Sigma man: You can recognize the phenomenon with these 6 signs

Have you heard of the Sigma Man? We'll tell you what's behind it and whether you've even dated someone before.

The term “Sigma Man” comes from pop culture and describes a very special type of man. But what exactly makes it so special? Based on these 6 signs, you can tell whether the person you are talking to is a “Sigma man”.

What is a “Sigma”?

There is no clear definition for the term “sigma” or “sigma male”. In general, this personality type is understood as a man who acts independently and independently, detached from traditional norms.

This term is particularly controversial on TikTok because there is a lot of problematic content about this trend. The Sigma man is primarily portrayed on TikTok as the type of man who only uses women as a means to an end.

Reading tip:

The film character Patrick Bateman (“American Psycho”) symbolizes the characteristics of a sigma. We want to distance ourselves from this image and instead focus on what makes a real Sigma man.

1. He is independent

Sigma men make friends easily, but are always independent. They always try to rely on themselves and do not expect others to help them. Sigma men love personal freedom and like to be independent of hierarchies.

2. He is an introvert

... but not shy, which distinguishes him from the alpha male, who is more extroverted. A Sigma, on the other hand, prefers to keep to himself and likes to be a loner, even though he is well received in his society.

3. He is a good listener

Sigma men are quiet and like to listen. They are excellent listeners, not only for the sake of the speaker, but also for studying and learning from the people around them.

4. He is intelligent and reflective

Sigma men are intelligent and know exactly how they appear to others. They use this knowledge in love and in their careers to achieve what they set out to do. On the other hand, a real (!) Sigma man can also admit when he has made a mistake without his ego immediately going down the drain.

Reading tip:

5. He doesn't change for others

Individuality plays a big role for the Sigma man. He would never change for someone else unless he wanted to.

6. He's not looking for attention

Unlike alpha males who are desperate for attention, sigma males don't want all eyes on them. They don't need validation from others and only compete with themselves. A Sigma man prefers to stay in the background.