Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are special when it comes to love. While they harmonize with some zodiac signs, there are others with whom relationships are simply hopeless. You can read about who the air signs' no-go partners are here.
There are many reasons why love fails. Most of the time it is different ideas about the future or questions of character that cause a relationship to falter. The zodiac sign can also influence the chances of a partnership.
There are certain zodiac sign combinations that have great potential for conflict. These relationships don't necessarily have to be doomed to failure, but the partners must continually actively choose each other and work on themselves and their relationship.
Here you can find out which zodiac signs the air signs Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are not on the same wavelength with and what that means for a relationship.
Gemini: Virgo and Pisces are not ideal partners
The balanced Virgo appreciates the flexibility of Gemini and both make a good team because they complement each other perfectly. But only as long as it involves job matters. It is entirely conceivable that the spark will fly and the business relationship will become more. In love, however, these opposites no longer get along so well.
The Gemini will soon be annoyed by Virgo's sobriety and perfectionism, while the Virgo will think about parenting the unreasonable Gemini. Both have a lot of explosive relationship material.
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After a short time, Gemini and Pisces no longer have much to say or give to each other. Even if Gemini is open and curious - like Pisces - they will soon get fed up with the water sign's sensitivity and dismiss it as attitude and oversensitivity. The argument between the two won't be very loud, but it won't be any less hurtful.
Libra: There are conflicts with Cancer and Capricorn
Dieis considered an esthete of the zodiac and loves the beautiful in life. She appreciates a good wine, dresses well and shows it - preferably in a convivial atmosphere with a discussion about the last visit to the star restaurant. She cannot inspire Cancer with these preferences. He prefers to withdraw and devote himself to the inner processes.
A very similar scenario also occurs with Capricorn. This serious and realistic sign won't be able to do much with Libra's lightness, even if they initially benefit from it. Capricorn will soon fall back into his rut and Libra will be left alone and miss the exchange.
Aquarius: Taurus and Scorpio slow him down
The connection with a Taurus will severely slow down the Aquarius lifestyle. Taurus would prefer to have their Aquarius at home, which is not at all to the taste of the freedom-loving air sign. While some people make visionary plans for the future, others live in the here and now and are more skeptical about change.
Once Aquarius and Scorpio have found each other, an adventurous time begins in which things could get hot - even between the sheets. However, while Aquarius is drawn outside, Scorpio would like to lock the front door because he doesn't like sharing his partner.
This will be hard on Aquarius and there will be heated discussions. Just like the numerous jealousy scenes that increasingly cause the relationship to crumble.
Click through the gallery and find out which zodiac signs make the best fathers:
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These zodiac signs are really great fathers
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Capricorns are among the best fathers among the zodiac signs
Capricorn fathers are incredibly well organized and are considered real family managers. They always have everything under control and take care of the entire family schedule.
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Capricorn dads can combine work and family very well
You can combine work and family perfectly.
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Capricorn fathers take responsibility
Capricorn fathers are also extremely cautious, which is why you trust them blindly. If you place your child in the hands of a Capricorn, you can rest assured that he or she will be in good hands.
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Capricorn dads are practical
Capricorns are very practical. It may therefore happen that you discover a great tree house in the garden of a Capricorn father. Repairing the bicycle or the dollhouse is also no problem for a Capricorn dad. Children can really learn a lot from him!
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Capricorn fathers can keep secrets
Another advantage of Capricorn dads: They can sometimes keep a secret from mom if they have given their word of honor.
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Aquarius dads always find something to do
Aquarians are also very good fathers because they can keep their children busy so well.
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Aquarius fathers are extremely creative
They are incredibly imaginative and creative. You always come up with something really great that excites the children. Plus, they're always good for a surprise.When mom or the children come home, a home-baked cake awaits them. Who isn't happy about that?
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Children can learn a lot from the multi-talented Aquarians
And Aquarius has even more talents. People in this zodiac sign are often very talented. They are then happy to pass this talent on to their offspring. It may well happen that the Aquarius dad teaches his children how to play an instrument.
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There's never a dull moment with Aquarius dads
Aquarius fathers know exactly how to make children's eyes shine.
Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.