Table of contents
- Zodiac sign Aquarius at a glance
- Zodiac sign Aquarius: characteristics
- Zodiac sign Aquarius in love
- Aquarius in friendship
- Zodiac sign Aquarius at work
- Aquarius woman
- Aquarius man
Were you born between January 21st and February 19th? Then you belong to the zodiac sign Aquarius. That makes you one of the three. Your ruling planet is, which stands for change and freedom, among other things.
Zodiac sign Aquarius is considered quite unusual, almost eccentric. It is fascinated by a wide variety of things, loves its freedom and lives its individualism. Nevertheless, those born in Aquarius are considered good friends.
However, the changeable nature of the zodiac sign can make things quite difficult for those around him. Between the extravagance and whimsy, many find it difficult to understand the actions of the air sign. But one thing is certain: it will never be boring.
But what else is hidden behind the unusual facade of the Aquarius zodiac sign? Here you can read about its characteristics, preferences and faults.
Zodiac sign Aquarius at a glance
Element: Luft
Color: Blue, bright green
Opposite sign: Lion
Edelstein: Aquamarine, blue topaz
Fragrance: rose, bergamot
Planet: Uranus
body parts: ankles, calves, shins and circulation
Zodiac symbol Aquarius
The zodiac sign Aquarius is simply represented by two wavy lines that run parallel. It comes from the Egyptian hieroglyph for water, which is represented with three wavy lines.
The star sign Aquarius is sometimes stylized as a merman or - often in connection with the constellation - as a man pouring water from a jug.

What influence does your zodiac sign have on your character? These personality traits and abilities are very typical of Aquarius:
1. Independent
What sets you apart as an Aquarius is that you need your freedom and don't place much value on traditions. What is more important to you is that you can implement your ideas. You break the status quo and your rebellious streak also helps you.
2. Visionary
In order to implement your sometimes quite unusual ideas, you are happy to accept difficulties and detours. You have an image in mind and you work towards it, even if it costs a little more money. Even if others don't realize it yet: it all makes sense to you.
3. Impatient
However, there is often a lack of perseverance when it comes to realizing your ideas. When your plans don't turn out the way you hope, you end up in a really bad mood and become as stubborn as a child. You often have an unstable disposition and can be very moody.
4. Great friend
Your friends appreciate you very much for your intelligent and creative streak that inspires others. As an Aquarius, you are also extremely helpful. You are always at the service of your circle of friends, no matter what. However, you can't always rely on your scheduling; you're too volatile for that.
5. Sociable
Zodiac sign Aquarius likes to surround themselves with character types full of individuality. You have many and very different friends. It is not uncommon for an artist to sit next to a physicist on a social evening at your home. Your round table is guaranteed to be entertained with great stories from you.
6. Sometimes rashly
Keeping track of everything can sometimes be difficult given your numerous projects. Therefore, it would be advisable that you do not try to follow every flash of inspiration into action. Sometimes you just want too much and then it goes wrong. A little more thought won't do any harm.
7. Unconventional
The typical Aquarius is an original contemporary. Anything that is somehow unusual and follows a new trend attracts Aquarius. This makes you difficult to assess, but never boring. You also have a very spiritual side.
8. Creative
Colorful ideas, unusual creations and almost utopian plans – all of this attracts Aquarius. Your zodiac sign is a being who always thinks in an original and creative way. And your ideas? You implement it with strong will.
9. Tolerant
Everyone is welcome here, you are totally unbiased. And you expect the same from other zodiac signs. Prejudices and the like are completely out of place with you and you express that openly.
10. Fluttery
You often have your head in the clouds and don't always face reality - in keeping with the air element. You'd rather dance through life. This also applies to relationships and can be a test. However, the fear of commitment usually goes away once the Aquarius has made a commitment.
Do you know the ascendant of your zodiac sign? Here you can get yours for free.
Aquarius Strengths
We all have areas in which we are particularly good and which set us apart from others. These are the positive qualities of Aquarius:
- Dazzling personality
- Creative
- Intelligent
- Caring
- Spiritual
- Inspiring
- Charming
Aquarius weaknesses
There are weaknesses in other areas. These are the difficult personality traits of Aquarius zodiac sign:
- Very great need for freedom
- Nonconformist
- Jumpy and moody
- Hard to grasp
- Unsteady, non-binding
- Cool
Zodiac sign Aquarius in love
People with the zodiac sign Aquarius are always the absolute center of every society. Aquarius is popular, somehow everyone appreciates him. Of course, this is also due to its unmistakable charm, which hardly anyone can resist. So it's no wonder that it turns many people's heads.
But his admirers should be careful not to restrict him and smother him with their love. Because his love for independence is all too legendary. So check who will commit forever - Aquarius takes this saying very seriously. Everything has to fall into place before he is ready to give up the freedom he loves for a long-term relationship.
But once it clicks, it's huge. The zodiac sign Aquarius doesn't fall in love often, but when it does, it falls in love with heart and soul. And then he is the ultimate charmer.
Who fits the zodiac sign Aquarius?
Who will an Aquarius be happy with and who should he not get into a relationship with?
These zodiac signs are a perfect match for Aquarius:
- Scale
- twin
- Protect
- Aquarius
- Aries
- Lion
- Capricorn
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius
If you think you can keep an Aquarius on a short leash in a relationship, you are very much mistaken. He needs freedom like he needs air to breathe. So it's good if you feel the same way. And that's just what air signs dotwinandScale. They also don't like to be restricted.
