Table of contents
- Butt exercises are good for the entire body
- 1. Lunges: Strengthening the buttocks and thighs
- 2. Effective combination exercise for buttocks and back: leg raises
- 3. Squats: The gold standard for your butt and legs
- 4. Intensive Po-Übung: Sumo-Squats
- 5. Standing Scales: Balance and butt strengthening
- 6. Side Lunges: More dynamic for the hips and legs
- 7. Glute Bridge: Pelvic raises
- 8. Bulgarian Split Squat: Deep workout for butt and legs
- 9. Donkey Kicks: Powerful kicks for the gluteus minimus
- 10. Fire Hydrant Kicks: Side leg raises for a round butt
Most women's wish list for the perfect body is long:,, fester. And of course a firm butt is also part of it! Not thosealone, but rather goal-oriented training brings the muscles into shape and to the fore. Butt exercises are the ultimate.
Training the gluteal muscles, especially in the beginning, can be challenging. The sore muscles after the exercises are evidence of their effectiveness and let you feel that you have challenged your muscles. Don't worry: your body will get used to it and soon you'll notice progress without the initial pain.
Start wisely:It's important to build up your strength training slowly. Don't overload yourself or your muscles right at the beginning and give them time to get used to the new stimuli.
Tipp: Here you can buy a top workout DVD specifically for the bottom on Amazon*
Butt exercises are good for the entire body
Butt exercises not only ensure a beautiful butt: they strengthen the entire leg muscles, especially the back of the thighs, and make the legs slimmer and firmer. Did you know that with the right exercises you can also improve your posture and stabilize your hip joint?
In combination with a healthy diet and an individual training plan, which you can use, for exampleGymondo*you will get the best results.
Do you want even more? No problem! If you integrate dumbbells into your buttocks training, you'll be doing something for your arms at the same time. When using weights, please pay particular attention to:protects you and keeps you straight so as not to hurt yourself!
So, which exercises are really beneficial? Here are the ten best buttocks exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
Reading tips:
1. Lunges: Strengthening the buttocks and thighs
are one of the most strenuous but also effective butt exercises. The best thing: the thighs are trained straight away.

Here's how:
Stand upright and tense your stomach.
Take a big step forward with your right leg. Make sure that the knee does not extend beyond the foot. At the same time, squat deeply with your left knee. Come back up and do the same with the other leg.
Recommendation:3 sets of 15 reps per side
Variant:The lunges become more strenuous if you do them as quick jumps. And if you then take small dumbbells in your hands, this butt exercise becomes even more effective. A weight of 3 kilos is suitable for beginners.
Here you can find dumbbells for your butt workout directly on Amazon*
2. Effective combination exercise for buttocks and back: leg raises

You can do a lot of great butt exercises for a firm bottom and toned legs from a four-footed position, such as the leg raise.
Here's how:
Starting position:Place a mat on the floor and stand on all foursare under the shoulders, the knees under the hips.
Lift your right leg straight off the floor to hip height. Angle it so that the sole of your foot is pointing upwards and then push the sole of your foot towards the ceiling.
Important: In contrast to Donkey Kicks, this exercise is not about speed, but rather about specifically moving the leg upwards towards the ceiling.
Repetitions:3 sets of 15 reps per side
Variant:If you put a theraband between your feet, you can make the exercise more difficult.
You can order a Theraband directly from Amazon here*
3. Squats: The gold standard for your butt and legs

Squats are a bit old-school, but under the name squats, they're making a comeback as one of the best butt exercises around!
Here's how:
Starting position:Stand upright, your stomach tensed tightly. The legs are slightly wider than hip-width apart.
Now bend your knees deeply - stretch your buttocks back as if you were sitting down on a chair. The upper body is bent slightly forward with a straight back and the bottom is stretched out backwards.
Recommendation:3 sets of 15 reps each
Advanced users can also hold a weight in their hands.
Did you know?Certain exercises train specific muscles. Depending on the shape of your bottom, very specific exercises are particularly suitable for you. Square, A or V shaped… Discover hereBecause not all butts are the same...
4. Intensive Po-Übung: Sumo-Squats
Wide squats or pliés, as they are known from ballet, are a great variation of the classic squat and one of the most popular and effective exercises for the glutes.

