Pimples under the skin can be very uncomfortable. With these home remedies and expert tips you can get rid of the bumps quickly.
Table of contents
- Encapsulated pimple: causes and types
- Get rid of encapsulated pimples with home remedies
- Pulling ointment for encapsulated pimples
- Do not pop pimples under the skin
- Encapsulated pimple: when to see a doctor?
Capsulated pimples are inflammations that are located under the skin. Unlike “normal”, mature pimples, they do not appear on the surface as a red dot with a tip of pus, but rather as a reddish lump.
Depending on the location, an underground pimple can cause pain. For example, when it is close to the bone or in particularly sensitive areas of the body.
The problem with deep-seated inflammation is that it usually torments us for quite a long time. Some women and men even report having encapsulated pimples for weeks or even months.
The cause of the lumps under the skin plays a role here. A clogged skin pore is not always the reason for the encapsulated pimple. We will therefore first investigate the causes.
Encapsulated pimple: causes and types
There are different types of encapsulated pimples. The most common form is pimples, i.e. pores under the skin that are clogged and inflamed by sebum. They are simply not ripe yet, the inflammation has not yet migrated to the surface of the skin where it can heal.
Incidentally, the fact that pimples ripen is a completely normal process that occurs as a result of skin renewal: the outermost skin flakes die off and healthy, new skin flakes push forward. Once the previously underground pimple has reached the surface after a few days, it breaks open and can heal.
But there are also other causes of encapsulated pimples. These include, for exampleingrown hairsorhair follicle inflammation,alsoboilcalled.
The culprits responsible for encapsulated pimples are usually bacteria that get into the deeper layers of the skin through a small injury (e.g. from shaving). For example, they cause a hair follicle to become inflamed. The area of skin from which the hair emerges is then thick, reddened and often painful.
This type of encapsulated pimple often appears under the skin, particularly under the armpits or in the intimate area. But these painful ones also occur on the bottombefore.
By the way: If several boils occur next to each other, i.e. if several neighboring hair follicles are affected, they can combine to form a larger inflammation. These large, painful underground pimples are then calledCarbuncle. In the worst case scenario, the boils or carbuncles can develop into an abscess. More on that later.
Get rid of encapsulated pimples with home remedies
The good news: Encapsulated pimples usually disappear on their own. However, there are a few home remedies that you can use to support and speed up the skin's healing process.
1. Facial steam baths for pimples under the skin
Moist heat opens the pores and helps bring the inflammation to the surface. To create a steam bath, heat water in a pot, lean your face over it, and cover your head with a towel. Make sure that the pot stands securely on the surface and do not bend down too low, otherwise you risk scalding yourself.
If you like, you can add a handful of dried chamomile flowers or a few drops of chamomile essence. Chamomile is an effective home remedy and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
2. Deep cleansing against impurities
If you have oily skin that is prone to impurities, you should cleanse your face thoroughly in the morning and evening. Make sure to use products that suit your skin type. If you have the wrong care routine and over-care for your skin, you risk new pimples.
3. Gentle peelsagainst encapsulated pimples
You can accelerate your skin renewal process with a daily gentle peeling. It removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, causing the encapsulated pimple to gradually move to the surface and eventually heal.
Ideal for oily skin that is prone to impurities such as encapsulated pimples is abased on AHA.
4. Pore cleaner for underground pimples
A pore cleansing device can work wonders on an encapsulated pimple. Thanks to its deep suction function, it removes excess sebum, blackheads and dead skin cells that clog pores and promote impurities.
Regular use can not only clear the skin, but also prevent new pimples and blackheads. It is important to use the device gently to avoid irritation and then to pamper the skin with soothing care.
We recommend it to youPore cleaner from Beurerfor about 30 euros.
Pulling ointment for encapsulated pimples
Many women and men swear by the effect of pulling ointment against encapsulated pimples and deep-seated inflammation.
Pulling ointments or pulling ointments contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents that help fight the inflammation and thus the cause of the underground pimple. In addition, pulling ointments reduce the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands in the treated skin region and thus prevent the formation of new encapsulated pimples.
Important when using pulling ointment: Only apply cream to the affected area of skin and use it sparingly. Also be careful not to apply the ointment to open wounds.
Since there are different ointments with different concentrations of active ingredients, you should seek advice from your doctor or pharmacy in advance.
Do not pop pimples under the skin
Even if it is tempting for many: You should not prick or try to squeeze out encapsulated pimples under the skin. Not only does piercing and squeezing do no good because the pimple is not yet ripe, but you can also make the inflammation worse.
By piercing and pressing on the inflamed area, you can spread the bacteria to other areas of the skin or introduce new germs. The result is larger and worse areas of inflammation.
Also read:
Encapsulated pimple: when to see a doctor?
If the pimple under the skin hurts badly or the inflammation spreads, you should consult your family doctor or a dermatological practice directly. This may be an abscess that requires medical treatment.
You should also have any lumps under the skin that seem strange to you checked out just to be on the safe side.
You should also go to the doctor if you keep getting inflamed areas of skin or painful underground pimples. The doctors then clarify whether there may be an underlying disease behind the recurring inflammation
Something important at the end:Skin care is always very individual. Only you can judge for yourself whether the tips we have described or the products we have presented will work for you. If you have very sensitive skin that is prone to irritation, it may be advisable to see a skin specialist. So you are guaranteed to find the care that suits your skin's needs.