Who else suits Aquarius? OtherAquarians. This works quite well because they know their weaknesses and strengths only too well and therefore harmonize perfectly.
Sagittarius, Aries, Capricorn
Also the busy oneProtectis a soulmate of Aquarius. He has a great desire to explore, is interested and cosmopolitan.
TheAriesalso fits very well, because he is also only too happy to give Aquarius his freedom. And he's confident enough to keep up with the charismatic Aquarius.
TheCapricornis also a good choice. Because even if the responsible and serious sign doesn't fit at first glance, it still grounds Aquarius and gives him a safe platform for all his dreams.
A relationship with thatLionsresembles a surprise bag. Things can go well because both are real party animals and love their freedom. However, they also have to value the time they spend together, only then can it work.
Who doesn't suit Aquarius?
- Scorpio
- Krebs
- Trails
- Virgo
- Fish
With theScorpioIt works quickly and things work pretty well in bed too. But Aquarius is a sociable creature, while Scorpio prefers to be alone. As soon as Aquarius feels restricted, there is stress.
Even with thatTrailsThe compatibility is not entirely rosy. Because the sign loves traditions and is quite down-to-earth. This contradicts the nature of Aquarius too much. It's similar with a relationship withVirgo. The two are simply fundamentally different.
This is going to be very difficultKrebs. On an emotional level they are simply too different. And also with the romantic onesfishingit doesn't work so well. Because the flighty Aquarius cannot offer them enough stability.
Astro-Lesetipp:Do you want to know what the universe has planned for you? Then read your free one here. Get the most out of your day with our predictions!
Aquarius in friendship
Zodiac sign Aquarius loves his circle of friends and decorates it with a wide variety of personalities. Aquarians like to surround themselves with dazzling individuals and don't let trivial things like appearances stop them.
Because they are so sociable and sociable, Aquarians are often invited to parties and celebrations. Of course, they are happy to accept these invitations and immediately come up with great ideas for the party.
In addition, the Aquarius zodiac sign is a friend you can rely on. When problems arise, the zodiac sign always helps out and listens to all the pains with a lot of openness. Less great for lovers: Aquarius sometimes even prioritizes friends over their partner.
In addition, Aquarians also have an idiosyncratic streak. They are not people who pour their hearts out to others and can be downright reserved. With the right people, however, they allow a little less distance and some emotions to shine through.
Zodiac sign Aquarius at work
Zodiac sign Aquarius also needs a certain degree of freedom and individuality in working life. Routine work on the computer? Horrible! The zodiac sign wants to do something that really interests them and then fully embraces this role.
The problem: These interests are quite changeable. And rigid hierarchies and fixed structures are not the strengths of the air sign. This can make working in a team a little more difficult.
In addition, the zodiac sign does not always work according to other people's schedules. Thanks to his sociable nature, no one is rarely angry with him for long. Because basically you really enjoy working with him.
If Aquarius has found an activity in which he or she thrives, then the zodiac sign does incredibly great work. His creativity and flexibility then benefit everyone and can move projects forward quickly. The extraordinary ideas could be just what is missing!
By the way, money is rarely really tight, because Aquarius usually finds a very good source of income thanks to their brilliant ideas. Financial security is a nice thing - even if it only serves to implement new ideas. Also a good savings goal, right?
Reading tips:
Aquarius woman
There are certain personality traits that apply equally to both male and female Aquarians. However, Aquarius women still have certain things that set them apart:
1. The Aquarius woman doesn't care about traditions. She loves change and hates standing still. She is full of enthusiasm and approaches the matter with healthy self-confidence.
2. Creativity is her great strength. New ideas are always welcome, no matter how crazy. However, it can happen that the Aquarius lady doesn't think completely realistically. That can trip her up.
3. Aquarius women are free spirits: They don't allow themselves to be restricted. Too much responsibility or jealous partners can cause them to quickly run away. She doesn't want to commit herself so quickly, but prefers to keep her distance.
4. She is very helpful and likes to take care of weaker people. Still, she can have a pretty nasty streak. Then you need a lot of patience and understanding until things calm down.
Aquarius man
Of course, not only women but also men have their own personality traits. These characteristics are typical of the male Aquarius:
1. The Aquarius male is not a planner. He likes to let things happen to him and see what happens. That makes him pretty relaxed, but unfortunately also a bit unreliable.
2. You can go stealing horses with him. Adventures are practically guaranteed and it will always be fun. And even if things go wrong, the Aquarius Lord doesn't see it as a narrow thing, but rather as an opportunity to learn.
3. Just like the Aquarius lady, he loves his space. He has many interests and a variety of hobbies. Probably no other is as versatile! He is also willing to try something new at any time because he hates boredom.
4. If you are looking for intimate togetherness, Aquarius is the wrong address. Just no jealousy or possessive behavior! He cannot be restricted. However, he also likes to show his charming and romantic streak with the right person.
All 12 zodiac signs at a glance:
- December 22nd to January 20th:
- January 21st to February 19th:
- February 20th to March 20th:
- March 21st to April 20th:
- April 21st to May 20th:
- May 21st to June 21st:
- June 22nd to July 22nd:
- July 23rd to August 23rd:
- August 24th to September 23rd:
- September 24th to October 23rd:
- October 24th to November 22nd:
- November 23rd to December 21st:
Something important at the end:Of course, every person is an individual and not everything astrology says is always true. So let's take it as a guide and guide, not as an incontrovertible truth. Ultimately it is up to you what you make of star constellations, zodiac sign-typical character traits and predictions.