Here you will find out which net content you officially belong to the middle class.
No matter whether in politics, in the media or in conversations with friends and acquaintances - there is always talk of the so -called "middle class". Most employees would probably classify themselves in this category, even if they do not know a precise definition.
In 2019, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or OECD for short, defined that the middle class has 75 to 200 percent of the middle income.
So whether you actually belong to the so-called center of society is ultimately determined by the net income. But what does that mean specifically - how much do you have to earn to belong to the middle class?
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With this net content you belong to the middle class
The results of various studies and definitions on the middle class sometimes differ significantly. LoudStatesmanyou have to earn 27,416 euros to belong to the middle class.That would be around 2285 euros a month.The results refer to data from the Fraunhofer Institute of 2023.
TheInstitute of the German Economy(iw) in turn defines employees who have a net content between1496 euros and 2804 eurosRelate, as a middle class. The IW also distinguishes theIncreased middle.In order to belong to this group, the net income between2805 euros and 4673 euroslay.
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However, the net content depends on various factors. Both the industry, company size, professional experience and place of residence play a role at the height. TheFederal Statistical OfficeOffers a free salary calculator with which you can compare your own content with the average.
You can read more about the topics of income and salaries here:
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FEMALE FUTURE FORCE DAYon October 11, 2025!
At theFEMALE FUTURE FORCE DAY2025 imbcc BerlinThe ubiquitous inequalities in almost all areas of life will be addressed again this year. In exchange with inspiring speakers, in panel discussions, interviews and interactive master class, we will not only name the problems, but also develop solutions and show ways that lead to an equal and therefore good future for everyone.
This year we will be more international and welcome visitors from all over the world. In addition, we rely on even more entertainment and space to exchange ideas and make contacts that advance personal and professional development. Secure you nowHere is your ticket!