Earn money online: This is possible with YouTube, surveys, dropshiping & Co.

Earing money online sounds really good at first. You imagine, you sit comfortably on the couch, tablet or cell phone in your hand and earn something with just a few clicks.

If you google for ways to make money online, jump a umpteen different ideas. At one point it is advertised to participate in surveys or to carry out product tests. The others recommend becoming an influencer and starting with their own blog, YouTube channel or on Instagram, TikTok and Co. Drop shipping also promises quick money with little effort.

But is it all really as serious as you are suggested? Or is the money that is supposedly earned so quickly maybe just a stitch?

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Earning money online: YouTube channel

Starting a YouTube channel and making money with AI generated videos seems super easy. To monetize your YouTube channel, certain requirements must be met. These include subscribers and calls. With a monetized channel, you also have no influence on the advertising that is switched before the video.

This may also support dubious providers with your channel. In addition, the market of AI-generated videos is enormously high, the more important is individual and high-quality content. This is the only way to achieve high number of subscribers and calls. And that in turn requires a lot of work. This is quite legal, but it is definitely not a quick earned money.

Earn money online: Become a content creator or influencer

If you want to start on Tikok and Instagram, you should be aware that you will be on the move as a freelancer, i.e. independently. Means you are your own boss, but your earnings also depend on the order situation. You don't get a fixed content and when you earn what is very different. You also have to take care of social security, taxes and your old -age provision.

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Earn money online: surveys

Participating in online surveys is a way to earn something. Often you don't get a lot for it. Therefore, you have to carry out quite a few polls if you really want to earn something. And that in turn takes time. At the same time, the need varies greatly. Sometimes there are many surveys in which you can take part and maybe there is hardly or none at all.

Earning money online: dropshipping

You act as an intermediate seller during dropshipping. You have an online shop and you can buy a product from you. However, you only buy this product from another shop after receipt of the order. Most of the time, these are large companies producing in China such as Aliexpress, Temu etc. The goods will then be sent to your customer in your name. Quasi outsourcing extreme.

However, you have no influence on the quality of the products and the manufacturing style. With this, you are very likely to support bad working conditions. At the same time, the price you refer to the product can change at any time, which means that losses are not uncommon. In any case, the margins are rather low here.

Fazit: Make money online

Earing money online has clear advantages. You are flexible in terms of time and spatial, usually only need a stable internet connection and an end device. You can also decide for yourself how much you work and which jobs you combine.

If you earn more than 520 euros per month or annually, however, there are taxes. If you want to make money online, you generally have to start your own business, which brings advantages, but also disadvantages and, above all, is associated with a significantly higher risk than being employed.

If you are not dependent on the money, just want to earn something on the side, which costs you little effort and is also possible in terms of time after your main job, the possibilities of earning money online are quite attractive.

In any case, you should always be careful when offering offers in the network, such as "Here you can earn a lot of money with just a few clicks" or "Become a online millionaire. I also did it and was also skeptical at the beginning. " Often there are overpriced coaching of dubious providers who simply want to pull your money out of your pocket.

Always check exactly which provider it is. Read reviews and advise you best in advance with familiar from your environment.

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