Foot massage: instructions and ingenious massager for at home

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After a long day on your feet, a foot massage is really good. It relaxes you and can even warm up cold feet. A professional foot massage can also improve blood circulation in the feet and help treat the entire body.

During foot reflexology massage, certain pressure points on the foot are stimulated, for example to relieve physical discomfort and tension. For optimal treatment, we recommend visiting a massage studio, medical foot care or a podiatrist.

If you want to save yourself the trouble of going to a professional, we'll show you the perfect instructions for a soothing foot massage at home. We'll also show you a well-rated foot massager below - if you want to make yourself particularly comfortable.

What is foot reflexology?

The so-called foot reflexology massage is often used in alternative medicine. The supporters of this method assume that there are connections in the feet to all organs and areas of the human body. It is believed that by stimulating different points on the foot, other areas of the body can be influenced.

However, this theory has not yet been proven in scientific studies. However, a foot massage feels good and that's what matters most.

Representation of the foot reflex zones and their connection.Credit:iStock

Look funny:There are even special massage socks that have the reflex zones printed on them, so that every amateur masseur knows where the right point is. Here atOrder on Amazon*.

Instructions for the perfect foot massage

If you want to do it yourself at home, you can of course do so without any problems, because a foot massage - whether professional or not - is always relaxing. For anyone who doesn't know how a perfect foot massage works, we've got expert tips. Namely by Steve Finnemore, masseur at the popular British massage studio 'Getting You There'.

If you want to treat your feet to a relaxing massage every now and then without you or anyone else having to lend a hand, you can also use a practical foot massage roller (here on Amazon*) use.

Preparation of foot massage

Pure relaxation – with a foot bath

You or your partner should wash your feet first; the perfect preparation is a foot bath. To prepare the feet for the massage and to provide additional relaxation. If you like, you can also add scented oils to the water to gently care for your feet while you bathe.

When your feet are warm and soft, gently dry them and begin the massage. For the pampering treatment, take some oil or– particularly important in winter when the skin tends to be dry – and apply generously to the soles, toes and backs of the feet. This makes the massage easier, and if you use a rich cream, the whole thing has the nice side effect that you or your partner will have wonderfully soft feet afterwards.

Foot care: These are the biggest mistakes when doing pedicures

Then sit back comfortably, ideally on a sofa or armchair, and relax. Place your feet on a pillow so that they are slightly elevated. Then you can get started.

Book tip:For anyone who would like further instructions on foot massage, there is a nice book by Dr. Franz Wagner: “Reflex zone massage: grip techniques to activate the self-healing powers”, published by GRÄFE UND UNZER Verlag. Here directlyBuy on Amazon*.

Foot Massage Instructions: Step 1

Give this firston your palms and rub them gently over your feet or the other person's feet. Do this from top to bottom. This allows the foot to slowly warm up and prepare it for the massage.

Then use your thumb and index finger to gently squeeze and rub each toe in turn, from the big toe to the little one. Now take your thumb and make small circular movements on the sole of your foot directly under each toe. This time, start the other way around with the little toe and move on to the big toe.

Finally, make slow, large movements back and forth with your thumb on the ball of your foot under your toes. Repeat with the other foot.

Massage the ball of your foot with gentle pressure from your thumbs.Credit:iStock

Foot Massage Instructions: Step 2

Gently massage the balls of your feet using slow, circular movements with both thumbs. Start under the big toe and continue to the little toe.

Then hold the foot in your hands and massage the cavity of the foot (between the ball of the foot and the heel) with both thumbs. Make slow circular movements from top to bottom. Caution: Do not massage too hard. Some people are extremely sensitive here. If it's too gentle, it can tickle - find the right amount. Then repeat the whole procedure with the other foot.

Then repeat the circular movements, but this time on the heel and with more pressure.

Don't use too much pressure in the hollow area of ​​the metatarsus, it can be uncomfortable. If it's too gentle, it can tickle.Credit:iStock

Also read:

Foot Massage Instructions: Step 3

Now massage the back of the foot, i.e. the top of the foot, as follows: Place your right thumb gently in the hollow arch below the foot. This means you have the fingers of both hands free to massage the top of the foot.

Make gentle circular movements over the top of your foot, working your way from top to bottom and back.

Stroke the top of your foot, from ankle to toe.Credit:iStock

Also read:

Foot Massage Instructions: Step 4

Now comes the big finale. Gently drag your fingers along the bottom of your foot from the toes down to the heel. Then place your fingers on the right and left side of the foot between the ankle and the heel and make circular movements with your thumb.

At the end of the massage, let your hands gradually move up to the ankles and calves in stroking movements to promote relaxation of the entire body. Finally, gently stroke your feet from the heel to the toes. Then gently pluck out the toes.

Treat yourself to these little wellness moments regularly so that your feet - and therefore your entire self - feel relaxed and cared for, whether after a hot summer day or a cold winter evening.

You can achieve a different pressure effect with your knuckles.Credit:iStock

Finally, put your feet up for a while and keep them warm. Afterwards, you or, if you have massaged, your counterpart, should relax and! The best way to get in the mood for an evening of cuddles together.

Foot Massager: Which is the Best?

If you struggle with sore feet or want to give your feet regular relief, a home foot massager may be a good option.

These devices knead, roll and press the soles of the feet using rotating balls. The great thing is that you heat up, which provides additional muscle relaxation.

A foot massager from Medcursor is an absolute bestseller on Amazon. It has an overall score of a whopping 4.4 stars from over 2,600 reviews, making it one of the best-rated foot massagers.

You can check out the foot massager on Amazon here*

Users particularly praise the strong pressure and pleasant compression. The price-performance ratio is also positively highlighted.

If a foot massager is out of the question in terms of price, then a foot massage roller (here at Amazon*) be the right choice. The rollers, which are usually made of wood, are ideal for massaging and relaxing your feet under the desk or while watching TV.

Something important at the end:Foot care may need to be tailored to the individual. Only you can judge for yourself whether the tips we have described or the products we have presented will work for you. If you have very sensitive skin or joints on your feet, it may be advisable to see a specialist. So you are guaranteed to find the care that suits the needs of your feet.