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First in the video: Why people with high IQs don't always have advantages
Three zodiac signs are said to have the highest IQ. You have a quick comprehension and can solve any problem. Are you one of them too?
Some people have quicker comprehension than others. You also approach abstract problems analytically and with a clear view and find clever solutions. Here are three zodiac signs that are above average in intelligence.
Aquarius: Fastest comprehension
Aquarius is one of the most intelligent zodiac signs of all. He has a very special, analytical approach to many things. People with this zodiac sign always keep an overview and keep a cool head - even in difficult situations.
Aquarians often only need a few seconds to see through issues, understand them and find a suitable solution to any kind of problem.
Aquarians also have a very developed memory. They are extremely good at remembering things and can then recall them at any time. Because of this gift, Aquarians often attract attention even at school.
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Capricorn: Logic dominates
Capricorn is considered a high flyer when it comes to logic. He understands even the most complicated connections immediately and solves even the most tricky problems.
It's no surprise that Capricorns are always consulted by family and friends when a difficult task arises. Capricorn's pragmatic nature also helps him solve problems. He doesn't allow himself to be distracted by details (or emotions), but always remains focused. That makes him a valuable employee.
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Scorpio: Particularly sharp
Scorpio is also one of the above-average intelligent zodiac signs. He is considered particularly sharp and clever. His extremely good knowledge of people also helps him solve problems.
Through his keen powers of observation and his sensitivity to human moods, he draws lessons from every situation that can help him with future obstacles.
Sometimes the only thing that stands in Scorpio's way is his moods. So he often loses sight of what's important.
Click through the gallery and find out what the negative characteristics of each zodiac sign are:
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The bad qualities of the 12 zodiac signs
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The negative qualities of the zodiac sign Aries
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
Those born in Aries are under the influence of Mars, the planet of war. This not only has a positive effect on strong will, but in addition to the typical stubbornness, it also has other downsides.
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Aries are aggressive and egomaniacal
The negative character traits of Aries:
- ignorant
- hot-tempered
- reckless
- egocentric
- impatient
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Aries is primarily interested in themselves
This is how the typical Aries ticks in the worst case scenario:
Aries are egomaniacs despite themselves. They are simply so busy with themselves that they quickly lose sight of the feelings of those around them. They often feel unfairly betrayed because they don't notice that friends are offended by their ignorant nature and turn away.
The small world of those born in Aries revolves primarily around themselves. If someone dares to object or even criticize them, they like to use it as an opportunity to argue and duel. They can become extremely loud.
Rams have yet to shed their horns and are real philanderers. They don't let anything go wrong and don't think too much of loyalty. When they get bored or their partner tires them out with obligations, they prefer to leave and devote themselves to other projects. Not very nice.
More about the zodiac sign Aries:
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The negative qualities of the Taurus zodiac sign
Taurus (April 21 – May 20)
Taurus are influenced by Venus and therefore have a preference for everything beautiful. This may be positively expressed in a fine sense of art and culture, but on the other hand, it also quickly makes Taurus-born people materialistic and envious.
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Taurus are materialistic and lazy
The negative character traits of Taurus:
- possessive
- stingy
- jealous
- intolerant
- sluggish
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Taurus-born people are greedy
This is how the typical Taurus works in the worst case scenario:
Worst case, the bull embodies four of the seven deadly sins: laziness, envy, greed and gluttony. You could be looking at a self-indulgent luxury addict who keeps accumulating more and more things that he doesn't actually need to live. Taurus-born people like to compare their own achievements with those of others: those who have more are envied and hostile.
On the other hand, Taurus people often rest on their laurels. They become stodgy and stingy because they don't want others to take advantage of them - even if only in their heads. This makes them suspicious and dangerous.
In addition, Taurus often have problems with tolerating their fellow human beings. Those who do not see material possessions or the classic family image with a house, children and dog as the meaning of life are viewed with suspicion by the conservative Taurus.
More about the Taurus zodiac sign:
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The negative qualities of the zodiac sign Gemini
Gemini (May 21 – June 21)
Those born under Gemini are often accused of having two faces. One side often knows nothing about the other. This makes the zodiac sign so flexible and agile, but also makes Gemini appear ambivalent and even schizophrenic. And that's where the fun clearly ends.
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Gemini is flighty and superficial
The negative character traits of Gemini:
- torn
- unreliable
- nervous
- scattered
- superficial
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Gemini doesn't know what they want
This is how the typical Gemini works in the worst case scenario:
The Gemini doesn't know exactly what he wants. He is always stressed because he always thinks he is missing something or that he can find something better somewhere. And that is exactly what makes it extremely vulnerable to manipulation from outside.
The only thing you can really rely on when it comes to people born with Gemini is that you can't rely on them. Lies are easy for them, but rarely with malicious intent. The Gemini simply lacks the calculation for this. They mean promises made seriously at that moment, but the moment flies by very quickly.
Geminis are also extremely forgetful and although they are so communicative, they never seem to really listen. Most of the time, their minds are in several places at the same time. They would prefer to do everything at once, but this means that they perform their many tasks more poorly than they can.
More about the zodiac sign Gemini:
Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately, it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.