Stay young longer: How you can slow down aging through cell renewal

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These habits will give you a long life

How spermidine and fasting can regenerate your cells and extend your life.

Autophagy sounds complicated, but it is the natural “cleaning process” of cells – and essential for staying healthy and fit!

Particularly interesting: Fasting and spermidine can really boost this process. Here you will find out how you can support your body in keeping your cells young and efficient - and what role your diet plays in this.

Autophagy: This is how you clean your cells from the inside

Have you ever heard of autophagy? This is the process by which your cells “recycle” and reuse damaged parts. Sounds like science fiction? But it's not! Autophagy ensures that your cells clean and renew themselves. Why is this so important? Without this mechanism, harmful substances would accumulate over time, impairing cell function and promoting diseases such as Alzheimer's, cardiovascular problems or cancer.

This process slows down in your body, especially after the age of 30. But don't worry: you can activate autophagy and support your body in the process! You'll find out exactly how in the next section.

Spermidine: The booster for your cells

Spermidine is a natural polyamine found in foods such as wheat germ, mushrooms and aged cheese. It can activate autophagy and keep your cells fresh and healthy. OneStudyby experts such as Frank Madeo, Guido Kroemer and Stephan J. Sigrist (published in 2024) shows that the combination of spermidine and fasting supports cell renewal - and that can contribute to a longer lifespan.

But be careful: If your spermidine level drops, autophagy is also slowed down. Here comesinto the game.

Fasting and autophagy: your natural detox program

Fasting is more than just a trend - it's one of the most effective ways to activate autophagy. As soon as you go without food for a while, your body switches to “self-repair” and starts cell cleaning. The best thing about it: the process penetrates deep into the cells. Broken cell parts are broken down and your cells can regenerate completely.

The study mentioned shows that the fasting effect works particularly well if your body produces enough spermidine. If this is not the case, you can increase your spermidine level through spermidine-rich foods or supplements and intensify the positive effects of fasting.

What does this mean for your health?

It sounds very scientific at first, but the effect is clear: increased autophagy through spermidine and fasting keeps your cells young and protects you from chronic diseases. Research shows that this process can prevent heart disease, reduce inflammation, and even lower the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

In our fast-paced and often stressful world, this is like a deep cleansing program for your body - without any chemicals!

This is how you can boost autophagy

What can you specifically do to promote autophagy and keep your cells fit? Here are a few tips:

  • Fasten:Try intermittent fasting (for example, fasting for 16 hours, eating for 8 hours). This activates autophagy particularly effectively.
  • Foods rich in spermidine:Wheat germ, soybeans, mushrooms and aged cheese are great sources of spermidine. Incorporate them into your menu regularly!
  • Supplements:If you don't get enough spermidine from your diet, you can also take dietary supplements (here at DocMorris*) that have been specifically developed for cell health.
  • Movement:Exercise also stimulates autophagy. Just 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to start the cleansing process.

Vitamins: The partners for your cells

In addition to spermidine, vitamins also play a key role in keeping cells healthy and promoting autophagy. Here is an overview of the best vitamin partners:

  • Vitamin D:This “sunshine vitamin” strengthens your immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It helps cells stay healthy.
  • Vitamin C:As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C fights free radicals and protects your cells from damage.
  • Vitamin E:Protects the cell membranes and ensures that harmful influences stay out.
  • B-Vitamine:B12 and B6 in particular support cell division and help prevent degenerative processes in old age.

Start your autophagy now!

Autophagy is the natural mechanism that keeps your cells young and healthy - and you can easily promote this process. Fasting and a diet rich in spermidine can really boost cell renewal and sustainably improve your health. So what are you waiting for? Your body will thank you – with fit, healthy cells and a longer, more vital life!