Here's how:
Starting position:Stand upright, tense yoursfirmly on. The legs are wide open, the feet and knees pointing outwards.
Version:Raise your arms with the weights to shoulder height and then bend your knees. Go deep – you should feel it! Return to starting position and repeat.
Recommended number of repetitions:3 sets of 15 reps each
5. Standing Scales: Balance and butt strengthening

The standing scale looks like one of the less strenuous butt exercises, but it packs quite a punch.
Here's how:
Stand upright with your stomach tightly tense.
Now shift your weight to your right leg, lift your left leg straight up and bend your straight upper body forward with your arms stretched. Ideally, the upper body, pelvis and extended leg form a line, parallel to the floor. Hold for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position.
Recommendation:3 sets of 5 reps per side
Do you have problems keeping your balance? Then hold on to the wall or the back of a chair.
This exercise is the perfect preparation for single-leg deadlifts.
Reading tips:
6. Side Lunges: More dynamic for the hips and legs

The lunge or lunge is one of the best butt exercises out there. With this variant you also train the inside of the.
Here's how:
Stand upright with your stomach tightly tense.
Shift your weight onto your right leg and lunge wide to the side with your left leg.
The right knee is bent deeply, the left leg remains straight.
Make sure that your right knee does not extend past the tip of your foot and that you do not turn the knee in or out. The upper body remains upright.
Recommended repetitions:3 sets of 12 reps per side
Also use the dumbbells for this exercise (Here you can get dumbbells for your butt workout directly from Amazon*) and brings your hands together in front of your chest like in the picture. This will make your training even more effective!
7. Glute Bridge: Pelvic raises
An absolute classic among exercises for the buttocks are the glute bridges. The buttocks, thighs, hip flexors as well as abdominal and back muscles are activated.

Here's how:
Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent.
Raise your pelvis by squeezing your glutes until your shoulders, hips, and knees form a straight line.
Press your heels firmly into the ground for greater stability and effectiveness.
Recommended number of repetitions:3 sets of 15 repetitions each.
For an advanced variation, a dumbbell can be placed on the pelvis to increase resistance.
8.Bulgarian Split Squat: Deep workout for butt and legs
This variant of the squat promotes the work of the gluteal muscles due to the one-sided load and increases stability in the hip area.

Here's how:
Sit in front of a flat bench or a stable elevation and place your shoulder blades on the edge.
The feet are hip-width parallel and firmly on the floor.
As you lift your pelvis, push off with your heels and extend your hips explosively until your upper body and thighs form a line.
Hold the position briefly and lower the pelvis again in a controlled manner.
Recommendation:3 sets of 12-15 repetitions each.
For advanced users: The additional weight of a dumbbell above the hips further intensifies the exercise.
9. Donkey Kicks: Powerful kicks for the gluteus minimus

Donkey kicks are an excellent exercise to specifically isolate and train the gluteus minimus.
The correct execution:
Start on all fours and take a firm stance.
Tense your abdominal muscles to stabilize your pelvis and avoid a hollow back.
Then lift one leg, keep the knee at a 90 degree angle and kick the sole of your foot towards the ceiling. Unlike the simple leg lift, here you want an explosive upward movement. Make sure that the leg is lifted by the strength of the gluteus maximus, not by momentum.
3 sets of 15 reps per side.
To increase intensity, resistance can be increased by placing a small weight behind the knee.
10. Fire Hydrant Kicks: Side leg raises for a round butt
The Fire Hydrants (also known as Dirty Dog) are an excellent exercise for training the outside of the buttocks and the abductors, which create a round, beautiful butt.

How it works:
Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your pelvis.
Now lift one leg to the side so that it is parallel to the floor while keeping the knee at a 90-degree angle.
Open the leg as wide as possible without twisting the hips or losing balance.
Hold the position for a few seconds and then lower the leg back to the starting position.
3 sets of 12-15 reps per side.
The Fire Hydrants can be done with resistance bands around the knees to work the muscles even more and progress faster.
Are you having a hard time sticking with it? Here are the best motivational sayings:
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The best motivational sayings for sports
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When you feel like giving up, remember why you started.
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Your body can do anything. It's your mind you have to convince!
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Train because you love your body, not because you hate it.
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If you don't feel like starting over again - then never give up!
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which form of training suits you best. Don't let others put pressure on you. In principle, however, the following applies: an active lifestyle with a balanced diet and lots of exercise is still the best way to stay fit over the long term and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.