Sport without effort: This device from Tchibo keeps you fit while sitting

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In advance in the video: Fantry shopping at Tchibo? It works with these tips!

Movement made easy in everyday life! This part of Tchibo is the perfect solution to stay active when working or television.

We all know: movement is good! Already 30 minutes of sport a day are enough according to theWorld Health Organization (WHO)to strengthen the cardiovascular system, get the metabolism going and increase general well-being.

But it often looks different in everyday life. After a long working day, the energy for sports is simply missing, and if you sit a lot at the desk, you hardly get your daily steps.

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I only know the problem too well - even if I try to do a few laps during the breaks or take the stairs instead of the elevator. But now I have discovered a fitness gadget that starts here:The Mini Bike from Tchibo*.

Mini Bike instead of gym - the clever solution for home

TheChristopeit Mini Bike »MB 3«* is small, practical and currently on offer at Tchibo. In contrast to a large ergometer that takes up a lot of space, you can simply put the Mini Bike under your desk or use it in front of the couch - for just 70 euros. An investment that is really worth it, especially compared to expensive gym subscriptions.

Here buy the practical fitness device at Tchibo*Credit:Tchibo /

The Mini Bike is so straightforward that it can be perfectly integrated into everyday life. While you work or look at a series, you can keep your legs in motion - without any additional time.

The pedals are equipped with adjustable loops so that your feet sit safely. And if you feel like a small upper body training, you can also use the device with your hands. Thanks to the infinitely adjustable sanding brake, you can set the resistance exactly as it is pleasant for you.

A digital computer shows you the training time, the number of pedal revolutions and even calorie consumption. So you can track how active you are. And with a weight of only 5.5 kg, the device remains stable on the floor, but can also be easily stowed away thanks to the practical grip trough or stowed anywhere else.

Conclusion: perfect for everyone who wants to move more

Whether as a gentle endurance training in the home office or as an additional movement unit on television - the Mini Bike is a clever solution for everyone who does not want to do without movement despite full schedule. So if you have been looking for a simple way to bring more activity into your everyday life, you shouldOffer at Tchibo* Don't miss.

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Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form suits you best. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.