So many vacation days are at least entitled to you - and why some have more. Everything important about the statutory vacation entitlement!
Most of us have already come to the topic of annual vacation in conversation with friends and relatives. While some have 30 days of vacation or more, others only come to 26 vacation days or less.
But how do these different ones actually come about and how much vacation is employees in Germany at least entitled to? We got to the bottom of the question.
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So much vacation is at least too
Every employee has loudly§ 1 of the Federal Vacation ActA entitlement to paid vacation. How much vacation you are entitled to is specified in the employment or collective agreement. However, there is a statutory number of vacation days that employees are at least due.
Employees with a 5-day week are entitled to 20 vacation days a year. With a 6-day week, employees are entitled to at least 24 days paid annual leave.
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Why do some have more vacation?
Basically, employers are free to see how many vacation days they grant their employees beyond the statutory minimum leave. The number of vacation days that was recorded in the employment or collective agreement applies to employees.
If an employee has a total of 28 vacation days a year on a 5-day week, his employer voluntarily grants him for a total of eight days.
The difference between voluntarily granted and legally defined vacation days
In fact, there are different rights with regard to the voluntary granted and the legally stipulated vacation days.
The statutory minimum vacation is also relevant in the event of termination. If you terminate until June 30th, the statutory minimum leave is part of you. If your termination is in July 1st or later, you have a right to the entire minimum vacation, provided you are employed in the company for more than six months.
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Right to free days to look for a new job.
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If you have been terminated or cancel yourself, you are entitled to paid exemption for job interviews or other professional activities.
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Right to a qualified job reference.
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Your employer must issue a written certificate to you when the employment relationship is terminated, which assesses your performance and behavior in the job.
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Right to privacy at work.
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Your employer must not read your emails, check your browser history or listen to phone calls without your consent.
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He must not search your bags or cupboards without a good reason.
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Right to participate in company parties.
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If your employer organizes a company party, you don't have to sacrifice vacation days or do overtime.
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Participation in a company party is considered working hours and must be remunerated accordingly.
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