Houseplants are a must-have for many people. They are placed in all corners of the apartment - only in the bathroom are plants often forgotten. Houseplants in the bathroom can not only beautify the room, but also contribute to a better indoor climate. They can even reduce the likelihood of mold because they remove moisture from the air.
Some help, especially in bathrooms without windowsHouseplantshelps to absorb excess humidity and thus prevent the growth of mold. We have put together 9 plants for the bathroom that are easy to care for and hardly need any light.
1. The Tillands
Tillandsia is the perfect houseplant for the bathroom. A Tillandsia is the right choice, especially if you don't want to spend a lot of time watering and caring for it. The plant absorbs water through the scales on its leaves and therefore does not need to be watered at all.

Soil is basically unnecessary and you can simply hang it on a string or place it on a natural sponge. But be careful: If the tips of the leaves turn brown or the leaves thin out, the humidity in the bathroom is not high enough. Then you should spray the plant with water every now and then.
Tip: If you have a shower with a window, you can hang the tillandsia directly in the shower. This has the advantage that the plant absorbs excess moisture from the air and thus contributes to a better indoor climate.
Here you can order wonderfully beautiful plants for the bathroom from H&M Home*
2. Sword fern
Sword fern thrives best in indirect daylight, which is what most bathrooms have. Fern is also an exotic plant and therefore loves a humid climate and warm temperatures. This makes sword fern, but also other species such as the nest fern, the perfect bathroom plant.

Care tip: The bushier the fern fronds are, the more humidity the plant needs. It's best to look around the garden center and choose a plant that suits the conditions in your bathroom.
Reading tip:
3. Cobbler palm
The cobbler palm prefers a shady location. If your bathroom doesn't get much light or has no window at all, you don't have to go without a houseplant.

The cobbler palm also grows in the shade in nature (if there is too much sun, its leaves even burn) and therefore needs very little water. It is the ideal plant for beginners because it is extremely easy to care for and thrives in both warm and cold locations.
4. Aloe Vera
In many households you can see an aloe vera plant in the bathroom. And not without reason: it is considered particularly easy to care for because it hardly needs to be watered. In addition, it feels comfortable in both a bright and partially shaded place. Your bathroom should have some daylight, but then aloe vera is a very frugal bathroom plant.
But it's not just the easy care that is a big advantage of aloe vera. Since it is originally native to the nutrient-poor desert, it produces the nutrients it needs itself. It stores these together with water in its thick, fleshy leaves - and it is precisely these leaves that we can use for our personal care.

The gel from the leaves relieves itching, helps wounds heal, moisturizes, provides valuable antioxidants that slow down skin aging, and can even stimulate digestion. Putting aloe vera in the bathroom is also really practical, because you can, for example, simply cut off a leaf and use it fresh for your evening skin care routine.
Care tip: When aloe vera dies, it is usually because it has been watered too much. So be careful: Depending on how much humidity collects in your bathroom, that alone may be enough to cover the plant's water needs.
You can order aloe vera here on Amazon*.
5. Bromelien
If you want to add a bit of color to your bathroom, you will love the Bromelia! She has an unusual, colorful look and loves the humid climate and the warm temperatures in the bathroom. The tropical plant feels most comfortable in a bright location without direct light.
Since bromeliads can easily cover their water needs through the humidity in the bathroom, you should water them as little as possible and avoid waterlogging.

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6. Dieffenbachia
The Dieffenbachia is a beautiful but quite demanding tropical plant - unless you put it in the bathroom: when placed in partial shade, the only thing it needs to thrive is high humidity. So ideal conditions for the bathroom!
You should keep the soil dry as the plant is susceptible to root rot. You don't have to water a lot if the room is humid anyway.
Care tip: If the plant loses its pattern, this means that it is not getting enough light. Then you should look for a new, brighter location for them.

7. Monsterra
The Monstera also loves high humidity. Monsteras are also quite undemanding and can easily forgive a watering mistake. If possible, place your Monstera in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Regular watering is important, but you should avoid waterlogging. As a bathroom plant, it covers most of its water needs through the air.
8. Effect
The ivy is a climbing artist and can create a real jungle feeling in the bathroom. High humidity and partial shade offer it optimal conditions, so it should have a place in every bathroom.

Reading tip:
9. Single sheet
The single leaf is known for its elegant, white flowers. The plant is said to have air-purifying properties and feels particularly comfortable in moderate light and moist air.
Care Tip: When the leaves start to droop, it's a sign that it's time to water. However, if the humidity in the bathroom is high, this should hardly happen.

Are you interested in gardening? Then take a look at our new websiteLandIDEE.deover. Our expert editorial team shares their personal tips and tricks and important plant knowledge to make your garden even more beautiful and your thumb even greener!