From practical tips for beginners to clever investment strategies: you should definitely read these three financial books.
There are many financial guides. It's not that easy to filter which books will really help you and where you should start as a beginner. To shed some light on the matter, we're introducing you to three books about finance that really belong on every bookshelf.
No matter whether you are just getting started or are already deeper into the topic. These three bestsellers provide exciting new ways of thinking and give practical tips that will really help you advance your financial strategy.
Also read:
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money
In the book“Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money”Author Robert TT Kiyosaki explains in a vivid way how he managed to become financially independent.
In his youth, the author had a “Rich Dad” (his mentor) and a “Poor Dad” (his biological father) and was therefore able to get to know both the “poor” and the “rich” perspective.
In the book, he gives practical tips based on his own biography and explains to readers how he managed to achieve his financial goals with the help of his “Rich Dad’s” ideas.
“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is an international bestseller that shows you how you can achieve your wealth goals with financial education and smart investments.
>You can buy “Rich Dad Poor Dad” from Thalia here.*
The only book you should read about finance: The Relaxed Path to Wealth
“The only book you should read about finance: The relaxed path to wealth”is an easy-to-understand guide from the creators of the successful YouTube channel “Finanzfluss” that gets to the heart of the basics of investing and wealth creation.
The authors Thomas Kehl and Mona Linke explain in an understandable way how you can build long-term wealth without a complicated financial strategy. From the right attitude towards money to choosing the right investments to avoiding common mistakes - the book offers a clear and practical guide for anyone who wants to take their finances into their own hands.
The guide is ideal for beginners who are looking for an uncomplicated and stress-free method to achieve their financial goals.
and Mona Linke are available as paperbacks from Thalia for 14
Also read:
How to become financially free: 13 clever money strategies of successful women
Women are significantly more likely to be affected by poverty in old age than men. The gender pay gap in this country is 18% and it is not uncommon for women to face a nasty surprise after the death of their husband or after a divorce.
In the book“How to become financially free: 13 clever money strategies of successful women”Financial expert Margarethe Honisch makes it clear how important financial independence is for women and how they can achieve it.
The book presents 13 different investment strategies used by successful women. These include the entrepreneurs Fränzi Kühne, Patrizia Sereina and Diana zur Löwen. With the help of their ideas, you can get the best inspiration for your own financial path.
The book is ideal for anyone who wants to take responsibility for their finances and achieve their dreams.
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