Guido Maria Kretschmer lovingly calls her "bacon rats". The little rolls that most of us flash out under the bra. Back bacon is quite normal, but many still a thorn in the side. No wonder that women on the net in particular are looking for targeted exercises against back bacon.
Your wish is to me: I have put together my five favorite back exercises for you. My partner, who is conveniently a fitness trainer, helped me and regularly gives me tips on how to train quickly and effectively.
Between job and mamada, I lack one thing: time for sport. Read here with which fast exercises I specifically strengthen my back. So I not only train my muscles, but also bend back and backbefore.
5 effective exercises against back fat
My tip in advance: Let a series run during training or hear an audio book. So you practically do sports "by the way" and the whole thing is less strenuous.
Important: Pay attention to a correct execution. The best way to do the exercises in front of a mirror. Then you can check your attitude. A straight back is the be -all and end -all during these exercises.
1. Back exercise: Superwoman
Place flat on the stomach, arms lie in the right angle next to the body.And tense the buttocks and lift the chest and feet from the ground at the same time. Hold 30 seconds, inhale and exhale. Then put it briefly, inhale and exhale and raise them again. Repeat a total of three times.
Professional variant:The arms are not bent, but straight forward. View to the floor. Lift the chest and feet from the floor and move legs and arms up and down like scissors. Don't forget to breathe. Briefly take off after 30 seconds, inhale and exhale. Repeat a total of three times.

2. Back exercise: stand scales
This exercise not only tightens the deep fuselage or back muscles, but also trains the balance. To do this, place upright and shift the weight to the right leg. Extake the left leg straight back and at the same time lead the upper body and the outstretched arms forward.

Ideally, the arms, back and left leg are on a line. Tense the stomach and buttocks and hold for 15 seconds. Inhale and exhale deep into the stomach. Guide the leg and arms to the middle, set up briefly and go back into the stand scales. Repeat a total of three times, then change leg.
Reading tip:
3. Back exercise: Superman Plank
Dienot only trains the back, but also belly and buttocks. Go on a training mat (Here at Amazon*) In the four -footed stand. The hands are under their shoulders, their knees under the hip.
Now slowly stretch out the right arm and the left leg so that arm, back and leg form a straight line.
Pull the navel inwards and tighten the buttocks. Keep this position for 15 seconds and take a deep breath. Then repeat back to the four -footed stand and practice on the other side. A total of 5 repetitions per page.

Professional variant:Arm and leg stretch out when inhaling. Then bring back to the body with the exhaling leg and arm and stretch again with the inhalation. Repeat exercise for 30 seconds. Then change the page.
Also read:
4. Back exercise: one-armed rowing
With a single-armed rowing, you not only strengthen your back, but also your arm muscles. This exercise not only reduces the back bacon, but also makes it disappear. In the gym you can have a flat bench and two 2-kilo dumbbells (there is here at Amazon*) Use for this - the couch does at home.
Place the right knee on the end of the bank and support it with the right hand. The left leg stands firmly on the floor. Make sure you have a straight back. You shouldn't fall into a hump or a hollow cross.
Now take the dumbbell or water bottle in the left hand and pull your arm back until the arm forms a right angle. The elbows and shoulders are at the same height. Guide the hand down and up again.
Beginner:3 x 15 per side, change to 15 page
Advanced:3 x 15 per side, only then change page

5. Back exercise: Plank
The, also called a forearm support, the secret weapon is for a tight, defined body. To do this, go into the push -up position and put the forearms on the floor so that the elbows are under their shoulders. Then press up on the top of the foot.
Very important:Pull the navel inside and tighten the butt firmly. This ensures stability and prevents the back from falling into the hollow back. Check your posture - the buttocks and shoulders should be on a line. Inhale and exhale calmly and keep.
Beginner:3 x 30 seconds, briefly put in between
Advanced:3 x 1 minute, briefly put in between

Done on your back in a targeted manner - is that even possible?
The back exercises not only strengthen the muscles and burn calories-they also prevent back pain.
But it is important to know that individual exercises carried out a few times are not enough to get rid of the back bacon. It only disappears if we reduce our body fat percentage overall - that is, lose weight overall.
If you want to get rid of weight and with it also fat-hand stars, you should train regularly (preferably two to three times a week) and also pay attention to a healthy diet.
Instead of long sessions on the cross trainer, you should better focus on short but intensive strength training. This is effective for women. 15 to 20 minutes are enough to see success.
Keep back bacon: This is how the back looks slimmer
It can take a few weeks before the training shows visible success. In the meantime, you can optically conceal the back bacon with a few tricks.
The most important thing: the bra must fit. If you wear one bra too tight, i.e. with too little underbust width, the back cuts into it unsightly and the back bacon emerges even more. If the bra has the right distance, the figure looks slimmer overall.
Reading tip:
If you want your back bacon to be concealed, you should also use loose -cut tops or clothes from flowing fabrics. They play around the back particularly well.
On the other hand, you should better keep your hands off skin -tight tops made of elastic fabrics if you want to optically cheat the rolls.
Find the perfect exercise for your body shape
© Istock
The best fitness exercises for your figure type
© Sports, Christina Mannherz
Fitness exercises for figure type apple, pear, pillar, hourglass
Now find out which figure you are.Type apple(Blue figure): Apple women have a soft, female and rounded shape, in which body fat can mostly accumulate in the area of the breast, abdominal, arms and the upper back. Women of this figure often have very nice legs and a small, firm and tight buttock.Type pear(Green figure): Compared to the apple type, the pear woman tends to use her fat predominantly in the area of hips, buttocks, thighs and the lower abdominal region. For this she has a solid upper body with delicate arms and hands as well as a flattering, long and narrow waist.Pillar(Red figure): Women with a classic column figure often have a very slim body. The figure is defined overall and muscular. This figure type, with a little body fat content, has a similar extent dimensions in the areas of hips, waist and chest. As a result, soft and round shapes can hardly be found in this just grown figure type. Column women have an enviable flat stomach and a beautiful, long back zone.Type hourglass(Yellow figure): hourglass women have a body with very female shapes. Your body fat is evenly distributed between the upper body, stomach, bottom and leg. They often have medium to large breasts and a full, well -shaped hip. The waist sits high, is slim and identifies the curves that make up this figure type.
The idea for this special figure-type workout comes from the Cologne fitness trainer Bernhard Koch (
© Istock
There is the right training for every figure!
© Sports, Christina Mannherz
Fitness exercises for the apple: small circles
Training arms and shoulders, boosts fat burning
Goes dynamically on the spot. Lift the arms up to the shoulder height and stretch it on the side of the body. Now you draw small, tennis ball -sized circles forward with your poor. The shoulder remains deep despite the arm stretching.
2 x 1 Minute.
Note at the end:A active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight.
Important note at the end:Your body is as individual as your character. You have to find out for yourself which diet and which training form suits you best. Don't let others put you under pressure. Basically, however, the following applies: a active lifestyle with a balanced diet and a lot of movement is still the best way to stay fit permanently and to achieve or maintain a healthy weight. If it is difficult for you to achieve your ideal weight or if you suffer from health consequences of your overweight or below, please let yourself be supported by your doctor or nutritionist.