Mental health at work: This company shows how to do it right

Mental health in the workplace: This is how cosnova achieves a modern work culture.Credit:Shutterstock

The future of work: In an interview with Christine Fink, we find out what modern companies can learn from cosnova and how satisfaction in the workplace can really be achieved.

Stress, important deadlines, constant availability – everyday job life can push us to our mental limits. But how can companies help ensure that their employees stay healthy and balanced?

The beauty companycosnova, headquartered in Sulzbach im Taunus, sets a good example and shows how innovative approaches and a conscious approach to mental health can change everyday working life.

We haveChristine Fink, Director People & Organization von cosnova,asked what measures the company is taking to strengthen the mental health of its teams.

Christine Fink is Director People & Organization at cosnova Beauty and has been with the company for two decades.Credit:cosnova

What challenges do you see in the world of work?

“The term 'New Work' should be brought to life instead of just discussed. Employers must courageously implement new working models while at the same time being mindful of the needs and values ​​of their employees. We recently conducted a representative population survey*.

It shows that for many employees, the company's values ​​have to match their own in order to feel mentally good. Mental health is the key point:When people are well, they are more productive,otherwise it inhibits it.

Around 40 percent* name an open and trusting leadership style as the most important factor influencing their mentalityat work. This shows how crucial this aspect is. That’s why it’s our central concern to talk openly about mental health.”

What solutions are there at cosnova to strengthen the mental health of employees?

“We have a high proportion of women. That's why we offer work models that take into account the possible double burden on working mothers. Part-time work is an integral part of our corporate culture.

Recently we have the appMindancefor mental health introduced. Employees have the opportunity to take part in coaching and online seminars and to find individual content for their respective situation.

In the tandem models we offer, two people share responsibility and can therefore work on their personal strengths and skills and support each other.”

How is the response?

"Positive! Our employees feel perceived as people and not as mere resources. Through open communication and targeted training for our managers, we create the basis for mental well-being in the team and ensure that this aspect is always kept in mind.”

Gen Z and Millennials in particular value mental health in the workplace.Credit:cosnova

What does your view of the future say?

“The growing importance of Generation Z will continue to change the world of work. This generation attaches great importance to fair treatment and clearly separates work and private life.

For her hasa much higher priority than for previous generations. Companies that do not adapt to these changing needs and expectations will lose competitiveness in the long term.”

We notice in conversation with Christine: cosnova Beauty sees change above all as opportunities - namely opportunities to offer employees more than just a job.

*Online survey by YouGov Deutschland GmbH on behalf of cosnova, in which 2,037 people took part between July 10th and 11th, 2024. The results were weighted and are representative of the German population aged 18 and over.

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