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First in the video: This is how you use a Theraband correctly during training
Do you want to take your home training to the next level? In this article you will learn how you can train more effectively with a Theraband. Discover exciting Theraband exercises that you should definitely try.
The Theraband is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to optimize their training at home or on the go. This versatile latex fitness band, often referred to as a Theraband, is available as a closed ring or as a simple band. Most exercise bands are offered on rolls so that the length can be individually adjusted.
The Theraband was originally used in physiotherapy to strengthen muscles. However, a few years ago it became a trend as a way to do light strength training. The inconspicuous resistance band is now experiencing a renaissance in our living rooms.
Book tip:You can find an overview of various exercises with the Theraband in the book 'Theraband: The 8-Minute Workout' by Thorsten Tschirner, including a DVD.Order now from Amazon*.
Theraband exercises: You should always keep this in mind
Before you start your Theraband training, it's best to warm up with a few jumping jacks or a few minutes of dancing. After that, the following things need to be taken into account:
- Always check your Theraband for damage before your workout. The elastic bands are very robust, but can be damaged by sharp objects or fingernails. If the band tears under tension, you can suffer painful injuries.
- Always breathe evenly during all Theraband exercises. If you find an exercise with the Theraband difficult, you should under no circumstances resort to forced breathing. Reduce the repetitions or resistance of the exercise band.
- For the best training effect, always keep the resistance band taut. To increase efficiency, you can hold the position with the most resistance for two breaths.
- If you want to attach your Theraband to a door for an exercise, for example, make sure that the door does not open and that the attachment is really secure so that nothing is thrown at you.
Reading tips:
Theraband exercise for the arms
The Theraband is an ingenious tool for training your arms. With the right exercises it means: goodbye wavy arms, hello defined upper arms. And that's how it works!
- Do a slight lunge.
- Stand with your front leg in the middle of the Theraband.
- Your arms hang loosely in front of your body. Hold the ends of the band firmly with one hand each. The band should also be slightly taut in the starting position.
- Bend your arms and bring your hands up in front of your body slowly and without momentum.
- Hold tension in your upper arms for a moment.
- Guide your hands downwards in a controlled manner. Keep your arms slightly bent.
- Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times, then change the position of your leg.

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Theraband exercise for shoulders and back
Anyone who sits at a desk a lot often has to struggle with tension in the neck and shoulder area. With the right Theraband exercises for the back, these hardenings can be solved. Here's how:
- Stand in a slight lunge position.
- Stand with your front leg in the middle of the Theraband.
- Bend forward slightly with your upper body straight. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
- Hold the ends of the band firmly with one hand each.
- Bend your arms at right angles. Your elbows are at the level of your chest. The band should already be under tension in this starting position.
- Now pull your upper arms back and up (see photo below), your elbows are now slightly behind your body.
- Be careful not to hunch your shoulders. Hold briefly and return to the starting position.
- Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times, then change the position of your leg.

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Theraband exercise for the buttocks
The bottom can also be effectively trained with Theraband exercises. Here's how:
- Stand upright. Your feet are shoulder-width apart.
- Step into your ring band with both feet or double your Theraband (if necessary) and wrap it around your legs and knot the ends. The Theraband must remain slightly taut in the starting position so that it does not slip down. Position the band over your ankles.
- Tighten your stomach for an upright posture. For better balance, you can also support yourself with one hand on a chair or the wall.
- Now move your right leg slightly diagonally backwards. If you feel your butt muscles, they are activated.
- If possible, hold the leg for a breath and then bring it back to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Be careful, don't put your foot down. For the next repetition, pull your leg diagonally backwards again.

Which Theraband for which fitness level?
The power bands are available in many different colors that indicate the resistance strength. These can vary depending on the manufacturer. Often, lighter colors represent lighter resistance and the darker the color, the stronger the resistance of the rubber band. Exercises with a dark blue Theraband require more muscle strength.
As with training with traditional weights, beginners should start light. Depending on your performance and training progress, the Theraband should be adjusted regularly. If 3 sets of 15 repetitions are very easy for you, then you should purchase a stronger band for your training.
One of the many advantages of the Theraband: It is very cheap. This is very pleasant, especially compared to other training equipment or gym contributions. Another advantage is that the fitness band is so small that it also fits in hand luggage. Supermodels like Lena Gercke, among others, train with the resistance band.
We hope you have fun training with your Theraband!