Table of contents
- Capricorn zodiac sign at a glance
- Capricorn zodiac sign: typical characteristics
- Capricorn in relationships
- Capricorn zodiac sign at work
- Steinbock-Frau
- Steinbock-Mann
Were you born between December 22nd and January 20th? Then you belong to the zodiac sign Capricorn. That makes you one of the fourand get off the planetdominated.
The Capricorn zodiac sign is known for being ambitious and traditional. But it won't be boring with him, because you can have a lot of fun with Capricorns! And once you have warmed up to a Capricorn, you can be happy: you have a really loyal, faithful friend at your side.
What other characteristics characterize your zodiac sign? You can find out here.
Capricorn zodiac sign at a glance
Edelstein: rock crystal, amethyst
Opposite character:Krebs
Scent:Cypress, patchouli
Body parts:Joints, bones
Zodiac symbol Capricorn

The zodiac symbol of Capricorn comes from the constellation of the Goat Fish, a mythical creature with the upper body of a goat and a fish tail. These two aspects were immortalized in the symbol: the horns of the goat and the curled fish tail.
For the Greeks, the constellation actually represented the god Pan, who is often illustrated in human form with goat legs and horns. It was only the Romans who introduced the term “ibex” that is so common today instead of the goatfish.
Also exciting:
Our zodiac sign can have a big influence on our everyday lives. For example, by shaping our character traits! These characteristics are typical of the Capricorn zodiac sign:
1. You are ambitious
Capricorns are real workhorses. If you have set yourself a goal, you will do everything you can to achieve it. Up the career ladder! You work hard to achieve your dreams and are incredibly resilient - in keeping with the earth element. This makes Capricorns very valuable in their professional lives. They are hard-working and reliable employees.
2. You are strong-willed
As soon as the Capricorn has his goal firmly in sight, he will pull out all the stops to get there. Because he knows that nothing in life is given to you, he willingly shows what he is capable of achieving. Thanks to your willpower and persistence, you can overcome any obstacle, whether personal or professional.
3. You are steadfast
Those born under the Capricorn zodiac sign hardly care about the latest trends and fleeting fads. You stay true to your principles and don't let yourself get sidetracked. Your adherence to principles carries over into many different areas of your life.
4. You are ambitious
A Capricorn only allows himself to rest when he has completed all of the day's tasks. You are dutiful in every respect and do the things for which you have been given responsibility with the greatest care. It can happen that you are a little too precise, almost over-structured.
5. You are rational
While other zodiac signs are guided by their feelings, Capricorns are true head people. You weigh decisions based on fixed criteria and act wisely and objectively. At the same time, you have a pretty self-critical streak. So you rarely close your eyes to your own mistakes.
6. You are a realist
Some call it realism, others pessimism. At heart you are simply a very sensible person who doesn't want to give rise to false hopes. You'd better stay objective. Thanks to your strong sense of reality, you immediately recognize the advantages and disadvantages of something and are not afraid to address them.
7. You are organized
You like to be in control of your life. As a typical Capricorn, you like clear rules the most. Statements like “Just do it” are definitely not your thing. That's why you're more of a neat freak - both when it comes to planning your life and at work. Unstructured instructions are anathema to you; you need clear instructions.
8. You are aloof
Even though it may not be your intention, you can quickly come across as a bit distant to other people. Your dry manner contributes to your aloof image. In any case, you wouldn't be described as sociable; it takes a while for you to warm up to new people. Some would almost call you antisocial.
9. You are loyal
Once you crack your hard shell, you'll find a heart of gold underneath. You are a loyal soul with whom one can talk about God and the world. Your circle of friends may not be large, but your friendships last forever. Secrets are as safe with you as in a safe.
10. You are stubborn
Close-minded, stubborn, stubborn – do these words suit you? Then you are a typical Capricorn. Your zodiac sign is known for insisting on its opinion, even when there are clear facts against you. Combine that with your authoritarian streak and it becomes a very interesting mix.
Do you know the ascendant of your zodiac sign? Here you can get yours for free.
Like each of us, the Capricorn zodiac sign also has typical strengths that set it apart from the other zodiac signs. You will definitely recognize these positive character traits:
- Dutiful
- Loyal
- Disciplined
- Patient
- Responsible
- Durable
Where there are good qualities, there must of course also be a few negative sides. It's only human! These are the weaknesses of the Capricorn zodiac sign:
- Authoritarian
- Anxious
- Unapproachable
- Stiff
- Overstructured
- Pessimistic
Reading tips:
Capricorn in relationships
His sense of duty makes Capricorn a loyal, reliable partner who is always there for his loved ones. And the zodiac sign also expects down-to-earthness and openness from its partners. Therefore fitTrails,Virgoand otherCapricornsgood to him.
