Cleaning a high-gloss kitchen: A simple home remedy will make it shine

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Has your high-gloss kitchen lost its shine? Read here which simple home remedies you can use to make them shine again.

I have been the proud owner of a white high-gloss kitchen for a few months now. So at least it wants to be a high-gloss kitchen. Unfortunately, the shiny fronts are under constant attack from chocolate-covered little hands.

But even if there are no small children running through the kitchen: fingerprints, grease and dust quickly affect the shiny surfaces.

The good news: You don't need expensive special cleaners to make your high-gloss fronts shine again. A simple home remedy is enough to clean the high-gloss kitchen. And you probably already have it at home.

Home remedies are better than special cleaners

I'm talking about vinegar water. Before you roll your eyes and think this isn't anything new, there are good reasons why a mixture of vinegar and water is the perfect cleaning agent for shiny kitchen fronts.

Many conventional cleaning agents are too aggressive for sensitive, high-gloss surfaces. They can attack the shiny coating, leave scratches or make the surface look dull.

Abrasives and coarse sponges are also an absolute no-go. Instead, you need a gentle but effective remedy - and this is where our home remedy comes into play.

The miracle cure: vinegar water

White household vinegar or white wine vinegar is suitable for cleaning high-gloss fronts. The vinegars do not leave a colored haze and are mild enough not to damage sensitive surfaces. At the same time they dissolve grease and dirt.

Vinegar essence, on the other hand, is very concentrated and should only be used very diluted so as not to cause damage to the paint.

How to clean your high-gloss kitchen with vinegar:

  1. Mixing ratio:Mix one part white vinegar or white wine vinegar with two parts lukewarm water. The ratio can be adjusted slightly as needed, but this mixture is usually sufficient.
  2. Soft cloth:Use a soft microfiber cloth or a lint-free cotton cloth. Be careful not to use rough sponges or brushes.
  3. Wiping technique:Dip the cloth into the vinegar-water mixture and wring it well so that it is only slightly damp. Then wipe the high-gloss fronts in long, even movements. Avoid circular motions to prevent streaks.
  4. Wipe down:Then dry the surfaces with a second, dry microfiber cloth to remove excess moisture and polish the fronts to a high shine.

Extra tip:If you have stubborn grease stains that cannot be removed with a simple vinegar solution, you can add a drop of mild dish soap.

Also read: Insane effect: Surprising home remedy makes the sink shine again

What helps against the smell of vinegar?

Personally, I'm a big fan of vinegar as a cleaner. If it weren't for the acrid smell. Luckily, there are practical home remedies that can help here too. They act as natural odor neutralizers.

To get rid of the smell of vinegar, you can, for example, add citrus peels to the vinegar-water mixture. The essential oils from the peels neutralize the smell of vinegar and leave a fresh lemon scent. For me the epitome of cleanliness.

Bad smells can also be neutralized with coffee. Simply fill a small bowl with coffee beans, or even better, freshly ground coffee, and place it on the worktop. By the way, this trick also works great against nasty smells in the fridge.

With these tips you can quickly and easily get rid of the smell of vinegar and your high-gloss kitchen will not only stay sparkling clean, but also smell fresh and pleasant. For more practical tips and household tricks, check out gofeminin regularly!