Bad air in the bedroom has a huge impact on the quality of sleep. It can cause us to wake up in the morning with a headache or feel exhausted. If you want to start the day fresh and refreshed in the morning, you should not only get a good mattress, but also a few plants for your bedroom.
Some plants are better suited to this than others. Because while some species bind pollutants and CO2 andprovide us with fresh oxygen overnight, there are also plants that release CO2 themselves and therefore have the opposite effect.
That's why we have the bestput together for the bedroom. The following plants filter the indoor air, bind pollutants and thus ensure a healthy indoor climate overnight.
First of all: How do plants improve sleep quality?
Furniture, colors andcan release various pollutants (such as the carcinogenic formaldehyde) into the air. These pollutants can cause not only unpleasant odors, but also health problems such as respiratory irritation, headaches andcause.
Houseplants filter the air and can therefore absorb pollutants. By releasing clean air back into the room, they improve the climate in the bedroom, which contributes to better quality sleep.
Optimum humidity also plays a role in good sleep. Houseplants can make a real difference, especially in the winter months when heaters ensure dry air.
Because they release water into the air through their leaves and thus regulate the humidity. A balanced air humidity protects the respiratory tract and makes the air more pleasant to breathe. The result: you sleep better.
Reading tip:
#1 Plants for the Bedroom: Aloe Vera
Dieis one of the best plants to have in the house anyway. Because it can heal skin injuries, relieve itching and moisturize dry skin. Aloe is therefore ideal for care.
When placed in the bedroom, aloe vera filters the air in the room and releases oxygen even at night. It also requires little water and is otherwise quite easy to care for.
Care tip:The Aloe Vera (buy here on Amazon*) prefers a location with lots of light, preferably direct sun.

#2 Plants for the Bedroom: Arched Hemp
The bow hemp (also called stepmother's tongue) absorbs CO₂ at night and releases oxygen - perfect for cleaning the air in the bedroom. Even thoseNASArecommends bow hemp as an air-purifying plant, as it also frees the air from common household toxins.
However, the houseplant also has another unbeatable advantage: bow hemp is extremely robust. You only need to water them rarely because the leaves store water. So it's not only ideal for the bedroom, but also for anyone with a not-so-green thumb.
Shopping-Tipp:Here you canBuy bow hemp cheaply on Amazon*.

#3 Plants for the Bedroom: Ivy
When it comes to air purification, it's hard to beat ivy. The reason: its leaves absorb the pollutant formaldehyde from the room air.
In addition, ivy requires little light and will grow and thrive regardless of whether you put in the effort or not. So if you're looking for an easy-care oxygen producer, you've come to the right place with ivy.
But be careful: the leaves of ivy are poisonous. So you should not place the plant within the reach of children or pets.
Reading tip:

#4 Plants for the Bedroom: Single Leaf
The leaf also filters harmful gases from the air. Another advantage: the single sheet increases the humidity in the room. This can help against dry mucous membranes in the eyes and nose and contribute to a generally improved indoor climate. This not only promotes healthy sleep, but can even protect against allergies.
Care tip:single sheet (Shop here on Amazon*) feels most comfortable in a location with partial shade. The plant cannot tolerate direct sun at all, otherwise the leaves will turn brown.

#5 Plants for the bedroom: spider plant
The spider plant is a propagative and easy-care houseplant. It also keeps our air not only rich in oxygen, but also free of pollutants.
When investigating theNASAIt has been proven that it can filter out up to 90 percent of the toxins found in many household products from the air.
Reading tip:

#6 Plants for the Bedroom: Jasmine
Some people love the scent of jasmine, others find it too dominant. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves. But what is an unbeatable argument: the scent of jasmine promotes a restful sleep. The scent is even said to be able to calm our minds.
So if you can't fall asleep at night because your head is suddenly full of absurd thoughts, why not put a jasmine plant in your bedroom.

Reading tip:
#7 Plants for the bedroom: Ivy plant
Similar to ivy, the ivy is also very easy to care for. If it's neglected a bit, it doesn't bother her at all - she still cleans the air diligently and releases oxygen into the bedroom at night. The ivy is also a great eye-catcher in the room as a hanging plant.
However, the warning also applies here: the leaves arepoisonous.

We hope our tips help you choose the right houseplants for your bedroom. This is an easy way to improve the air in your bedroom and therefore your sleep. For even more topics about plants and other household tips, check back regularlygofemininover!