Dream Interpretation: This is what it means when you dream about your ex

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Do you know that too? You wake up in the morning in a daze, wondering what kind of crazy dream that was. You dreamed about your ex and now you are completely confused. Are there still feelings involved? Or have I not processed something correctly?

Before you plunge into endless pondering, we have the answer for you. And don't worry: you really don't need to worry!

What does it mean when you dream about your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend?

Don't worry, you don't have to rummage through old relationship boxes and rehash old feelings that have actually been checked off and processed for you. So not necessarily at least.

If your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend appears to you in a dream, it can definitely mean that there are still feelings or that you haven't fully come to terms with the relationship for yourself yet. But it can also have other interpretations for your dream.

Here is a brief overview of what dream interpretation says about the dream motif of an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend.

Dream of ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend despite new relationship: reason for concern?

Do you have a new friend and dream of someone else? Especially from someone you were once with? This makes you feel guilty, as if you had cheated. But should these dreams be taken so seriously? Do you still have feelings for this person you dreamed about?

Don't worry: If this type of dream totally irritates you because you no longer have any feelings for this person, then that's absolutely no reason to feel bad.

However, if you have to admit to yourself that there could be more to the dream than you were aware of, then you should take this hint from your subconscious seriously.Critically question your feelings again. Did the breakup hurt you more than you realized?

However, the dream symbol of an ex-boyfriend does not necessarily mean that you want him or her back or that you are still secretly in love.

Maybe you just haven't come to terms with the breakup yet. But not because you still mourn him or her, but because it was unpleasant and hurtful for you or this person. This can also haunt you in your dreams for a while.

A relationship is something very close and emotional. We are then often defenseless and vulnerable. It takes time for us to process arguments, conflicts and misunderstandings.

But beautiful experiences during the time spent together in the relationship can also shape us and keep us busy for a longer period of time.But that doesn't necessarily mean that you want your ex back.

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Conflict with your ex in a dream

If you have a fruitful argument in a dream, this can indicate unresolved conflicts. Maybe there are still things that aren't clear to you, whether it's that the reasons for the breakup aren't clear to you or you don't want to understand them.

The dream of arguing with your ex can also be interpreted as meaning that you subconsciously want to protect yourself from making mistakes from the past again when you enter into a new relationship.So ask yourself: Have you learned from what went wrong or are you risking repeating old mistakes?

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Dream interpretation of the ex-boyfriend motif: He or she has a new partner in the dream

If you've been in a couple for a long time, you're still somehow attached to your former partner. It is often the case that both of them only really go their separate ways in life when they enter into a new partnership.

Maybe you're both still single and you're subconsciously wondering what it will feel like if he or she enters into a new relationship?

Think carefully about how you felt in your dream when you found out that your ex had a new partner.

  • How did you feel at that moment?
  • Were you jealous or even relieved?
  • Did it move you or didn't you care?

Here, your feelings in the dream are not entirely unimportant when it comes to finding out whether that would also matter to you in real life.

Meaning: Sex with your ex in a dream

This is exactly what happens all too often in real life: you've been so close for so long that you end up in bed together again, even though you've long since broken up. And just as often, sex with your ex happens even though you really don't want anything more from each other. But what does the number with the ex-partner mean in a dream?

Of course, it could be that this is exactly what you feel like doing and would like to have another night with him or her.But it can also be that the dream motif of sex with your ex generally means that you lack intimacy and closeness in real lifen.

Often it is not specifically about the person with whom we have sex in the dream, but generally about the longing for tenderness and passion.

Also read:

Dream interpretation of ex-boyfriend: In the dream you miss him or her

It's similar to dreaming about having sex with your ex when you dream about missing him or her. Here, too, it can be quite banal that you miss exactly the person.

But it can also be that you miss things and experiences that you still associate with your ex because of the time you spent together.And this person in the dream represents togetherness and beautiful shared experiences with a partner in general, which you miss.

Dream motif: You are a couple again

By the way, the dream can be interpreted in a very similar way if you dream that you are together again. Here, too, it's not always about exactly this person, but about everything that you associate with the partnership itself and with love in itself.

The familiarity here simply ensures that everything has his or her face. But this isn't about exactly that person.You just want someone who loves you and whom you love again.

Book tips on the topic Dream interpretation ex-boyfriend:

-> Jenny Kosarin: Dream interpretation: The practical book, everything you need to know about the meaning of our dreams, remembering dreams, understanding them, interpreting them and using them for your own benefit,View now here on Amazon*.
-> CG Jung: Dream and dream interpretation, Jung, together with Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler, is one of the three pioneers of modern depth psychology, nowview here on Amazon.*
-> My dream diary: Notebook for dreams, dream interpretation and more mindfulness, nowhere on Amazonview*.

You see: The dream symbols and their possible interpretations are diverse when it comes to the motive of the ex or ex-girlfriend.

Tip at the end:So that you don't miss any details that could be important for the interpretation, the following applies as always: put a piece of paper and pen next to your pillow. When you wake up, try to quickly write down all the details. Because we usually forget small but important details far too quickly when we wake up. Good luck with it!