Cat ownership: 6 mistakes that make your cat sick

Cats cheer us up when we're feeling down and help us relax with a cuddle on the couch in the evening. For most people, house cats are beloved family members - and of course we want them to do well with us.

In order for this to be successful and for our cats to stay fit and healthy for a long time, they need the right care. We have put together the 6 most common mistakes when keeping cats that you should definitely avoid.

Mistake 1: Feeding your cat incorrectly

One of the most important aspects of keeping your cat healthy for a long time is nutrition. Just as eating fast food every day is anything but good for our health, eating the wrong food is also unhealthy for your cat.

High-quality wet food is suitable as the main diet for most cats; dry food should largely be avoided. You can find out more about proper cat nutrition. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian for food recommendations. She or he can then also take any intolerances your cat may have into account.

Omega 3 and 6 are also said to contribute to cat health and also ensure beautiful, supple fur.You can get salmon oil on Amazon here*, which you can simply add a few drops to your food.

Also make sure that you don't feed your cat too much, because being overweight is also unhealthy for cats. Also important: Provide your cat with enough fresh water every day.

Although cats naturally drink very little, you should still offer your cat at least 50 ml of water every day. A drinking fountain (is available here on Amazon*) can also encourage your cat to drink.

Mistake 2: Spending too little time with the cat

Sufficient exercise and activity is essential for a happy cat life. This is particularly important for indoor cats, because constant boredom and lack of challenge can lead to thembecomes.

Daily play sessions and employment opportunities should therefore definitely be provided. But outdoor animals are also happy when you spend time with them.

Offer your four-legged friends variety in their everyday lives: let them chase the toy fishing rod around the house and next time maybe give them an intelligence toy so that they have to use their brains a little more. In this article you will find tried and tested ideas on how to make yourscan.

Mistake 3: Neglecting care

Regular personal care for your cat plays an important role in ensuring that it stays healthy in the long term. Even though cats take good care of their own fur, long-haired cats in particular should be supported and combed regularly.

Cats with short fur should also be brushed while they are shedding their fur. Outdoor animals should also be checked regularly for parasites.

It is also important to look into the cat's mouth, because bad teeth have a negative impact on your cat's health. So try to check your cat's teeth regularly. Fresh meat such as hearts or turkey necks will help your cat's teeth stay healthy and clean for longer.

Veterinarians also recommend practicing brushing your teeth from kitten age onwards. Unfortunately, because it sounds very crazy at first, this advice is rarely heeded.

However, with a little getting used to and using a special toothbrush and toothpaste that is suitable for cats (never use products designed for humans!), you can really help your cat keep its teeth healthy and prevent plaque from forming.

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Mistake 4: Losing sight of physical health

A trip to the vet costs money, but you shouldn't save money here. Have your cat vaccinated regularly and ideally have it checked once a year. This way you avoid your cat getting sick unnoticed, because then it will be really expensive anyway.

Cats are good at covering up when they are not feeling well or are missing something. Therefore, always take it seriously if your cat behaves differently than usual.

Diseases often become apparent in the early stages through symptoms such as changes in fur or behavior, diarrhea, urination in the home or reduced food intake.

Mistake 5: Keeping cat alone

It is often discussed whether cats like to live in company or are more solitary creatures. There are some exceptions (e.g. very old, sick cats), but as a rule indoor cats in particular should not be kept alone.

Because they become bored and lonely too quickly. Even if we spend a lot of time with our cat and play with it, we can never replace a fellow cat.

If you have decided to bring a second cat home, you should definitely take your time making the selection. The character and age of the two cats should be similar so that they get along well with each other in everyday life.

If you're lucky, your cats will become best friends: they play together, groom each other and keep each other company when you go to work during the day.

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Mistake 6: Underestimating dangers in the home

A large scratching post for climbing and sharpening claws should be part of the basic equipment of every cat household. Most cat owners also think about places to retreat and comfortable places to sleep. But make sure that there are no potential sources of danger in your apartment.

For example, many house plants are poisonous and your cats can get bruised from tilted windows. You should also put away any cables lying around if possible.