Not only do toned legs get you everywhere, but they also look incredibly good! So, let it burn: With this training plan for the leg challenge, every day becomes the ultimate leg day!
Table of contents
- 1. Leg challenge exercise: Jumping squats for thighs and buttocks
- 2. Leg challenge exercise: lunges for thighs and buttocks
- 3. Leg Challenge Exercise: Side leg raises for toned thighs
- 4. Leg Challenge Exercise: The Wall Sit
- Here you can find the free training plan for the leg challenge!
- Don't forget your diet:
As soon as the temperatures rise and dress season begins, the focus will be on legs again. Time to be prepared! Start our 30-day leg challenge now and get in shape in time to shine with slim and toned legs in the warm season.
We have to get one thing out of the way:, small pockets of fat or sagging tissue – if you want to tone your body, there is no way around regular exercise. But don't worry, exercise can also be really fun! Admittedly, our special workout will sometimes make you grit your teeth. A littleand stamina are required to carry out the program consistently for a whole month.
But the effort is worth it and you don't have to be a high-performance athlete to complete the 30-day leg challenge: with our tips you can (almost) do it with your own hands.
If you still need a little boost of motivation: With our special leg training, you will not only tone your legs in just a few weeks, but also strengthen your entire body - including your stomach and bottom!
For more guidance, you can watch our fitness videos or take an online fitness coursetry.
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1. Leg challenge exercise: Jumping squats for thighs and buttocks
Squats are one of the absolute basics for toned thighs and a firm bottom. No wonder that this exercise should not be missing from any leg challenge! We have a particularly effective variant for you that also trains your calves.
This is how it works:
- Stand upright with your feet about shoulder-width apart.
- Tighten your stomach to stabilize your back and maintain a straight posture.
- Lower your buttocks back as if you were sitting on a chair.
- Jump up from this position. Use your arms to gain momentum (note: make sure you don't hit your head anywhere!).
Tipp:If the jumps are too strenuous for you or you have knee problems, you can skip the jumps and instead do normal squats in a controlled manner.

Start your challenge on day 1 with 15 jumping squats and increase the number by at least 4 repetitions every two days. The goal is to complete at least 75 repetitions at the end - i.e. on day 30. Stay tuned, you can handle it!
2. Leg challenge exercise: lunges for thighs and buttocks
Lunges are a great exercise for strengthening the hamstrings and butt. Stand upright and take a large step forward alternately with your left and right feet. Make sure your front knee forms a 90-degree angle and your back knee stays just above the floor without touching it.
Extra tip:If you want to make the exercise more intense, you can add a jump when changing legs - similar to jumping squats. Remember that reps are counted per leg.
Your plan:
On day 1, start with 12 lunges per leg. Increase the number by at least 2 repetitions per leg every two days. Your goal: By day 30 you should ideally be able to do 45 repetitions per leg.

3. Leg Challenge Exercise: Side leg raises for toned thighs
To get beautiful, toned legs, it is important to strengthen not only the front and back of the thighs, but also the outer and inner sides. With side leg raises you specifically train the outer thighs - especially the abductors.
To make it more comfortable, place a towel or fitness mat underneath.
Lateral leg raises for the outer thighs (variant A – abductors):
This is how it works:
- Lie comfortably on your right side. Your body is kept stable by your right forearm and right leg (alternatively, you can rest your head on your hand).
- Tense your stomach to stabilize your body.
- Now lift your left leg to the side of your right leg and stretch it upwards.
- To get started, you can bend your leg - this makes the exercise a little easier.
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Try this challenge too:
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Side leg raises for the inner thighs (variant B – adductors):
This is how it works:
- Lie on your right side and support your head with your right arm.
- Position your left leg so that your left foot is in front of your right thigh.
- Keep your right leg extended and in line with your torso.
- Slowly and controlledly lift your right leg a few centimeters off the floor. Then lower it again - without resting it completely on the floor.
- After the repetitions, switch sides and perform the exercise with your left leg.
Instead of just raising and lowering the leg, you can hold it at the highest point and make small circular movements. Alternatively, you can use a resistance band to make the exercise more intense.
Your plan for the challenge:
Start on day 1 with 8 repetitions per leg in variations A (abductors) and B (adductors). Increase gradually so that by day 25 you can ideally do 30 repetitions per leg.
For everyone who doesn't want to take part in the challenge:
Perform 3 sets of 12-15 reps per side per variation.
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4. Leg Challenge Exercise: The Wall Sit
The burning comes at the end:
The crowning finale is an exercise that really challenges your thighs and calves. Some of you will master it easily, while others will work up a sweat - but the question is: can you hold on?
This is how it works:
- Lean your back flat against a wall. Make sure that your entire back is flat.
- Place your feet at the appropriate distance from the wall, about hip- to shoulder-width apart.
- Squat until your knees form a 90 degree angle and you are essentially “sitting against the wall”.
- Keep your upper body upright and stay in this position.
Your plan:
Start with 15 seconds on day 1. Build up so that you can last at least 60 seconds or 1 minute on day 22.
Also read:
Here you can find the free training plan for the leg challenge!

Don't forget your diet:
Fitness means more than just exercise - a healthy diet is just as important. Especially during the leg challenge, you should pay attention to a balanced diet with lots of protein, as it is the basis for muscle building and well-being. And don't forget: Always drink enough to optimally support your body!
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.