Without an IQ test: 4 signs that you are smarter than average

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First of all in the video: Anyone who has one of these problems is usually particularly intelligent

Without an IQ test: These 4 signs can indicate that you are smarter than average.

Have you ever wondered if you are smarter than others? This question is not easy to answer. For many people, their school days were years ago and say nothing about their actual intelligence. But these 4 signs, according to studies, suggest that you are smarter than others!

Above average intelligence?

Anyone who has often doubted their intelligence is probably smarter than others, because it shows intelligence when you question yourself from time to time. Even those who know several foreign languages ​​or have a bachelor's or master's degree have a great chance of being smarter than others.

A study on cat and dog owners supposedly said that cat owners are also smarter, but we couldn't find any evidence of this. We therefore rely on the facts:

1. You are lazy

Yep, what sounds paradoxical is actually quite easy to explain, because as Bill Gates once put it: “I always choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person finds an easy way to do it.”

Andthis studyproves that intelligent people are rarely bored and therefore often just sit around and think for long periods of time.

2. You're funny

Funny people can usually think more abstractly and demonstrate higher verbal intelligence. That proves oneStudythe Department of Psychology at the University of New Mexico.

Also read:

3. You ruminate a lot

OneStudyamong students found that those who ruminated a lot were more verbally intelligent than others.

4. You are the firstborn

Firstborns have loudStudyan IQ three points higher than their younger siblings.

Of course, that doesn't mean that only people with these characteristics have high IQs. So don't let the results of the study put you off.

By the way: The following stars are considered particularly intelligent. How many of the celebrities do you think have the four characteristics mentioned above?