Manicure in need: This is how you save viscous nail polish

With a few tricks you get viscous nail polish smoothly.Credit:Getty Images

Your nail polish is no longer liquid, but tough like sticky honey? Then save him with our SOS tips.

Happy you hold the bottle of nail polish in your hands and look forward to the fact that the shade simply fits your outfit perfectly and hits the sound that you have imagined. How good that your paint portfolio is so large and productive ...

Now you are ready to go and ready to paint your fingernails. Therefore, you screw off the lid and pull the brush out of the color. You quickly notice that something is wrong and is not as it should be. Because the brush does not slide smoothly out of the bottle, but reluctantly shows its bristles. The paint is not soft and supple, but viscous like sticky honey.

Can you still use the product now? You will quickly notice: distributing this tough mass on your nails is no fun. The result becomes streaky and unevenly instead of smooth and even.

So what to do? Dispose of the paint? We have a better idea. Instead of throwing away the product, you can try to save the content.

So tough nail polish becomes liquid again

Your nail polish is suddenly very viscous? No panic. There are actually a few tricks with which you can quickly revive it and save it from the bin. We introduce you to three options.

#1 nail polish thinner

In order to make viscous nail polish more fluid again, there are special dilums for nail polish that help to restore the right consistency - without affecting the quality of the paint.

How do paint thinners work? Very easy. Then add about three to four drops into the affected nail polish vials and then shake the mixture vigorously. Now the paint should be liquid again and can be distributed perfectly on your nails.

#2 nail polish remover

If you do not have a special product like a nail polish thinner in your beauty cabinet, but are still interested in a quick solution, then you can also use nail polish remover. It is only important that the nail polish remover contains acetone.

Just drizzle two to three drops of the acetone -containing product into your nail polish to dilute it. By swiveling the bottle back and forth, the two substances connect and your paint should now be liquid again.

Attention: Too much nail polish remover can affect consistency, opacity and color of the nail polish. So it is an emergency solution, special nail polish thinners are better.

#3 hot water

You can also make viscous nail polish more fluid again by carefully placing it in a hot water bath. However, there are a few things to consider here so that your paint does not damage.

Pay attention to the correct water temperature. The water should not be too hot - a maximum of 40 to 50 ° C. Temperatures that are too high could affect the chemical composition of the nail polish.

Also ensure that the nail polish bottle is well closed so that no water gets into the nail polish and do not leave the bottle in the water bath too long. Regularly check the consistency to ensure that it does not become too thin.

Why can nail polish become viscous at all?

The fact that nail polishes become viscous and can no longer be "passed" can have very different reasons.

  • Luft:Nail polishes contain solvents such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol. These ingredients ensure that the product remains liquid and can be easily distributed on the nails. If the bottle is opened, these solvents can evaporate over time. This makes the paint thicker and more viscous. Therefore, it is important that you always turn the closure tight.
  • Storage:Nail polish bottles should ideally be stored at room temperature. Too high or too low temperatures have an impact on the consistency and durability of the paint. It is best to keep your nail polishes in a box or drawer in which they are protected from sunlight.

Tipp:It is best when nail polish is stored upside down. This means that less air can get into the bottle and the paint remains smooth.

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