Deep Clean: Most of them are forgotten these things in spring cleaning

Some objects at home are real germination. Read here which 12 things you shouldn't forget at the spring plaster this year.

Spring cleaning is "Deep Clean" time! The term means a particularly thorough “deep cleaning” of the apartment, in which not only visible areas, but also difficult to reach corners or inconspicuous things are cleaned.

Because: With the normal cleaning routine, most of us forget very specific objects and put in the apartment. And over time they become real germ traps in which all kinds of bacteria are hiding. Urgh!

Time to swing the cleaning rag: Here there are 12 things in the apartment that you should clean, change or replace it completely!

#1 smartphone and keyboard

They are in use every day: our smartphone and the computer keyboard. Over time, a lot of dirt can accumulate here! On the way to the office alone, we capture countless objects-be it the door of the subway, the mug of the breakfast coffee or the elevator button.

All of this is transmitted from our hands to the keyboard and smartphone. Therefore, swipe your devices regularly with a damp cloth and cleaning agent. So your bacteria give no chance. Please note: Switch off the devices first.

#2 Remote control

Another electronic device that is very rarely cleaned is the remote control. Here we like to use our hands that have just reached into the chip pack to change the canal. But also any other bacteria that we carry on our hands can be transferred to the remote control.

According to some studies, remote controls should even be dirty than toilet seats! Therefore: clean regularly - even if the buttons make the process a little more complicated. A damp rag helps with the rough dirt, cotton swabs dotted in cleaning water are well suited for cleaning the gaps.

#3 tea towels and rags

Our tea towels and rinsing plants are true germ slinging. Bacteria love moist environments. In the frequently used kitchen flaps, which often do not dry out completely because they are used so often, they feel particularly comfortable.

So that the bacteria cannot multiply undisturbed, you should change your kitchen towels every three days and hang in an airy, warm place in between so that they can dry quickly. Also wash the textiles separately from the other laundry and at 60 degrees.

#4 cutting boards

Most people are aware that cutting boards should be well cleaned, especially if you have prepared raw meat or fish. The fine channels on the boards resulting from cutting are the ideal places for germs and bacteria. After use, you should therefore carefully wash your boards and let them dry well.

By the way: Some wooden boards are less susceptible to bacteria than plastic boards. On the one hand, wood can swell and so fill up the smaller grooves in the board, on the other hand, some types of wood even have antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria.

#5 shower curtain

We have already seen it before: the unsightly spots that form on the edge of some shower curtains. This is because the lower part of the curtain often hangs in the water. The undesirable discoloration and even mold form.

So clean your curtain every few weeks. There are different ways, yoursand prevent future mold problems. So your shower looks good and is hygienically pure.

# 6 toothput protection bowls

You regularly clean shower, sink and toilet. But do you also think of your tooth cleaning mug? In the damp surroundings of the bathroom, bacteria frolic - and the tooth cleaning mug often stays damp longer than other surfaces.

Here both bacteria from the mouth and from the toilet collect. Because if you rinsed with an open toilet lid, the bacteria get out of the toilet bowl in the air and settle in other places in the bathroom. Quite gross! Therefore: clean regularly.

#7 BHs

Hand on heart: We don't wash our bras as often as we could. They dry slowly and are often very sensitive to the laundry. Even if it is annoying: you should clean it regularly. Because here, too, bacteria and unpleasant smells like to collect.

Depending on how much you sweat, it is best to change your bras every three to seven days. You can wash your bustiers by hand wash or well packaged in a laundry bag in the washing machine.

Reading tip:

#8 bed linen

How often do you change your bed linen? There is no general rule when you should get new sheets and bed covers out of the closet. In summer you tend to wash the bed linen more often than in winter - because you sweat more in warm temperatures.

A good rule of thumb is to change the bed linen every two weeks. If you sweat a lot, gladly after a week. Washt sheet, pillow and duvet covers at 40 degrees. That is enough to remove the bacteria.

A little tip:You should also change your pajamas regularly. After about two to four uses, he can land in the laundry basket.

But what could be nicer than falling asleep with fresh pajamas and new bed linen? Washing is really worth it!

#9 headphones

Have you ever looked at your headphones? In-ear headphones in particular often have small remains of ear wax or other dirt. To prevent bacteria and germs, you should regularly clean your headphones with a damp cloth.

Stubborn or difficult -to -reach areas can be carefully cleaned with cotton swabs. It is even easier if you can take off the small rubber attachments.

By blowing or cold hair dryer, you also easily remove contaminants from the grid of your headphones. Alternatively, you can also use a soft brush.

Tipp:If the dirt on the grille is particularly persistent, an adhesive strip helps. You gently press it on the grid and then pull it off again. The dirt sticks on the adhesive surface.

#10 handbags

Our daily companion, the handbag, should also be cleaned regularly. A variety of bacteria can accumulate inside the bags. It is best to clean up your bag once a week and shake them out. After that, depending on the material, you can still wipe out the inside of the handbag with a damp rag.

The bacteria and germs not only hide in the subjects of your bag. The outside can also be contaminated, for example because you put your bag on the floor. So: Don't forget to wipe off the outside of the bag!

More reading material: Searching! Tips for more order in your handbag

#11 make-up brushes and sponges

If you use make-up every day, you can quickly notice it: the brushes and sponges look a little grubby after a short time. In addition to the more striking make-up residues, invisible skin scales and bacteria also collect here, which can lead to unpleasant skin irritation.

It would be best if you clean your beauty products every day after use. But if you don't get there every day, you can clean brush and sponges with mild shampoo once a month.

Grabs at theBetter not too detergent! Strong cleaning agents damage the brush hair.

#12 door handles and light switches

We have already learned that at school: door handles and light switches are true bacterial herds. Especially in the cold period, many people only press handles and switches with their elbows or through the jacket sleeves.

Even if you regularly wash your hands, you transfer bacteria from your hands to clinic and switch - and vice versa. For this reason, clean them regularly with a rag or all -purpose cleaner. A disinfectant also helps to combat the germs.

Now you know which everyday objects should urgently be cleaned regularly. So bacteria and germs have no chance!