Determine the ring size: With these tricks the ring is guaranteed

Ring too big or too small? With these methods this never happens againCredit:Getty Images

Order ring online? So you can easily determine your ring size - with a ruler, paper stripes or ring scale!

Shopping a new ring at the jeweler or in a jewelry business is pretty easy: choose, try on, buy. However, if you want to order a ring online, you usually cannot avoid the following question:Which ring size do I actually need?

In contrast to our own shoe or clothing question, we are quite overwhelmed here. Because seriously: Who already knows his ring size?!

The same problem also exists if, for example, you want to surprise your partner, the best friend or mother with a ring. Not to mention the engagement ring.

We found it for you how you can easily determine the stranger or your own ring size. This is not difficult and everything you need for it is usually already there.

Method 1: Determine the ring size with a ring

The easiest way to measure your ring size using an existing ring. To do this, you only have to measure the inner diameter of the ring and convert this value at the end. Make sure that the ring you use for measuring is sitting on the same hand and on the same finger on which the new ring should later sit. Because the individual fingers are different.

Incidentally, this measurement method is also best suited to secretly determine a ring size. Keyword: engagement ring.

#1: Determine ring size:Find out the inside diameter with a ruler

Step 1:Take a ring that fits well.

Step 2:Put the ruler (even more precisely with a measuring slide) on the middle of the ring (the zero on the left inside). Now read the number of millimeters to the right inside. Attention: do not measure the edges! This results in the interior diameter.

Step 3:Multiplies the value of the inner diameter by 3.14. This results in the ring circumference that corresponds to the ring size. For example: The inner diameter of your ring is 15 mm, then the ring size 47 (15 x 3.14 = 47.1 mm) results.

Conversion table inner diameter = ring size

Inner diameter ∅ mm(German) ring size

By the way:In some rings there is a place on the inside, on which you can read material and size.

#2: Determine ring size:Determine the inside diameter with a ring stick

Of course, you could also measure the inside diameter of a ring (if available) using a so -called ring stick. To do this, the sample ring only has to be pushed onto the ring stick. The number on which the ring remains corresponds to your ring size.

Good to know:On average, women wear their rings in size 54. Over 80 percent of all women have a ring size between 48 and 56. For men, the ring size is between 57 and 62.

#3: Determine the ring size:Measure the ring size with a ring size template

There are now numerous templates online to measure your own ring size. How does it work? Download the ring size template and print it out. Fold the stencils along the line and cut out semi -circle. Fold back and try through the circles until the appropriate ring size is found.

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Method 2: Measure the ring size based on the circumference of finger

If you don't have a corresponding ring at hand, you can of course measure your ring size without a ring using the scope of finger. The easiest way to do this is with the help of a tape that is laid around the support finger.

If you do not have a measure, there are these options for you:

#1: Determine ring size:Determine ring size with a paper strip

To determine your ring size with a paper strip, you need a pen, a strip of paper and a ruler.

Step 1:Cut out a 10 cm long and 0.5 cm wide strip from a sheet of paper.

Step 2:Now wrap the paper strip around your finger. It should be turned lightly, i.e. neither too loose, nor too tight and also fit over the finger ankle, since the middle of the finger is often thicker than the ring root.

Step 3:Marked with a pen the place where the paper strip meets again.

Step 4:Place the paper strip lengthways on a ruler and read the number in millimeters at the mark. The result in millimeters corresponds to the scope and thus the ring size.

Tipp:Instead of a paper strip, you can simply take a thread or a cord. Simply process as with the paper strip variant and wrap the thread or cord around your finger on which the ring should later sit on. Cut off where the thread ends meet. Then measure with a ruler.

#2: Determine ring size:Calculate the ring size with the ring scale

You can also determine the ring size directly on the finger with a so -called ring scale. Pull the ring scale over the finger, adjust it so that it sits comfortably and then read the size of the inner diameter in the viewing window.

You can shop for a ring scale here at Amazon*

You should pay attention to this when determining the ring size:

1.Fingers on the left and right hand are different thick. Before measuring, it should be clear at what finger and on which hand the new ring should be worn. Engagement rings are z. B. worn on the ring finger of the left hand.

2.The size of the fingers fluctuates depending on the weather and time of day: the fingers are thinner in the morning than in the evening and thinner at cold temperatures than with warm. To determine the correct ring size, you should measure several times at different times of the day. You can then determine the mean value from this.
Basically, it is recommended to calculate the ring size in the evening and on warmer days so that the ring does not sit too tight.

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3.Your value is exactly between two ring sizes? Then it depends on how wide the selected ring is. With wide, opulent rings, you should choose the number larger, but the number smaller for narrow, filigree wrestles.

4.If you are still unsure, you can also have your ring size calculated near the jeweler nearby. In most cases, this is even free of charge.
