In the interview: this is really paid to this

Are you facing an interview? Find out here what HR people really want to know in a job interview.

Imagination talks are a challenge for most. You want to show yourself from your best side. Of course, you should be friendly and polite and prove with the right answers that you are perfect for the position. There are countless guides on no-gos and what else should be considered. That can overwhelm you.

Therefore, the question arises, what do personal owners really want to know? We'll tell you.

#1 Pay attention to HR staff: authenticity

You have an interview and you want to show yourself from your best side? No question, you should. But it is important that you don't adjust yourself! HR people love it when applicants are authentic. Why? Quite simply: because they are looking for real people, no robots.

Authenticity shows that you are yourself and do not adjust yourself. And that is super important, because this is the only way to find out whether you really fit the company.

Nobody is perfect. Therefore, HR managers want to get to know each other with all strengths and weaknesses. If you adjust yourself and try to be someone else, it won't be well in the long run. And honestly, who wants to work in a company in which you have to pretend?

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Authenticity is a sign of self -confidence. If you act confidently and do not adjust yourself, then you radiate that too. And that impresses personnel! You want to hire someone who knows himself and stands. Someone who knows his strengths and weaknesses and is willing to work on it.

So: Be yourself in an interview! Show the HR staff who you really are. Be open and honest and proud of what makes you. Because at the end of the day it is your uniqueness that stands out from other applicants.

#2 Pay attention to HR managers: Show interest in the company

In the interview, HR managers particularly make sure whether the applicant shows interest in the position and the company. This is important for a future employer to find out whether applicants are motivated, fit the corporate culture and whether they are ready for active cooperation. But how do personal owners realize that there is interest?

First and foremost, there is an interest in how well the applicant is informed and whether he or she can ask targeted questions about the company or position. This is an indicator that applicants are motivated and actively deal with the opportunity to become part of the company.

You should also consider good questions in advance. It is less well received if you have no questions. This also signals that you are actually not interested in becoming part of the company in the future.

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Body language is also an important indicator of interest in the company. Therefore, you should avoid the following things in the interview:

  • Frequent yawn
  • Do not listen
  • Hands in the pockets
  • Do not ask any questions
  • Do not look at the person or the HR manager
  • Cut off your counterpart
  • Chewing gum

#3 Pay attention to personnel: good preparation

There is nothing worse in the interview than unprepared applicants. Therefore, you should inform yourself in advance about the company you applied. Go to the website and take a close look at what the company stands for.

In addition, you should take a look at the advertised area and merging the profile you are looking for with your vita. What is required that you will meet in any case?

Even if one or more points do not apply to you, stay confident and do not let yourself be intimidated. Because you were invited to an interview because you are impressed by your application. If your specified skills had not been enough, you would not have been invited.

It is also important that you prepare for possible questions. Think about the strengths and weaknesses you have and why you could advance the company. HR managers don't want them to be pushed away their curriculum vitae. You want to find out how you can use your strengths in the workplace.

If you pay attention to the things mentioned above, you are well prepared for the upcoming interview. We wish you a lot of success.

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Career, job and appeal - dare and actively deal with your professional goals. Read up and network with others. So you will gradually find your destiny and can make a contribution. Your professional success lies in your hand.