Tight abdominal muscles and firm bottom: The best exercises to do at home

In our video workout we show you the most effective exercises for your stomach, legs and buttocks. Only 15 minutes and super motivating!

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There are many abdominal, leg and buttocks exercises especially for at home that anyone can do in the living room or bedroom and for which you need almost nothing.

In order for the exercises to be effective, they must be done regularly. At least three days a week you should leave the sofa behind, get out the exercise mat and do your stomach, legs and buttocks.

The same applies to the home as it does to the world: Be honest with yourself! The exercises should be done with motivation and concentration. Don't slouch because no one is watching or skip a few reps!

Also interesting:

If some of the following abdominal, leg and buttocks exercises are too difficult for you to do at home or the number of repetitions is too high, you can slowly improve. But please do as many repetitions until you can't do it anymore and don't just stop at the slightest hint of exhaustion.

Little tip:If you prefer to do a little exercise every day, you can split up the abdominal, leg and bottom exercises at home and alternate themandas well as train. That's only about 15 minutes per day instead of 30 minutes if the entire program is done. Then add the whole body exerciseone, your fitness plan is perfect!

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In the HÖRZU magazine podcast, sports scientist and bestselling author Prof. Ingo Froböse promises: “We look inside the body - and say what we can do for it.” The expert also presents simple exercises for in between - so that everyone is FIT & HEALTHY remains. New every 14 days on Mondays.

Ingenious 15-minute workout: The most effective abdominal, leg and buttocks exercises

1. Abs Workout: Upper Body Twirl

Trains the abdominal muscles, straight and oblique.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Sit loosely on the floor, with your legs bent at about 90 degrees, with your feet only on your heels on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest and tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Bend your upper body slightly backwards and then turn first to the left side, then to the right. Make sure that your upper body remains straight.
> 3 sets of 15 reps per side

You can order a fitness mat directly from Amazon here*

2. Abdominal and leg exercise: upper body leg cross

Trains the oblique abdominal muscles.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Lie relaxed on your back. The legs are stretched and spread about hip-width apart. The arms are stretched far back into a V. Now tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Lift your upper body off the floor, at the same time stretch your left arm forward and lift your right leg straight. The goal is to touch your right foot or shin with your left hand. Unroll slowly again. 12 reps, then switch sides.

> 3 sets of 12 reps per side

3. Abs-leg exercise: Crunch with stretched legs

Trains the straight abdominal muscles.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Lie relaxed on your back with your arms stretched straight behind your head. If you like, you can take a dumbbell in each hand. Tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Lift your upper body a few centimeters off the floor so that your shoulder blades no longer touch the mat. Keep your arms stretched forward.

Stretch and lift your legs until the soles of your feet point towards the ceiling and pull your toes towards you. Lower your legs again, but do not rest them on the floor. Make sure your lower back is on the floor at all times.

4. Full-body exercise: Crunch in support

Trains the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, as well as arms and shoulders.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Get into the push-up position, which means that your body forms a straight line and you only support yourself on the tips of your toes and your hands. Theare stretched out, the hands are under the shoulders. Tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Release your left foot from the floor, bend your leg and pull your knee straight towards your chest. Then extend your leg backwards and pull it forward again, but now to the left armpit.

Reach back again and this time pull it towards the right armpit as you come forward. In addition to the straight abdominal muscles, the oblique abdominal muscles are also trained. 5 reps, then switch sides.

> 3 sets of 5 reps per side

5. Abdominal exercise at home: hip twister

Trains the back and oblique abdominal muscles.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Lay on your back. The arms are stretched out wide next to the body at shoulder height. The legs are bent at a 90 degree angle and lifted so that the calves are parallel to the floor. Tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Press your legs together tightly and move them to the right side. The upper body remains straight, only the hips move, the shoulders remain on the floor. Return to center and lower to left side.

6. Workout at home: butt lift

Trains the butt, lower back and thighs.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Lie on your back with your arms relaxed next to your body. The legs are set at a 90 degree angle. Tense your stomach.

Here's how:
Lift your bottom powerfully off the ground, the weight of your body being supported only by your heels and shoulders. Now lift your left leg straight so that it is parallel to the raised leg. Hold for about 20 seconds, then switch legs.

> 3 sets of 3 reps per side

Reading tips:

7. Leg flexors from hip stand

Trains the thighs and buttocks.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Lie on your back with your legs at a 90 degree angle. The arms are stretched out next to the body at shoulder height. Tense your stomach and buttocks.

Here's how:
Lift your bottom powerfully. Then release your left leg from the floor, bend it and pull your knee towards your chest. Put the leg down again and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

> 3 sets of 15 reps per side

8. Trains balance: one-leg bend

Trains the thighs and bottom and also trains the sense of balance.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Stand upright, feet close together, arms close to your body. Tense your stomach tightly.

Here's how:
Shift your weight onto your left leg and bend your right leg so that your calf is parallel to the floor. Now bend your left leg as low as possible. Hold briefly and come back up. 10 reps, then switch sides.

> 3 sets of 10 reps per side

Do you need a real challenge to motivate you to train? Then try oursout of! In one month you will not only shape a firm butt, but also train your entire body!

9. Leg and butt exercise: Squat jump

Trains the thighs, lower legs and buttocks.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Stand upright, as if you were doing a squat, with your legs slightly wider than hip-width apart. If you like, take a dumbbell in each hand. Tense your stomach and buttocks tightly.

Here's how:
Squat down, stretching your butt backwards as if you were sitting on a chair. Jump up powerfully from a deep squat. The arms with the dumbbells remain straight the entire time.

Reading tips:

10. Exercise for arms and legs: twisted squat with curl

Trains buttocks, thighs and arms.Credit:gofeminin.de

Starting position:
Stand upright with your legs about hip-width apart. Take a dumbbell in each hand. Tense your stomach and buttocks tightly.

Here's how:
Take a lunge forward with your right leg - as if you were curtsying, with the knee not completely straight, but slightly to the right. Then force your arms upwards to do a bicep curl. Repeat the exercise on the other side. Advanced users do the exercise with dumbbells.

> 3 sets of 15 reps per side

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.