Emotional intelligence: These zodiac signs are particularly empathetic

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In advance in the video: 5 things that make emotionally intelligent partners different

In many life situations, the EQ is almost more important than the IQ. You read here.

Some of us instinctively feel how others feel and how they are doing. These people have a pronounced emotional intelligence and that can be both a curse and a blessing. Because as well as empathy is: If you can constantly understand the feelings of others, it will be difficult to distance yourself sufficiently.

But in most cases it can help you to be empathetic and compassionate - and especially to be a good friend. These three zodiac signs have a high emotional intelligence.

Cancer: Fair of the finest vibrations

ImBorn are particularly sensitive. What can be perceived as a weakness at first glance is a great strength.

Because of its sensitivity, the cancer has fine antennas for emotions and hears even quiet nuances. The cancer immediately recognizes what is going on in its counterpart, even when it tries to hide its true feelings.

This ability, coupled with its care and its sensitivity, makes the zodiac sign so socially intelligent. It is not surprising that crabs often choose social professions.

Reading tip:

Libra: advocate of justice

TheHas a pronounced sense of justice. People of this zodiac sign do not condemn, but listen and weigh. Your impartiality and openness ensure a high level of social intelligence.

But not only that: scales are also good observers. This ensures that you can see clearly in heated situations and act wisely. The social intelligence of scales makes them born mediators.

Fish: empathetic and open

The imagination of people in theare born, is unsurpassed. Her great imagination ensures that you can put yourself perfectly into others and their emotional world and dive fully in it.

Fish are so empathetic that they literally suffer when people around them are not doing well. It is therefore important for fish to differentiate yourself emotionally to protect yourself.

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People with a high EQ are a gift

People with a pronounced emotional intelligence are a real gift. They enrich life and harmonious coexistence. Anyone who is blessed with a high EQ quickly recognizes what others need and can skillfully defuse conflicts.

The ability to put yourself in others make these people into sensitive friends, partners and colleagues. In a world in which interpersonal relationships are becoming increasingly complex, they are the bridge builders.

Now click through the gallery and find out which zodiac signs have a particularly attractive effect:

Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not always everything that says astrology. So let's take them better than guideline and advisor, not as an irrefutable truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make from star constellations, typical zodiac character traits and predictions.