Learn hand reading: this meaning have a lifeline & Co.

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With our hands we can create great things every day - but they can do much more than that. If you want to experience more about your love luck or possibly even your future, your hand can provide you with a lot of answers.

But reading is a great art that can only be understood with the right interpretation. Rather, it is comparable to the analysis of the manuscript of a person and requires a lot of patience and intuition.

We'll tell you what to consider when reading and how you can correctly interpret and interpret the lines to find your personal happiness.

Start your hero trip with the sun's sign in the horoscope

Hand reading: chirology and chiromancy

There are two hand reading techniques: chirology and chiromancy. In chirology, hand and finger shape, fingernails, skin texture and manual lines are examined. From this, statements are made about the character, health, hidden potential, the strengths and weaknesses, talents and even possible challenges in life.

Hand reading technology chiromancy is more about a kind of future formation, because it adds a time factor. Based on the individual lines and nature, you believe that you can manifest different phases of life and past and coming events. Became curious? You yourself can teach yourself the most important basic knowledge of hand reading. We tell you how!

Reading tip:

Which hand is best suited?Credit:stock

The basics of hand reading: which hand?

As is known, our right brain controls our left half of the body and our left brain half of our right half of the body. The right brain is responsible for emotions and the unconscious. The left for conscious and logical thinking. This can also be read on the hands. Both hands are therefore analyzed when reading the hand. The left hand, also inheritance, stands for the unconscious and shows our original systems and what awaits us in life. The right hand, the so -called developmental hand, stands for conscious and shows what has been experienced from the past and the present and our plans.

Learn hand reading: This is how it works!

Sit down a table in good light, put your hand with the back of the hand and look closely at the hand inner area. Tip: To see the wide lines, you should spread your hand. You can better recognize the fine manual lines if you bend your hand slightly. So none of the important lines are avoided.

Also read:- Everything you should know about it

What do I have to pay attention to when reading?

When reading the hand, it is not only the length, position and direction of the individual lines, but also how clearly they stand out, so how deeply furrowed they are. Branches, interruptions or other abnormalities are also crucial, because everything has a meaning when reading. For example, the depth of a line can show how intensively this factor will play in your life.

The most important lines of hand reading

  • Lifeline
  • Head line
  • Heart line
  • Line of fate
The most important lines of the hand at an overviewCredit:gofemin

Hand reading: Lifeline

Don't worry, the lifeline does not show when someone will die. So it does not show the length of life, but rather stands for vitality, physical fitness, well -being and vitality. If the line is particularly pronounced and long, this testifies to good health and constitution. If it is wide, this stands for a person with a good immune system who rarely gets sick. A short line, testifies to a not so good vitality and a predisposition for certain diseases. Gaps in the line can also indicate large changes or a serious illness.

Hand reading: head line

On the head line we can read information about intelligence, concentration skills, thinking processes and rationality. If it is particularly pronounced, this testifies to good concentration and high intelligence. If she has ramifications up, this speaks for creativity and creative skills. A straight line is that someone is more of a head person who thinks and acts very rationally.

Hand reading: heart line

The heart line, as the name suggests, is about feelings, happiness in love and relationships. The clearer the line can be seen, the happier relationships. Interruptions stand for separations and complicated relationships. A deep, very red line stands for passion and a big heart. The longer the line is, the sooner the person can be guided by feelings. Jealousy, in turn, shows up with a very long, deep, straight line.

Hand read: line of fate

The line of fate provides information about properties that make up the personality, such as your own profession, determination and perseverance. If the one is disciplined and assertive, the line is particularly pronounced. Gaps in the line testify to changes in the job. A long line of fate indicates that the one was on his own feet early. In some people, however, this line is hardly to be seen, which testifies that they do not want to commit themselves, will certainly let them drive and go through life without a precise goal.

Other, less important lines of hand reading

  • Sunline
  • Venus ring
  • Line of love
  • Rasett

Hand reading: sunline

Anyone who has the sunline is a lucky child. This line stands for attraction, warmth, success, popularity - in short: people who stand on the sunny side of life. Not everyone has this line. If it is missing, in return means that the person has to make more effort in life to be lucky. However, if the sun line begins at the outside edge of the hand, this can also stand for a moody and unstable person or for different places of residence in life.

Shopping: Venus ring

The venus ring runs like an arc between the index and middle fingers. This is about partnership, before and sex life. Thus, several lines also stand for several marriages or relationships, a clear, straight line, for a happy marriage. A broken line stands for separations. A chain -shaped venus ring stands for complicated relationships. Shouts for someone who often makes himself very dependent on his partner.

Hand reading: love lines

The love lines stand for the number of real love relationships that you have in life. The closer the line goes towards the heart line, the earlier this love begins. The closer it lies towards the little finger, the later this partnership comes about. If that is too vague: the 30th year of life is in the middle of the heart line and the little finger. Once the line is interrupted, this indicates separations, divorce or a fresh start.

Hand reading: Raszetten

Statements about life can be seen in general on the Raszetten. If they are long and well -distinguished, they indicate a happy and healthy life. Gaps stand for challenges in life, weakly pronounced lines for a battered physical condition. Interruptions in the Raszetten can also indicate crises and challenges in life. If the Raszetten lines run towards Venusberg, i.e. the thumb ball, one is one of the particularly passionate people. Branches towards the outer edge of the palm (Mondberg) branch on to go on many trips.