Good resolutions: finally get started with the fitness trends of 2025 and stick with them

Do you finally want to follow through on your good resolutions? With the 5 fitness trends for 2025 you will find the sport that suits you perfectly.

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Every year the same thing: At the turn of the year we resolve to do more sport, finally get fit and declare war on our inner weaker self once and for all. But as soon as everyday life returns, the good intentions often become a side note. Then the couch calls again louder than the trainers and all motivation is gone.

However, if you find a sport that you really enjoy, it will be much easier to exercise. Because those who enjoy doing it will stick with it. This is exactly where they come fromFitness trends 2025into the game.

The fitness, sports and wellness platformUrban Sports Club* has surveyed its members and from thisthe most popular sports of the yearsummarized. Maybe they will also offer you the perfect inspiration and motivation to finally put your resolutions into action.

1. Reformer Pilates

7 percent have tried Reformer Pilates 2024 at least once

The sportprobably everyone knows. But Pilates with a so-called reformer is new to many people and has caused a real hype in the past year.

The special thing about this sport is of course the reformer. The training device is based on a spring construction with ropes and straps that enable precise resistance exercises for the whole body. This not only helps build and strengthen muscles, but also increases the range of motion.

In 2025, many more studios offering this special type of Pilates are expected to open across Germany. Ideal if you want to try something new in the coming year.

Also interesting:

Reformer Pilates is becoming increasingly popular.Credit:Urban Sports Club

31 percent like to train with friends

If you can't bring yourself to exercise, you might find it helpful to do it with others. For example at so-called social fitness events, which are becoming increasingly popular.

Pushing each other and not only doing something good for your body, but perhaps even making new friends, makes doing sports much easier and increases motivation and discipline.

Whether it's a volleyball match, CrossFit or Zumba. There are suitable fitness events for numerous sports that you can discover for yourself in the new year.

3. Boxing Fitness

Do you want to really work yourself out in 2025? Then you should definitely try boxing fitness. The combination of dynamic movements of thes and intensive cardio and strength exercises enable a full-body workout that strengthens your endurance, coordination and mobility. Perfect for anyone who needs a balance from their stressful everyday work routine, as mental health also benefits from boxing fitness.

There are numerous studios all over Germany that offer courses of this type. So if you want to get started in 2025, you can look for a studio near you.

4. Healthy back

14 percent of all bookings from 2024 corresponded to offers to strengthen your back

Sitting a lot in everyday life causes back pain for many people. It is not for nothing that they are one of the most frequently mentioned complaints. That's why back courses will be extremely popular again in 2025. Training methods from yoga, Pilates and functional training are combined here to ensure that youris strengthened.

Especially if you are one of those people who sits at a desk for eight hours a day, you should make sure you have a healthy back in 2025.

5. Wellness & Regeneration

7 percent regularly used wellness and relaxation offers in 2024

Of course, a healthy fitness lifestyle also includes proper regeneration. There are now innovative regeneration methods that ensure that your body recovers after a training session and can recharge its batteries. But there are also other ways to simply take a mindful break in your everyday life.

A visit to a thermal spa, a sauna or even a short oneare ideal for supporting your sporty lifestyle in 2025.

You can find more sporting topics here:

Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.