Psychology: These 3 behaviors make you look arrogant

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I was 15 years old when someone told me I would act arrogantly on others. Nothing could have irritated me anymore, because I was extremely unsure at the time. I was death -shy, quiet and insecure. Such a discrepancy between self-awareness and foreign perception was like a blow.

Today, many years later, I suddenly read that exactly the many unsafe people happens. It is not the sounds, the extroverted, the birds of paradise that are considered arrogant, but often people who are actually very insecure. How does this frequent misjudgment come about?

In order to understand better how we act on others and to be able to better assess others, some behaviors are listed here, which we often find arrogant, but which are a sign of lack of self -confidence.

What most people find arrogant - but misinterpret

Apparent disinterest and secretion of others

What is arrogant is someone who is taken by himself, feels superior to his surroundings and usually has little interest in other people. He is too good for his environment and therefore stays away from her.

If someone stands away with entangled arms, does not participate in conversations and remains closed, but this can mean both: it can testify to uncertainty, but also of real arrogance and rejection.

The problem: Since most people interpret things rather negatively, we often tend to the second, negative interpretation. We think someone is arrogant because he rejects us instead of seeing that he stays apart because he is unsure.

Also read:

Long monologues instead of real conversations

Another behavior is also often interpreted incorrectly. Because even if someone is the focus of a group and, according to monologues, without responding to their listeners or looking for a real conversation at all, this can have two backgrounds.

I know that myself. Even today, even if I may seem extrovert to the outside world, I am a rather insecure person inside. I only compensate for it differently than before. Instead of silence, I changed tactics. For example, by talking a lot as soon as I feel uncertain in a society. The more uncertain, the more excessive my speech.

Unfortunately, many perceive such behavior as dominant or extremely self -in love if someone talks without a point and comma. At least they don't see his uncertainty.

That is why the monologue always looks closely at the monologue. Does the speaker consider himself important and therefore do not look the others in the eye or is someone unsafe, gives way to look consciously and tries to overplay his lack of self -confidence by talking? Here, uncertain people are often misinterpreted. Often this behavior only serves self -protection.

Reading tip:

In society, someone is suddenly very different from privately

People with little self -confidence are often afraid of being rejected. In many interpersonal situations, they are unsure and are therefore unnatural, tense, sometimes even overzealous. They often slip into a kind of role and are hard to recognize.

This extreme behavior is usually only evident in public, i.e. situations outside the comfort zone in which the person feels uncomfortable and stressed. In a familiar environment, they are relaxed and very different.

Tips for insecure people who are perceived as arrogant

So here are a few tips to all those who have recognized themselves here in this article:

Tip 1. Get the feedback from your environment every now and then.How do friends and acquaintances appreciate you? Do they change you in public and hardly recognize you again? It is also exciting when you tell each other what you felt when you met for the first time. Often the most wonderful misjudgments come to light here.

Tip 2. Analyze your behavior when you are in new situations in which you may feel uncomfortable.Afterwards, think about whether you were different from your familiar environment and whether this led to someone perhaps perhaps perhaps perhaps completely different from you than you do.

Tipp 3.If you then realize that in such situations you are often particularly loud, laugh artificially and, for example, give yourself much too research and extroverted, for example,Try to stay with yourself next time.

Tip 4. Listen to you: What exactly makes me nervous and which behavior would be much more appropriate to me?So you can make your own perception and foreign perception gradually approach. However, both will never be identical. And in the end that is not bad either.

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Something else important at the end: This article is only intended for information. Do not hesitate to take advantage of professional help if you have massive problems and worries. Nobody has to get through all difficult phases of life alone. In this sense: all the best and take care of you!