or later notices that they do not bring the achievements that are expected from them. However, people with a narcissistic personality can sell well. And so it is not uncommon for you to find yourself quickly in a leadership position. They are very manipulative and manage to convince others. They use others for their purposes and only think of their own advantages.
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Narcissists in the job: So you should meet a narcissist
Dealing with narcissists is not easy in any area of everyday life. Often, those affected do not even deny that they are narcissists. Because in their view, their narcissism is not a problem. On the contrary, they even see their great self -esteem as a strength and do not notice that they overestimate themselves.
But how do you deal with these people? If your colleague has a narcissistic personality disorder, you should first try to accept it and have no expectations. In no way take the words of the narcissist personally. It has nothing to do with you.
Don't expect empathy from narcissists. Always be aware that a narcissist or narcissist only thinks of herself and her own needs. So think carefully about what you tell him or her. If you leave your relationship on a superficial basis, you cannot be disappointed.
Always meet narcissists with a critical look. Of course, without showing that openly. Then you quickly notice if they are trying to manipulate you and can counteract.
Gives him or her recognition. Narcissists are as sensitive to praise than hardly anyone. It encourages them in their actions. If you praise your narcissistic superiors or college*in, you will face him or her. And you can only benefit from that. Please don't make you an enemy. Because that can have a very disadvantage for you. Narcissists could then convince others that you are the problem and raise them against you.
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You can also talk to colleagues about the problems with a narcissist or a narcissist in a professional context. So you can give each other tips and don't feel alone. Overall, you should always make it clear that narcissism is a personality disorder and that those affected are not aware of their negative behavior. Take this as a mantra to keep building you.
Of course, you should strengthen your own self -confidence and make yourself aware that you do a great job. You are not the problem. However, if you realize that you are only unhappy at work through the narcissistic boss or the narcissistic boss, you should think about whether a change of job is a solution.