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Food is becoming more and more expensive: But which product is at the top of the list of foods with the highest price increase?
Food prices have risen significantly in recent years, partly due to high inflation. Comparing prices and then leaving one or two products on the shelf is now part of the routine for many consumers.
But how expensive has food really become and which foods had the highest price increase? – One product particularly stood out when comparing prices. Because here the price increase was even 113%. You can find out which product it is here.
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Plus 113%: No other product has become this expensive
According to a comparison of “ZDFheute“ let methe biggest price increase for olive oilrecord.From July 2020 to July 2024, oil prices increased by 113%.In second place is the food with the biggest price increaseSugar with an increase of 83%. In third place areCookies with 77%.
OnFourth to seventh most expensive foodsis locatedQuark (+73 %)representing all dairy products, followed byKetchup (+64 %)as well as Asparagus or other canned vegetables (+64 percent)andSunflower oil, rapeseed oil or similar (+63 percent).
Increased food prices: these are the reasons
In order to find out the reasons for the increase in food prices, “ZDFheute“ with the head of consumer research at the Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI), Thomas Els.
While, according to the expert, the high olive oil prices are due to a poor harvest due to droughts in Spain, sugar prices are driven by global supply concerns. The wet weather also led to a lower sugar content in the sugar beets.
The increase in the price of cookies is a result of the high prices for raw materials such as sugar, flour and fats, as Els explains.
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According to Thomas Els, “smaller quantities of milk than in previous years and a low fat content in the raw milk” are the reason for increased producer prices for quark. With ketchup, on the other hand, the production costs and the prices of individual ingredients such as tomato paste or vinegar have increased.
The fact that canned vegetables have become more expensive is mainly due to the poor harvest of vegetables across Europe in 2022. At the same time, demand for canned goods rose rapidly during the pandemic, which also drove up prices.
The explosion in prices for oils such as rapeseed oil can be seen as the effects of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, as the latter was considered the world's largest exporter of oils.
It is difficult to predict how food prices will develop in the future. What is clear, however, is that droughts, heavy rain and wars have a major negative impact on prices.
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