Reading coffee grounds: Here you can find out how to interpret the symbols

Would you like to read coffee grounds? With us you will find out everything you should know about it. We will also tell you the most important symbols and their interpretation.

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There's something magical about it, right? You're quietly enjoying your coffee and suddenly a window into your future opens. All of this is due to an inconspicuous, dark residue in the cup - the coffee grounds. In it you can discover symbols and figures that supposedly give you clues about your life. Fascinating, right?

Reading coffee grounds, also known as tasseography, is a centuries-old tradition that continues to fascinate many people today. They use this method to find answers to questions about their past, present or future. We'll show you how you can learn to read coffee grounds yourself and what you should pay attention to.

Reading coffee grounds: The most important basics

Anyone who isn't taught fortune-telling by Professor Trelawney like the students at Hogwarts has to do their own research. There are a few important rules to follow so that you can correctly interpret the symbols in the coffee grounds and gain exciting insights into your life and future. Here is the small 1×1 of reading coffee grounds:

1. The correct preparation of coffee

The art of reading from coffee grounds comes from Turkey and the Orient. Traditionally, people don't drink thin filter coffee here, but rather the so-called mocha. For this type of coffee, the boiling water is brewed directly with the ground coffee and plenty of sugar. Then you have to wait a moment until the coffee grounds have settled on the floor and then you can enjoy the mocha.

This special method of preparation results in the famous coffee grounds at the bottom of the cup, from which you can supposedly read your future. Of course, you first have to drink the coffee until only the thick residue remains.

2. Prepare the coffee grounds for reading

Before you can read from the coffee grounds, you have to do the following: Place a saucer on the cup, briefly turn the cup and saucer upside down and then turn them over again. The stain that is then visible at the bottom of the cup is the coffee grounds from which you can find out something about your future.

By the way: If you want to get a specific question answered by reading the coffee grounds, then now is the time to ask it.

2. The interpretation of the individual forms

1. When interpreting the symbols, one thing is particularly important: you have to abstract. This means: If the shapes you recognize in the coffee grounds only roughly resemble a symbol, grab it straight away. Let your imagination play along. If you expect more than vaguely suggested images, you might be disappointed.

2. You have to link the symbols you recognize in the coffee grounds to create concrete statements.

3. Information about the past, present and future can be read from the coffee grounds. What exactly lies in the eye of the beholder who interprets the coffee grounds.

4. Experienced coffee grounds readers differentiate between light and dark cups. This means: If there are only a few coffee grounds visible at the bottom of the cup, the cup is described as “light”. What this says about the respondent is that he is currently doing well mentally and is generally leading a happy life. On the other hand, if a lot of coffee grounds are visible, meaning the bottom of the cup is “dark”, the respondent is currently burdened with worries and problems.

What does the coffee grounds oracle reveal?Credit:iStock

3. The different symbols when reading coffee grounds

The list of individual symbols when reading coffee grounds is of course endless, so we can only list the most important ones here. But you will probably recognize your own symbols in the coffee grounds and interpret them correctly with a little intuition. Certainly.

Symbol of hope and prosperity. But also for love and loyalty.
A clearly recognizable tree represents a life full of health. If several trees can be seen, this may indicate unfortunate events.
Flowers represent success, the easier they are to see and the bigger the flowers, the more impressive the success.
This symbol represents imminent news, which - depending on how clear the letter is - can be good or bad. The rule of thumb is: What can be seen clearly and clearly usually represents positive things.
A letter to recognize is usually related to important people in your life. If the first letter of a name is visible, it means that this person will play an important role in your future.
A change is coming.
The egg represents money that will be earned.
The fish heralds a happy turn of events or a joyful event. If it is clearly visible, then it is primarily about money. If it is not clearly visible, problems that arise are easily solved.
It symbolizes a journey that lies ahead.
The woman clearly stands for happy love, while the woman stands for jealousy in a relationship.
At the top, this symbol means that all endeavors will be crowned with success. In the middle or at the bottom of the cup, you should be careful, both with friends and with colleagues and business partners.
The heart means happiness, a new love and good experiences, two hearts indicate an engagement or wedding. A heart with spots around it represents an imminent financial blessing.
The dog at the top of the cup represents loyalty and devotion. Further down and surrounded by spots, one should be suspicious among friends. Not everyone is loyal.
At the top of the cup, this symbol means that a non-binding affair is imminent. At the bottom and mixed with the rest of the coffee grounds, it represents an affair with consequences.
This symbol, of course, represents luck.
The cross represents impending misfortune or an enemy that one has.
This symbol represents love and prosperity.

The lion represents prosperity and social success and advancement, but also a jealous person surrounding you.
The mouse represents theft, fraud and other dangers of this kind.
It means that you have an envious person who wants to harm you.
A clearly visible moon represents wealth and honor.
This symbol represents a visit from a friend and stability in life.
The ring of course symbolizes marriage or a relationship, even a happy one at the top. An indistinct ring could represent infidelity.
The snake warns of an enemy who wants to harm you.
The key represents a wish that comes true.
The sun means great happiness and a beautiful life. However, surrounded by a cloudy mass, it indicates illness.
Recognizing a bird means that problems will be solved or a message will come soon.
The coffee grounds in the shape of a cloud indicate happiness and success in the job.

And, feel like it? Then bring on the mocha! With a little intuition and skill, you can think through this list of symbols on your own. Everything the stars or oracles predict doesn't always come true. So let's just take it as a guide and not as an incontrovertible truth. We wish you much success reading coffee grounds!