30 day stomach challenge: flat stomach in one month

Can you do the 30-day belly challenge?Credit:GettyImages/ The Good Brigade

Start the 30-day belly challenge! Effective exercises like crunches, planks and leg raises will get your stomach in shape - from the comfort of your own home!

We present to you THE challenge for the coming month: the 30-day belly challenge!

Let's start straight away and don't beat around the bush for long: Does your stomach feel soft, does the lifebuoy wobble on its own when you jog? Then this 30-day belly challenge is just right for you!

With our workout program you can really get your body back in shape. Of course, you have to have some motivation for this, because the exercises have to be done every day in the spirit of the challenge. The good news: You don't have to go to the gym, you can easily do the workout at home!

Reading tips:

Practical: At the end of the article you will find a 30-day abdominal challenge plan with all the exercises to print out! He shows you exactly how to go about training so that you can improve every day!

Are you ready? Then let’s get to the (belly) fat!

One thing in advance:Of course, you have to be aware that you probably won't get a toned six-pack from a month's mini-workout challenge; there's a lot more to it. The starting situation is crucial, the right diet and consistent training, and, and, and. But if you don't do anything, you won't make any progress.

30 Day Ab Challenge: Crunches

Start with classic crunches. This will train your straight abdominal muscles.


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And this is how the exercise works:
Lie on your back. Place your feet a little distance from your bottom. Place your hands lightly on the back of your head. Tense your stomach tightly and slowly lift your upper body (only up to your shoulder blades) a few centimeters off the floor. Then you can lower your upper body again, but don't put it completely on the floor.

If you like, you can also incorporate side crunches, but don't worry, we'll show you the bicycle crunches right away, which will challenge your transverse abdominal muscles enough.

(It also works without a challenge: 3 times 12 repetitions)

30-Day Ab Challenge: Bicycle Crunches


Reading tips:

And this is how the exercise works:
Lie on your back and tense your stomach tightly. Lift your legs off the floor. Always alternately bend one leg so that the calf is parallel to the floor. Place your fingertips on the back of your head and then alternately bring your right elbow and left knee together, as well as your left elbow and right knee. Attention: Don't forget to breathe and don't arch your back.

Complete the reps as indicated in the challenge plan on each side.
Variation for beginners: Place the bottom leg on the floor.

(It also works without a challenge: 3 times 15 repetitions per side)

30-Day Ab Challenge: Plank


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And this is how the exercise works:
Lie on your stomach and support your forearms on the floor. The elbows should be under the shoulders and the forearms should be stretched straight forward. You can clasp your hands as you wish. Now tense your stomach tightly and push your body upwards. The weight is supported by your forearms and the tips of your toes. Make sure your bottom doesn't slide up or down.

(It also works without a challenge: 2 times 30 seconds)

30-day ab challenge: lift your leg


Reading tips:

And this is how the exercise works:
First, lie on your back and stretch your legs. Then slowly lift your legs off the floor and stretch them upwards. Let them sink very slowly to the ground. This is about controlling your abs, not momentum! So that you don't arch your back, you can put your hands under your bottom for support.

For beginners:
First, lift one leg straight off the floor and slowly let it sink to the floor. Feel your abdominal muscles and hold the position occasionally. Then switch legs.

(It also works without a challenge: 3 times 15 repetitions.)

You can save/print out the entire belly challenge here!

Printable Plan: 30 Day Ab ChallengeCredit:30-Day Belly Challenge CI-2020-2

Also read:

We want to be honest with you, hence a well-known saying from the gym: “A six-pack is made in the kitchen.” Yes, you read that right, so that you can see the muscles on your stomach, your body fat also has to be reduced and This works best through a change in diet including consistent training.

Reading tips:

Want more? Then discover them here, without any sit-ups!

Complete the challenges with running training:for a 5K run? We make it!

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.