Also zodiac signsFishis a surprisingly good choice. The dreamy, romantic zodiac sign fascinates Capricorns with its nature and is really good for them - especially because it can balance out their rigid nature well. The zodiac sign also complements it perfectlyKrebs. Capricorn can enter into a deep relationship with him.
However, with his great willpower, which brings him success in his job, Capricorn often causes problems in a relationship. The zodiac sign always wants to be in charge. With the watermarksWassermann, ZwillingandScaleIt therefore harmonizes less well in love.
And even if Capricorn values success and high self-awareness, you shouldn't brag about it. That's why things can quickly go wrong with the cocky zodiac sign Leo. It fits all the better with thatScorpio– if both sides trust each other.
Who suits Capricorn?
These zodiac signs are a perfect match for Capricorn:
Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer
These zodiac signs don't fit so well:
Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Leo, Sagittarius
Capricorn as a friend
If you have a Capricorn as a friend, you can always rely on this person. Because Capricorn-born people are reliable and really loyal to their small but fine circle of friends.
Thanks to their incredible patience, Capricorns can also get through a lot of chaos with their friends and are there to help and advise when things are needed. You would never abandon your friends, your friendships often last a lifetime.
However, the Capricorn zodiac sign also tends to be somewhat unsociable. Organize a meeting yourself? Rather unlikely. You are a loner at heart and like to have your space.
You're not really a cheerful person either. Capricorns do have a sense of humor and like to be self-deprecating at times, but relaxedness and spontaneous adventures are less their strengths. That's why you need lively, happy people at your side who can pull you off the couch every now and then -Aries,CrayfishorProtectapproximately.
Reading tips:
Capricorn zodiac sign at work
The typical Capricorn is a calm and ambitious character. Material security is important to you, which is why you proceed in a structured manner, plan in advance and attach great importance to efficiency. Capricorn-born people like you prefer clear structures and order.
As a reliable employee, you carry out your tasks with a lot of effort. Keyword: workaholism. You are happy to put personal interests aside if it means getting closer to your goal. You hate unnecessary detours; it's all about the essentials. After all, you want to move forward!
Thanks to their iron discipline, their no-nonsense nature and a certain authoritarian nature, Capricorns are also excellent leaders. A leadership position also fits perfectly with your desire for recognition and material goods.
Did you know that zodiac sign-specific characteristics can differ between men and women? This is characteristic of Capricorn women:
1. Female Capricorns are considered real ice queens: they appear aloof and almost cold. This is actually just an automatic protection mechanism! They just need some time to thaw.
2.Capricorn ladies also love making plans. Spontaneous course changes are very poorly received - after all, everything was already planned down to the smallest detail. And usually in such a way that nothing can go wrong.
3.The Capricorn woman loves her independence and likes to show that she is self-sufficient. She stands on her own two feet and you should accept that. If you restrict them, it will quickly backfire.
4.She chooses her partner for life carefully. Once she makes her choice, the Capricorn woman shows her passionate side and is hard to stop. When her counterpart supports her, she is rewarded with a lifetime of devotion, affection, and loyalty.
Please check back regularly for your monthly horoscope, annual horoscope and many other horoscopesover! Here you will find lots of articles on the topic of astrology.
And what about the gentlemen? Also onehas its own strengths and weaknesses that are very characteristic:
1. Law and order are above all else for male representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign. And he likes to implement this personally - for example, by pointing out other people's mistakes. He likes to use his own values as a benchmark.
2. The male Capricorn is ambitious, shows a lot of willpower and is determined to climb the career ladder. He prefers to work alone because he trusts in his own performance and perseverance. Teamwork is not his strength.
3. He is not the top dog, prefers to stay in the background and doesn't like to experiment. This makes it seem a bit boring to some people. In fact, he just has trouble opening up and actually has a real sense of humor!
4. Even if he needs some time to overcome his shyness: If the Capricorn man finds the right person, he will show his passionate side. He is also a real family man and perhaps the most loyal zodiac man in the zodiac!
The other zodiac signs at a glance:
- January 21st to February 19th:
- February 20th to March 20th:
- March 21st to April 20th:
- April 21st to May 20th:
- May 21st to June 21st:
- June 22nd to July 22nd:
- July 23rd to August 23rd:
- August 24th to September 23rd:
- September 24th to October 23rd:
- October 24th to November 22nd:
- November 23rd to December 21st:
Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.