Abdominal pain without menstruation can have many causes. Here you can find out what can be behind the pulling and pushing in the abdomen.
Table of contents
- Abdominal pain without period: Pregnant?
- Severe abdominal pain due to endometriosis
- Drawing and pressure in the abdomen due to intestinal problems
- Abdominal pain without periods due to appendicitis
- Drawing and pressure in the abdomen due to the uterus
- What can relieve abdominal pain?
Anyone who believes that women have the misfortune of abdominal pain all to themselves is wrong. So-called gynecological problems are not always the cause of abdominal pain. Men may also experience abdominal pain.
However, it actually happens more often to women: or period pain,or pregnancies outside the uterus and all sorts of other causes can cause women to experience really nasty abdominal pain.
But appendicitis or bladder stones can also cause severe abdominal pain. So that you understand where pain and cramps in the lower abdomen can come from, we explain possible causes here.
Abdominal pain is not always a cause for concern. Especially if the pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by other complaints, you should pay close attention to your body. Any sudden pain should definitely alert you. Abdominal pain can also be a warning sign of serious illnesses.
Possible causes of abdominal pain without periods:
- Hymenal atresia (in girls)
- Vaginal atresia (in girls)
- Cysts in the uterus, ovarian cysts
- Inflammation of the fallopian tubes or ovaries
- Uterine prolapse
- Fibroids
- Inguinal hernia
- Intestinal obstruction
- Pyelonephritis
- pregnancy
Abdominal pain without period: Pregnant?
Pregnancy can also cause some women to experience non-specific pain in the lower abdomen that feels like their period is coming soon. But if it doesn't happen and you had unprotected sex during your cycle, you should have one to be on the safe sidemake. A urine test can show a reliable result from the second to third day of the missed period.
Special case: ectopic pregnancy
If there is severe abdominal pain that feels different than “normal” menstrual cramps and bleeding occurs, this can also be a problempresent. The fertilized egg does not implant in the uterus, but in one of the two fallopian tubes or in the abdominal cavity.
However, the frequency of such an extrauterine pregnancy is only 1 to 2%. If you have severe abdominal pain that lasts several days, you should definitely see a doctor.
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Severe abdominal pain due to endometriosis
Endometriosis can also be responsible for severe abdominal pain in women. The uterine lining grows not only in the uterine cavity, but also outside the uterus.
Severe pain during your period is typical. However, the pain can also occur at another time in the menstrual cycle. Often not only the lower abdomen hurts, but also the back.
It often takes a long time before the diagnosis of endometriosis is made and affected women sometimes suffer excruciating agony until they receive individual treatment. You can find out more about the topic here.
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Drawing and pressure in the abdomen due to intestinal problems
Digestion can also be a cause of abdominal pain. Then it can be helpfulto relieve the strain on the stomach and intestines. If the abdominal pain occurs more often after eating, there may be a food intolerance or a chronic intestinal disease.
In order to determine an intolerance or an illness, the symptoms that occur should be discussed with a doctor.
Abdominal pain without periods due to appendicitis
Appendicitis can also be the cause of abdominal pain without periods. In the case of appendicitis, the pain initially occurs in the middle of the abdomen and moves to the lower right abdomen within a few hours. Then it's time to go to the hospital! The inflamed appendix must be removed quickly.
Other symptoms of appendicitis include:
- cramping abdominal pain
- Vomit
- Fever
- nausea
- Diarrhea or constipation
Note for pregnant women: Due to pregnancy, the pain that otherwise occurs on the right side of the lower abdomen may be displaced and located somewhere else.
The health portalOnmeda.deprovides further medical informationAppendicitis.
Drawing and pressure in the abdomen due to the uterus
Severe abdominal cramps or pain can also originate from the uterus. In women going through menopause, a prolapsed uterus can often be a reason for pain in the lower abdomen. The organ sinks into the small pelvis, which can cause pulling in the abdomen. The pain can often also be felt in the lower back.
Even mothers who have just given birth can experience abdominal pain without periods due to a prolapsed uterus.
Reading tip:
Abdominal pain without periods due to fibroids
Myomas (uterine myomatous) can also be a reason for abdominal pain. These can occur between the ages of 20 and 50 in women, the website reportsGynecologists online. Fibroids are benign tumors that can grow in the tissue of the uterus.
If they are very large, the tumors can also press on other organs and become unpleasant. Severe menstrual pain can occur, as can frequent urination or pain during sex. In addition to the symptoms, the therapy depends primarily on the age of the patient and, for example, whether family planning has already been completed.
Abdominal pain without periods due to cystitis
You have stabbing and cramping pains, similar to severe ones, and does it burn when you urinate? Then one canbe the trigger for the abdominal pain. See a doctor straight away and get treated.
What can relieve abdominal pain?
Many sufferers report that, apart from medication, heat is particularly good for them. There are very different ways to use these, from belly wraps to hot water bottles and grain pillows.
Also heated bandages (here at Amazon*), which are actually used for back pain, are simply worn with the warming side on the stomach to relieve abdominal cramps.
More about this:
Gynecologists online
Important NOTE:The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not replace a diagnosis from a doctor. If you have any uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints, you should contact your doctor. The medical on-call service can be reached via the nationwide number 116117.
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