Idiot test with 13 questions: Can you pass the special IQ test?

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We all want to know how intelligent we really are. But an IQ test usually takes several hours and therefore not only takes up a lot of time, but also energy. So time for an alternative that can deliver similar results but is not a time waster.

This is exactly where the idiot test comes into play: all you have to do is answer 13 tricky questions. In the free online test you can see directly whether you answered a question correctly or incorrectly. Below you will find the detailed solutions to all 12 questions of the idiot test. Have fun!

Free idiot test: 13 tricky questions

Question 1:
A farmer has 15 sheep. Everyone runs into the forest except 9. How many sheep are still in the pasture?

Which answer is correct?

  • 9
  • 6
  • 7
  • none

Question 2:
Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What comes out?

Which answer is correct?

  • 15
  • 60
  • 70
  • 25

Question 3:
Which weighs more: a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?

Which answer is correct?

  • a ton of feathers
  • a ton of bricks
  • Both weigh the same.

Question 4:
Which mountain was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered?

Which answer is correct?

  • K2
  • Mount Everest
  • Matterhorn
  • Zugspitze

Question 5:
How many hairs does a bald person have if a half-bald person only has 10,000 hairs?

Which answer is correct?

  • no
  • 500
  • 5000
  • 20.000

-> Idiot test questions 6-13

Question 6:
During a half marathon, Tom overtakes Peter, who was in second place. What position is Tom in now?

Which answer is correct?

  • in 1st place
  • in 2nd place
  • in 3rd place

Question 7:
A ball and a bat together cost 1.10 euros. The bat is 1 euro more expensive than the ball. How much does the bat cost?

Which answer is correct?

  • 10 Cent
  • 1 Euro
  • 1 euro and 5 cents
  • 1 euro and 10 cents

Question 8:
Berlin is written with B at the front and h at the back. Is that correct?

Which answer is correct?

  • And
  • No

Question 9:
A carpet of water lilies floats in a lake. Its area doubles every day. If it takes 48 days for the water lily carpet to cover the entire lake, how long will it take for half of the lake to be covered?

Which answer is correct?

  • 47 Roofs
  • 24 Roofs
  • 40 Roofs
  • 1 Tag

Question 10:
Which mouse runs on 2 legs?

Which answer is correct?

  • no
  • every
  • Mickey Maus

Question 11:
Which duck walks on 2 legs?

Which answer is correct?

  • no
  • every
  • Donald Duck

Question 12:
Water relates to a pipe like... to a cable?

Which answer is correct?

  • wire
  • warmth
  • Strom

Question 13:

A woman points to a picture of a man and says, “This man’s mother is my mother’s mother-in-law. Who is this man?”

Which answer is correct?

  • about her uncle
  • about her brother
  • about her father

Have you answered all the questions? Well, here are the solutions with their explanations if you can't quite understand one or the other answer yet. You will notice that most of the questions in this idiot test are only tricky at first glance. You can answer them if you take some time to think.

Reading tips:

Idiot test: answers to all questions

-> Answers to questions 1-5

Question 1:
A farmer has 15 sheep. Everyone runs into the forest except 9. How many sheep are still in the pasture?

The answer is already in the explanation of the question above. If all but 9 sheep run into the forest, then exactly these 9 sheep remain in the pasture. It's actually quite simple, isn't it?

Question 2:
Divide 30 by 1/2 and add 10. What comes out?
Anyone who only reads this idiot test question cursorily will quickly make the mistake of dividing 30 by 2. The correct answer would be: 30:1/2. And of course that makes 60. Add 10 to that and you have the correct result at 70!

Question 3:
What weighs more? A ton of feathers or a ton of bricks?
A ton is a ton, no matter what is weighed.

Question 4:
Which mountain was the highest mountain before Mount Everest was discovered?

Mount Everest of course! Because regardless of whether it has already been discovered or is still unknown – the height of the mountain remains the same.

Question 5:
How many hairs does a bald person have if a half-bald person only has 10,000 hairs?
Anyone who is bald has no hair at all. It's clear!

->Idiot test: answers to questions 6 to 13

Question 6:
During a half marathon, Tom overtakes Peter, who was in second place. What position is Tom in now?

