Table of contents
- 1. Set up an airline mileage account & travel sustainably
- 2. Be open and respectful towards others
- 3. Stand up & get involved
- 4. Sustainable nutrition
- 5. Consume – but with a clear conscience
- 6. Rethink thoughts of envy and possessiveness
- 7. Open your Mind – think feminist
The new year has begun and, like every year, we make big plans: finally stop smoking, eat healthier, exercise regularly or plan more time for family and friends. But often the initial enthusiasm only lasts until the end of January - and then we slowly return to old habits and small vices.
We're doing it differently this year. If we find it so difficult to take care of ourselves, our health and our relaxation, perhaps we are more likely to do it when it comes to others.
Instead of giving up alcohol, cigarettes and sugar, we could try making good intentions that are not just about ourselves, but about our fellow human beings and our environment. Nice side effect: We are doing something good and that also makes us feel good.
And for everyone who is still doing magic and thinking: What can I do as an individual? A lot! Commitment starts with small actions. All of them together add up to a sum that is powerful. Here we go: Maybe these are your 7 good resolutions for the new year:
1. Set up an airline mileage account & travel sustainably
The word has now gotten around: Flying is extremely bad for your CO₂ balance. But not traveling at all and seeing nothing of the world other than the Baltic Sea and the Lüneburg Heath would be stupid.
That's why you should set yourself a limit when traveling each year that you don't exceed. Once you reach a certain number of flight miles, you should slow down. Domestic German flights should be removed from the list entirely if possible. And there are also many other tips on how to travel more sustainably, for example here:
->Sustainable travel destinations: With these 7 accommodations you'll do everything right
2. Be open and respectful towards others
The tone today is not always really golden – unfortunately. But you can make a difference by setting a good example. A few kind words and a smile can do wonders.
Show all the haters on the internet and the bad-tempered people on the street that there is another way. You will see: those who approach others in a friendly manner will usually be treated just as friendly.
Also read:
3. Stand up & get involved
Make the world a little better! This means standing up for those who need our help or who are not seen or excluded in our society. And sometimes it starts right at your neighbor's door.
The older, lonely lady who would be happy to receive a few kind words and a helper for carrying heavy shopping bags or the neighbor's child whose family has no money for sports lessons and school trips: Be attentive and get involved with those who are worse off than you. You For example, you can volunteer in your region.
What is volunteering?
Volunteering is a voluntary, non-profit activity that is carried out without financial compensation. You use your time and skills to help other people, society or a good cause.
4. Sustainable nutrition
Making the world a better place also means, of course, not eating any more garbage and paying close attention to where things come from. Has my apple traveled halfway around the world? Is there nothing more regional? Does it have to be meat all the time or is it only enough for special occasions and then from an organic farmer? Am I contributing to the throwaway society or am I good at managing food?
How about living a vegan or vegetarian life so as not to support factory farming? And am I buying fairly produced products that do not exploit anyone? We can all change what’s on offer with our consumer behavior – for the better.
5. Consume – but with a clear conscience
We should no longer endlessly consume, buy and then immediately throw everything away again as soon as something is out or we no longer like it. In this case, less is absolutely more. You should always keep this in mind, even when you're shopping.
Think about whether you really need everything you constantly consume and want in order to be happy? This also applies to the flood of gifts at Christmas. The amounts that many children receive as gifts today and who are completely overwhelmed by it. The temptation of bargains on sale, where you often buy things you don't even need.
A lot of the things you own make no sense at all and are just lying around - but others would be very happy if you gave them as a gift. And by the way: Our constant consumption is currently ruining this planet.
Also read:
6. Rethink thoughts of envy and possessiveness
You should develop a certain calmness when you look at the lives of other seemingly successful and happy people. Always ask yourself: Do I really have to achieve all of this in order to live a fulfilling life?
We shouldn't be jealous of others. Especially not because of things that other people post on social media after passing through the filter numerous times. Expensive vacations, expensive home, perfect outfit. This is all more filter than substance and no reason to develop frustration or envy. Comparisons and envy ultimately only make you dissatisfied.
Also read:
7. Open your Mind – think feminist
Don't see feminism as superfluous or just wear it as a statement on a shirt, but also live it actively. It starts small, with tolerance and appreciation for diversity.
Even if we may have long seen ourselves as tolerant and open, we often don't even notice how outdated and clichéd many automatisms and thought patterns are. And each and every one of us can do something to change that. Standing up for other people who are discriminated against, even if you yourself may not be directly affected - that is feminism.
Also read:
Whatever you decide to do for the new year: changing your life for the better, questioning and changing old habits - you don't need a specific date or champagne corks. You could do this every day of the year!