Removing candle wax: It's easy with these home remedies

Candles are part of Christmas, at least on the Advent wreath - unfortunately candle wax stains too. Find out how to get rid of them here.

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Many people light candles, especially at Christmas time. This not only looks beautiful, it also gives the room a really cozy ambience.

But if you're not careful, melted wax can quickly spread onto tables, floors or textiles. We'll show you how to get your furniture clean again quickly.

Which method is suitable?

Did you know that you can get rid of candle wax with both heat and cold? It is particularly advisable to carry out a cold treatment with colored wax. Then the wax won't rub off and you don't have to worry about unsightly stains.

The appropriate method for wax removal also depends on the material that is affected. So you shouldn't necessarily use the same methods for grandma's silk scarf and the kitchen table. The more sensitive you are, the gentler you have to be.

By the way: Always wait until the wax has cooled down. Rubbing on the liquid wax usually only makes the situation worse.

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Clothing and tablecloths

Have you dripped wax all over your clothes? Then it's best to take off the item of clothing immediately and let the wax dry.

Once it has completely hardened, you can simply scrape it off with a spoon. Then wash the item of clothing at 60 degrees if it is suitable for such temperatures.

Tip: You can also put the fabric in the freezer. Then the wax will solidify more quickly.

Alternatively, you can also use heat to clean your clothing:

  • Remove the top layer of wax with your fingers or a spoon.
  • Then place a paper towel or blotting paper under and over the stain.
  • Iron over it with the iron on medium heat until everything has been absorbed.

By the way: The exact same procedure also works with tablecloths.

Sofas and carpets

Unlike clothing, sofas and carpets are rather difficult to put in the washing machine or iron. Instead, you can work with cold here:

  • Let the wax cool. You can help with this with ice packs or packaged lumps of ice.
  • Then remove the hard wax with your fingers or scrape it off with a spoon.
  • If there are any crumbs left over, you can knock them out of the carpet or vacuum them up.

Tip: You can remove grease stains with stain spray or a small amount of mineral spirits. Be sure to follow the care instructions!

Candle jars and lanterns

Of course, candles have to be secured somehow so that they don't fall over. candle jars (like this one from Amazon*) are particularly practical. Unfortunately, the liquid wax also runs onto the container. This is how you remove the wax:

Hot water
Warm up some water and pour it into the glass. The wax will then become liquid and float to the surface. Then you can simply take it out after the water has cooled down.

Wax becomes liquid at around 40 °C. To remove candle wax from glasses, simply set the oven to the lowest temperature, line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place the glasses upside down on it. The wax runs onto the foil.

Place your candle jars in the refrigerator to let the wax harden. Then you can scrape it off with a knife or a spoon.

Tip: It makes sense to rinse the glasses, regardless of whether you are using heat or cold, and then put them in the dishwasher. Then they will be really clean.

Candles in glassesCredit:GettyImages

Wooden tables and wooden floors

Of course, unnecessary scratches should be avoided on wooden furniture or a beautiful wooden floor. That's why you shouldn't scrape with a spoon, but rather use heat. This will help you get rid of most of the residue, especially if the wood is uneven.

  • Take a hairdryer and use it to heat the wax stain.
  • As soon as the wax becomes liquid, you can dab it with a piece of Zewa.
  • Alternatively, you can place a cloth on the stain and carefully pour hot water over it. This will also remove the wax.

Tip: Do you still see a greasy stain after cleaning? Then mix some vinegar with warm water and wipe the area with it. It's best to use a wood care product (for example this one on Amazon*).

Suitable for:

walls and wallpaper

Be careful when blowing out candles! The air jet allows the wax to spray in all directions - for example onto your wallpaper. But don't panic, the wax can also be easily removed from the wall.

  • Here too, use your hairdryer to melt the wax. Keep enough distance to avoid damaging the wallpaper with the heat.
  • Then remove the soft wax with a microfiber cloth.
  • If there are still residues, an eraser is helpful.

Glass and stone tables

Have you dripped wax on a glass or stone table? No problem at all. Scrape off the top layer carefully so as not to cause scratches. Then proceed as follows:

  • Mix some dish soap with hot water and spread it over the stain.
  • Wait for the wax to soften. Then it can be wiped off.
  • If necessary, wipe with a little glass cleaner and you're done!

Tip: Nail polish remover also helps with colored wax residue.