Tom overtakes the runner-up, which means he is now in second place. To finish in first place, he would have to overtake the runner in first place.

Question 7:
A ball and a bat together cost 1.10 euros. The bat is 1 euro more expensive than the ball. How much does the bat cost?

This idiot test question is tricky. It's best to start thinking about it with the ball. How much would it have to cost so that the bat and the ball, which are 1 euro more expensive, cost 1.10 euros together?

At first, 10 cents might come to mind, but that can't be the case. Because if the ball cost 10 cents, the bat would cost 1.10 euros and together both would be 1.20 euros.

So the ball has to be cheaper. The result: The ball costs 5 cents and the bat costs 1.05 euros! This means that the bat is 1 euro more expensive than the ball and together both cost 1.10 euros.

Question 8:
Berlin is written with B at the front and h at the back. Is that correct?
Why is the correct answer “yes”? Because the question is a bit mean. It refers to the word “Berlin” and the word “back”. “Berlin” is written at the front with “B” and “at the back” is written at the front with “H”.

Question 9:
A carpet of water lilies floats in a lake. Its area doubles every day. If it takes 48 days for the water lily carpet to cover the entire lake, how long will it take for half of the lake to be covered?
Before you start doing big calculations, read the question carefully again.The area doubles every day.This means that there can only be a single day between half the area and the entire area. The correct answer to this idiot test question is therefore: 47 days.

Question 10:
Which mouse runs on 2 legs?

The answer to this joke question is, of course, Mickey Mouse.

Question 11:
Which duck walks on 2 legs?

Attention, this question is aimed at your ability to concentrate. If you don't think, you'll almost automatically answer "Donald Duck." Firstly because you see him in the picture and secondly because you think of the previous, very similar question. But don't let it confuse you! The correct answer, of course, is: All ducks walk on two legs.

Question 12:
Water behaves like a pipe like a cable

Water flows through a pipe. This is exactly how electricity “flows” through a cable.

Question 13:

A woman points to a picture of a man and says: “This man’s mother is my mother’s mother-in-law. Who is this man?”

The man is of course the woman's father.

That’s what the “real” idiot test is all about

Our idiot test is a little game to test logical thinking. But the term “idiot test” is usually used colloquially for the medical-psychological examination (MPU for short).

The MPU is ordered, among other things, if people have committed serious traffic offenses. This could be, for example, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Even more than 8 points in Flensburg result in the revocation of the driving license and the ordering of the MPU, i.e. the “idiot test”. The physical and mental examination is intended to determine whether the person can be permitted to drive again; So I got my driver's license back.

When do I have to go to MPU? The most common reasons

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol: from 1.6 per mille
  • Multiple drunk driving violations
  • Driving under the influence of drugs

MPU questions: What will I expect from the “idiot test”?

The term “idiot test” is misleading. Because the MPU is not about testing intelligence. It's more about driving ability. The examination consists of a physical examination and a psychological interview.

Typical MPU or idiot test questions include:

“How long have you had a driver’s license?”

“How do you rate yourself as a driver at that time?”

“How did you react to the first warnings and fines?”

“What are your resolutions today and what is different from before?”

“What does the driver’s license mean to you?”

The aim of the idiot test questions is to find out whether the person recognizes that they have made mistakes in the past and have learned from them. In addition, it should be determined whether further misconduct is to be expected in the future or whether insight or a sense of responsibility will prevail. If you are facing the MPU, you should be clear about this.

You should have learned from your mistakes and not be irresponsible when it comes to driving. Only if you have an honest understanding and understand that misbehavior on the road is a danger to yourself and others, do you have a chance of passing the idiot test and getting your driver's license back.

When do I have to take the idiot test?

Many driving students are afraid that if they fail the driving test three times, they will have to take the idiot test. We can take this fear away from you!

The rule that student drivers have to go to the MPU if they fail the test several times was abolished in 2008. However, back then, only driving students who failed the driving test a total of 6 times had to take the idiot test.

The only exception: The driving instructor can still order an MPU if he sees serious abnormalities in the student driver or suspects a drug or alcohol problem.

Also interesting: These celebrities have the highest IQ